I was a Ravenclaw, so no matter how cunning Draco may be I was smarter. I never let my dreamy disposition falter, I didn't let it be known that I was thinking up an excuse.

"Did the nargles wake you?" I asked innocently.I turned back to gazing at Blaise and scoffed at that.

"I'm not going to waste my time explaining to you that nargles are mythical and therefore do not exist.I want to know why you're peeking in on each of the pairs musing to yourself." He insisted. I shrugged a little.

"I just like to watch you all sleep. You are a particularly adorable sleeper." I told him. He watched me skeptically, but finally relented.

"I know something is up, Loony." Regardless of his supposed sixth sense he stalked away, back to his comfortable bed with Hermione. I headed downstairs instead to think over a cup of tea. My bed head was a ratty, blonde mess, but Harry had seen it plenty of times so I wasn't exactly rushing to fix it. It wasn't until Pansy screamed at the sight of me that I decided to fetch my come.

"What's on your head Loony?" She looked about ready to magic it to another dimension.

"It's called hair Pansy. How did you sleep?" She sat beside me, helping herself to a tea bag and a mug of steaming water.

"Well." She sipped daintily on her unsweetened tea. "You?" I took a mouthful of my own tea.

"Pretty well, Harry actually held me all night. I'm sure it made him feel quite the man."

"How is that?"

"Holding a girl all through the night? It's like a male ego boost. Men are very delicate creatures. They need to be needed otherwise they crumble. Scone?" She pursed her lips, but finally declined.

"Too many calories," she decided. I shrugged and took two.

"Can we talk. Off the record?..." She finally asked.

"I had no intention of repeating anything before that. Our conversations are our conversations. They're private interactions." I mumbled through my mouthful of pastry. She exhaled and her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. She snagged a scone from the plate (despite it being 'too many calories' thirty seconds ago.)

"I have a crush on..." She whispered his name like it was a dirty word, "Weasley." I could barely keep my face neutral at the revelation, "He's a stark contrast to Draco I do admit, but he is charming in his own right."

"What does Draco have to do with it?" I asked innocently. She huffed at having to explain her desperate, unrequited love story to me.

"I'm wholly in love with Draco. He's handsome and refined and everything a well brought up boy should be. I love him from the way he walks to the way he sneezes."

"Then why are you bothering with Ron? I get that you're crushing, but if you're in 'love' with him why not him? You're pretty enough and you're perfect on the pure blood side of the expectation tree. You seem like his type."

She fiddled with her scone, ripping the pastry to little pieces. She'd only taken a bite, but one look down at her slender figure and she'd nearly spit it out. So much pressure to be perfect.

"He's intimidating," she said simply, "hell." She muttered, "he scares me. He's never struck me, but his anger gets the best of him so often and I don't know what to do about it. I want him so badly it hurts to breathe without him, but I don't want to spend my life afraid." She stopped tearing her bread. Tears trailed down her porcelain cheeks and tumbled along her jaw. "It isn't fair." She whimpered. I crushed her in my arms, letting her cry for a moment before I wiped her tears and sat beside her.

"Now...about Ron...would you like to know how to catch his attentions?" She shrugged, wiping her jaw. I gave her another scone. "Eat." She pushed it away.

"You're not fat." I told her sternly, "you are underweight and it isn't appealing. You see who he has a crush on." She took a small bite of the scone.

"Granger might be a know it all...but she's gorgeous. I couldn't compare no matter how many of these carb-loaded creations I eat." I tapped my jaw.

"She is gorgeous, but it doesn't mean you aren't beautiful in your own right." Right now she looked like an heir to a wealthy family. Her hair was in a neat bob that brushed her shoulders and despite it being early morning her clothing (a salmon shirt covered in a navy blazer skirt combo) were neatly pressed, a string of pearls adorned her neck, and a pair of polished raven pumps were on her feet. She wasn't ugly, but Ron was a teenage boy from a poor family. She would have to step out of her shell to get his attention.

"Finish your scone. We'll get you properly dressed for the day when you're done." She did as I asked.

"Luna what are you doing making so much noise this early?" Harry asked as I dug through my trunk.

"Go back to sleep, love. Pansy and I are having a little bonding time before the rest of the world awakes." I said instantly. He rubbed his eyes and pushed his face back in the pillow. I returned to my work, throwing pile after pile of clothes into her arms when my arms were full of hair tools and shoes we made our way downstairs. Hermione sat beside me when Pansy had left to put in the first outfit. Her wild hair stuck up in odd ways that defied gravity and her mocha eyes were still sleepy.

"What's up?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, "dressing Pansy up." Her eyes brightened.

"Sounds fun, try this one." She pulled a long sleeve white bodycon from my stores. The top was slightly loose and the skirt stopped mid thigh.

"Throw in a hair lengthening charm and some white pumps," she suggested, "it'd look nice on her." From there she made herself a cup of coffee. Always the outlaw. Pansy came outside in a pair of denim trousers and a deep v'd shirt. The shirt exposed a great deal of her pearly skin while hiding her thin frame.


"I think you look ravishing." I murmured.

"Totally not," Hermione said honestly, "I can see your ribs." Pansy turned a little red, but took the criticism. I nearly choked Hermione.

"Hermione. You know I love you right?" I mumbled, Pansy had gone with the next outfit and was out of ear range. She nodded, sipping her coffee.

"Good. Then you won't be too torn up when I tell you this. Shut up. I'm trying to boost her self esteem. Can't you see that the darned girl is damaged? She doesn't need you pointing out her short comings." Hermione looked properly ashamed.

"If you want her to feel beautiful you have to play her strengths."

"Fine, but no more being brutally honest." I muttered. Pansy returned this time in an off the shoulder sheer top and a pair of boyfriend jeans. She went through a million different combinations of mine and Hermione's clothes. When she reappeared Ronald just so happened to appear in the kitchen. Only one of his eyes was open and sleep was evident on his face, but when she reappeared wearing Hermione's suggestion his other eye popped open. She hadn't noticed him. She was smoothing the permanent wrinkles out of a white high waisted skater skirt. Her top was a form fitting maroon crop top with 3/4 sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Her hair was charmed longer and crimped. She looked up and her eyes met his. For a moment I thought she'd run away, but ever the Slytherin she tossed her hair back and gave him a self satisfied smirk.

"See something you like," he looked about ready to respond, but then his eyes darted to Hermione and his mouth shut. She didn't notice, but Pansy did. She scowled and magicked the clothes into a neat pile.

"I just wanted a males opinion." She said quickly, "but clearly you're too entranced to answer my question." She tilted her nose in the air and stalked up the stairs.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked obliviously. His mouth was full of toast by now.

I shook my head in frustration and followed her up.

Stupid Gryffindors.

AN:/ Review! You know the drill my loves.