A few minutes later and Sora was redressed in a simple cotton t-shirt and pair of shorts, sitting on Roxas' bed making curious noises. Xion was gently combing his spikes with little success and Roxas was fastening a tracker bracelet to his wrist so he could wander around with them and no one would worry if he escaped. A moment later Xion tossed the comb in the air and flopped back on the bed with a sigh of defeat.

"It's like his hair WANTS to be a fluffy mess!"

The mer watched her over his shoulder, only being so quiet because there was an eel in his mouth. Where they found a delicacy like freshwater eel around here he could only imagine but he's not complaining at all, chewing slowly down the creature. The female human seemed upset about whatever she'd been doing to his hair. Not petting, there was too much pulling for that. Mer folk groomed themselves with their claws and the scales on their hands as well as with their own saliva. The flimsy plastic thing she had would break before it tamed a single spike on his head. Curious noises were now mixed with impatience as Sora turned his attention to Roxas' amused gaze.

"Almost done Sora, just finish eating."

A few purring noises were all he got in response, the mer boy was more interested in chewing the delicious food than talking. Once the blond let his wrist go, Sora flopped onto him, nuzzling insistently against the other boy until Roxas sighed and started petting his hair. At this point the blond wasn't sure who was training who anymore.

They stayed like that until Sora was finished eating, at which point he insisted they go look around. Roxas sighed at the mer who shouldn't be so quick and bouncy on legs he just got. Excited chirps rang through the halls while the brunette ran through them, startling some of the members, Roxas apologizing as he dashed past right behind Sora.

Finally the boy pushed open the door to the garden, blue eyes blinking at the sky and the smell of the sea on the breeze he hadn't felt in ages. Slowly stepping out and whimpering in a sad nostalgia. His eyes closed as he stood in the middle of the flower filled courtyard, head tipped back to enjoy the breeze.

The blond stopped in the entrance, his raven haired friend watching him with concern. Sora so clearly missed his home. He belonged in the sea, but the blond cringed at that thought, if Sora went home he'd never see him again.

The mer turned human opened his eyes and turned around to be greeted by Roxas' heartbroken expression. Immediately a concerned keen slipped past his lips and he ran back to his human, hugging him and petting his hair in what he hoped was a comforting manner. He didn't want to talk too much with Xion there.

She didn't seem to be interested in staying as Roxas squeezed the merboy and tried to swallow the guilt of keeping him here. It wasn't like it was his fault but... He'd rather keep Sora close than allow him to return to the sea. Selfish. He was so selfish. Sora hummed worriedly, still running his fingers through Roxas' hair and deeply concerned for his friend. He didn't know why the blond boy was suddenly so sad that even being cuddled wasn't helping. Even if he had the option Sora wouldn't leave. Not now. He couldn't take Roxas with him, the human would drown. And if he left without him the bond they'd already forged by mistake would simply drag him straight back to where Roxas was. To this prison. He needed a little help if he was going to get anywhere.

In a room inside, Axel blinked and looked down at the ravenette tugging on his sleeve.

"Xion? What's the matter? You look like someone ate your ice cream."

"It's.. It's Roxas. That mer boy, aren't they too close?"

Worried blue eyes pierced into him and he sighed and ruffled her hair with a reassuring smile.

"That's kinda what we want Xion. It keeps Roxas safe, and the mermaid here. If they end up linking then Sora won't be able to leave if he wanted too. And Roxas wouldn't be able to stand seeing him go."

The red haired man was relieved to see a pout replace the concerned look on her face, annoyed confusion motivating her to tug harder on his jacket.

"What's that supposed to mean Axel?"

"You've heard the stories right? Of mermaids dying on land and sailors throwing themselves into the sea?"

"Yeah those are the first things you hear about mermaids!"

"Well.. Sora isn't the first Mermaid to be studied. There was a man named Cloud Strife, he met a siren named Leon. He documented everything he experienced and his research ended with him trying to follow his mermaid back into the ocean."

"He let him drown?!"

Axel raised an eyebrow at Xion's mortified expression.

"Were you hoping for a love story Xi?"

"I- well- yes!"

He just sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"The point is the allure works both ways, Sora is just as fascinated by Roxas, as Roxas is by Sora. I can't see Sora doing anything that would get Roxas hurt so don't worry too much about it."

She was pouting again but at least she'd stopped looking so.. afraid. If it was one thing Axel didn't like it was seeing his friends upset. He still had his own worries of course. Something felt like he was missing a piece of the puzzle. Like he couldn't see all the pawns in play. And that was something he really didn't like.

That missing piece was outside, in the ocean, glaring daggers at the building on the small island. He'd followed his little brother's scent, and then the oil smell the boat had left. The trail stopped here. Workers were already taking down the wall, not aware of the murderous intentions of the protective older merman. They're lucky though, he's not stupid. He has to find a way inside, to where Sora is without tipping them off. Swimming away at a pace that would be lazy if not for the tension coiled in his body. A safe distance from this big ugly man grotto he broke the surface, a deep sigh preceding a siren call. Hoping maybe Sora would hear him and answer.

Sora stiffened to hear a voice on the breeze he'd thought he'd never hear again. Roxas couldn't hear it of course, his older brother was singing in a range humans didn't find audible except just barely. Maybe a ringing in their ears would be the only response to it. Slowly letting go of Roxas and sitting on a large rock in the garden, he smiled at the blond who still felt guilty. Lips parting to breathe in, what came out was a deep melody, that rose and fell in pitch and volume. Roxas forgot to breathe for a moment, caught in the music and the feelings woven into it. Contentment, joy, affection, a pang of yearning for home but... Were these Sora's feelings? Then.. He was happy?

Far off in the ocean a listening young siren chuckled, the message hidden in the music all too clear. So Sora had made a link? Well he had some work to do then. You needed to find some very special things if you wanted to take a human home. He'd come back later. Sora was here, safe, and not ready to leave just yet.