Again not my character or lyrics just borrowing them. all mistakes are mine and I apologize in advance for any.

"I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon

And he's gotta be larger than life"

Her voice echoed down the hall as the cylons pushed Saul toward his cell; his gaze focused on the ground with his hands bound in front. They had taken him to see the cylon doctor; Cavil was worried he'd die from an infection in his eye socket. They wouldn't have to worry about it if they hadn't ripped out his eye; the bastards.

"Does she ever shut up" a Doral muttered under his breath.

"How about you go shut her up if it bothers you that much?" Cavil suggested. Doral walked ahead of the group and went into the woman's cell. Her singing instantly stopped and a deep painful grunt followed. As Saul got closer to the door he was torn between looking to see if he could catch a glimpse of the woman or if he should keep his gaze on the ground. As he came upon her door he couldn't help but look in. That glimpse into the cell was all it took for something inside of him to snap. Thinking stopped and instinct took over. He snapped his elbow back catching Cavil off guard and unable to defend himself from the blow to the stomach. Cavil doubled over and Saul sent his knee into the cylons face sending him to the ground in pain. Saul rushed into the cell and grabbed Doral by the back of his shirt and whipped him around and into the wall. With the cylon slightly dazed saul was able to push him out the door. He slammed the door shut and rushed over to the unconscious body on the floor. He grabbed her hands and dragged her to the corner of the room. He felt bad when he heard her whimpers and groans of pain; even unconscious she could still feel pain. Saul slipped his bound hands under her arms and cradled her between the wall and his body; the cylons wouldn't be able to pull them apart without a fight. Just as he'd finished the door slammed open and the cylons rushed in. They grabbed at his arms trying to yank them apart but they were wrapped up under her arms. Saul kicked Doral in the knee sending him to the floor in anger and pain. Cavil realized this was useless, the colonel wasn't going to let go; besides they could use this to their advantage somehow.

"Forget it Doral. Lets go" Cavil ordered as he walked out of the cell. Doral sneered at Saul as he limped after the older machine. 'What have I just given them?" Saul wondered to himself.

"Are they gone?" a tiny voice whispered.

"Yea, for now" he muttered back. He rearranged them so she was lying on top of him but out of view of the door. Every movement invoked a moan or grunt from one of them. Finally settled he swiped her hair to the side and looked at her face. Even bruised, battered and dirty she was still beautiful. He noticed tears started to sneak out of her closed eyes, she was trying desperately to hold it all in.

"let it out Laura, holding it in wont help you" he whispered in her ear. She shook her head; fighting a losing fight. Saul started to gently rock her and rested his head on hers and quietly sang to her.

"Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high
there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby

Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true"

Finally she stopped fighting and cried into his chest; he never stopped singing and rocking her. Even after she fell asleep he kept rocking her. After everything she'd done for him giving her this little bit of comfort was the least he could do. He'd make sure she made it off this planet one way or another, even if that meant giving up his life. She was the one person who deserved earth the most. He'd could never look bill in the eye again if she didn't make it back. But he wasn't making this vow for bill he was making this vow to protect this incredibly strong, stubborn, beautiful fragile woman who was his hero. He couldn't deny the existence of gods when he held this goddess in his arms. She gave him hope and now a purpose.

love feedback. need to know what you're all thinking to figure out where to go with this.