A/N: based off sasusaku-fied's ss daily head-canon #25 from her tumblr

The number of times Sakura has said 'I love you' to Sasuke, he would need another pair of hands to count them on, and more. Those three special words that are so meaningful and so powerful, saved his life. He's been starved of love since he was a child so he knows the weight those words carry and he knows for a fact, that Sakura means it every time she says it.

He's noticed for a while, that Sakura carries subtle disappointment on her face whenever he would reply with "me too" to her "I love you." Sasuke wonders why, each time, her face would fall out of its 'I love you' smile and into a sad, fake smile whenever he would respond to her. He knows that Sakura knows that he loves her back, so he doesn't quite understand her reaction. He is well aware that actions speak louder than words, and all he ever given her is actions to show that he loves her. But that is not enough, he concludes as he realizes that is why she felt that way all those times.

It's not that he want to say it back to her, but his past keeps haunting him. The last time he has ever expressed those words aloud to anyone, he lost them. He's lost his family, the only people he's ever loved, and he's afraid if he says it to Sakura, he'll lose her too.

They're sitting on their couch watching a movie, with her feet propped up on his lap. Sasuke can't concentrate on the movie, and he doubts Sakura can either. He's been rehearsing in his mind, over and over, to say those three special words to her, but doubt and fear consumes his mind, infesting his thoughts. He desperately tries to focus his attention on the movie, but it's a lost battle when his attention keeps being diverted back to those three specials words.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

He smirks to himself when he successful chants it in his head without flattering. "Now just to add her name," he tells himself, "and I could finally tell her."

"I love you, Sakura."

He freezes as his eyes widen when he sees, from his peripheral vision, Sakura's head quickly turning towards him.

Sasuke mentally curses himself as he knows he accidently said it aloud. He can feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he caught himself and her off guard with his sudden confession.

"I love you too, Sasuke-kun."

Ever since then, he would randomly confess his love to her. Whether she be folding laundry, cooking dinner or reading a book. He likes the way he catches her off guard with his abrupt confession. He likes the way her cheeks redden as she becomes fluster before replying with "I love you too, Sasuke-kun." He likes the way it feels to come out of his comfort zone just to see the reflection of love in her face. But most of all, he loves the way Sakura's smile doesn't flatter to reflect disappoint, but love.