"An Offer You Can't Refuse"

If there was one thing that Revy had always hated, it was someone that would piss her off. It didn't matter what it was, whether you stole anything she valued or if you lied and bullshitted her in any way, you were lucky if you lived to tell the tale. Now here she was sitting on her couch with Rock while Eda sat in the chair on the other side while Dutch and Benny stood near an archway into her kitchen and the looks on their faces showed that there was something that needed to be said and she was sure she was going to be pissed off by the end of it.

"Alright Eda, spit it out now. I can tell by the look on your face that you aren't here just to try and start shit." Revy sighed leaning forward from her seat.

Eda wanted to say it out right what she needed to say and unfortunately for her, she knew on the flight over here that she couldn't say that the Rip-off Church needed their help getting this guy. As much as Eda said that Revy was an idiot, she knew she would put two and two together and if she didn't, Rock certainly wood. Dutch had already proven that he could read between the lines. Regardless if she had revealed she was CIA or not, Dutch would have questioned it too. So now she was in the position and knew she had no choice.

"Before I say anything else, I need you to know that I did not want to do this and tried to make it so you four wouldn't be involved." Eda started out as she leaned back in the chair.

"Oh fuck, I can already see that this is going to involve us going back to Roanapur. I told you Eda, we're done with that fucking shit. You may find this hard to believe but I'm quite happy living this life, ya know, no gun fights or threat of dying." Revy leaned back and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry to say this Revy, but you don't have a choice in the matter." Eda replied. Revy shot up from the seat and grasping both arms of the chair that Eda was sat in she leaned forward and with venomous eyes stared right at her.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what the fuck I have to do? You are in no position to tell me to do anything you fucking cunt!" Revy shouted, wanting to reach for her guns but thought twice about it.

"Revy, she's not lying. And right now, none of us are in position to say no. She needs to explain everything." Dutch calmly replied. Revy instantly shot her glare to Dutch, confused at his response.

"Are you kidding? What the hell has she told you that makes you of all people say that?" Revy questioned him, her grip on the chair never relenting. She felt her nerves tense when Rock grasped her shoulder and made her look at him.

"Let her explain, if we can't say no then there has to be some explanation for it. I have a feeling we aren't going to like it regardless." Rock offered words of wisdom. Revy felt her eye twitch but he was right in this situation, he usually was. Revy proceed in taking a deep breath as he had taught her which she finally accepted that method of calming oneself down a year ago. She sat back down on the couch and waited for Eda.

'Hopefully he can keep her from killing me.' Eda thought nervously.

"Right, there's a reason that you can't refuse this. It's because this task is government related and they're pretty much saying what I'm saying. You can't refuse because if you do…well, I'll leave the details out of it because you can imagine it." Eda quietly said.

"Government? Why are they getting us involved in their work?" Rock asked her, slightly upset at the thought.

"The guy they're going after is someone that Balalaika may have some connection with and they want you to talk to her because of your past relationship with her." Eda answered her.

"Well before I ask anything else about this guy, how the fuck do you know this shit and why the hell are you in contact with the government?" Revy asked her, feeling her knuckles tighten. Eda swallowed the lump in her throat and breathed slowly.

"Because I'm….CIA." Eda answered calmly and quickly.

The silence that fell could have been shattered with a pin dropped. Rock had a look of shock on his face. How the hell had she kept this secret for so long from them? He had a feeling the CIA wanted her to keep tabs on the workings of Roanapur but damn if he didn't feel somewhat confounded by her deceit, not that he cared that much about it. Revy on the other hand….

"You're fucking CIA? You're a fucking CIA cockroach!?" Revy shouted jumping from her seat and grabbing her pistol and firing off a round. The exchange lasted all of three seconds and when the ringing in their ears subsided, they found a bullet hole in the floor boards just in front of Eda's feet.

"You fucking bitch. So not only are you CIA dragging us into their shit but you lied about this for how many fucking years!?" Revy shouted at her, ready to pull the trigger again.

"Before you get an answer, you may want to think about not putting a bullet in my head. If you do, you won't have any hope of keeping those pricks off your back." Eda warned her, feeling her nerves shake violently.

"So they're pricks now for you? Right, yet you accept their terms here." Revy smiled evilly at her.

"I already told you, I tried to fight to keep you all from being a part of this. I tried to keep you at best only being an information gatherer for us, but they want you to do everything here. I'm sorry Rebecca, but I can't hold off the entire CIA here when they don't want their hands washed of everything. There's only option left and that's kill this bastard they're looking for. Don't forget, I'm a part of this as well so my life is on the fucking line too." Eda finished, waiting for Revy to lowered her pistol and spare her life one more minute. Revy however, wanted nothing more than to shoot Eda right then and there but something kept her from doing so.

'Common sense? No, probably just a waste of a bullet.' Revy thought as she lowered her arm and sat on the couch again.

"When this is over, you are no longer welcome here, got that?" Revy asked her while Rock threw a comforting arm around her.

"Yeah, yeah I get it." Eda answered closing her eyes in relief.

"So then, what do we do?" Revy asked.

"We return to Roanapur and meet with Balalaika about trying to find this guy. From what she told me, he's a former military leader of Russia or rather the Soviet Union so hopefully she'll have some intel on him." Dutch gave her the short version.

"Military leader? Was he dishonorably discharged?" Rock asked him.

"No, he retired with full honors but some reason or another he became part of a drug cartel before taking over various parts of the international drug trade. From what we've gathered, he made transactions with Hotel Moscow but under an assumed name. We found that assumed name which I'll tell you later. The last known location we have of him is in Mexico but the trail went cold. However we got the information that Balalaika may have whereabouts on him. That's where you come in." Eda explained while lighting a cigarette.

"Did I say you could fucking smoke in my house bitch?" Revy asked her, still obviously upset.

"I've never heard you say any…" Eda tried to say.

"When you piss me off and have a bullet hole at the edge of your feet, you sure as fuck have no right to smoke in my house. Put….it….out…." Revy warned her with a glare. Eda grabbed the ashtray to her left and quickly did so.

"How the hell do you deal with her Rock?" Eda asked him, genuinely curious.

"Years of patience and the fact that she puts up with me." Rock replied with a shrug while Revy scoffed at the question.

"Right. Anyways...where you come in is that getting the piece of information we need to look for him and take him out. Luckily, you have assets at your disposal such as weapons, vehicles, food. And you'll have a squad of five CIA operatives to accompany you as well." Eda explained.

"You just said the CIA doesn't want anything to do with this, why in the hell are we getting a five man operation from them?" Benny asked.

"Yeah, I'm curious about that myself. You didn't say that at the office." Dutch reminded her, growing wary of this cat and mouse game.

"I didn't want to say anything until we were all here. Those five operatives have been given special clearance and know the risks so they are officially off the radar. We weren't going to send you all in against them without help." Eda assured them.

"And if they have fifty or more people defending this prick?" Revy asked twirling a bullet in her fingertips.

"Then we'll regroup and figure something out." Eda answered.

"Great operation analysis." Revy scoffed and sat back on the couch.

"We'll have to make do. I'd rather send the army in on this but they want as little dirt on their hands as possible." Eda said trying to ease her tension. Rock sighed and stood from his seat, cracking his neck loose. He was growing tiresome of this crap of power struggles, of people fucking with him or Revy or any of his friends. Listening to all of this from Eda, he needed a drink or something to get his mind off this momentarily.

"That's about how it is with everyone in power it seems." Rock muttered quietly before heading upstairs. Revy watched solemnly, realizing quickly that he didn't want to be back in that world any more than she did. But before she could say anything to him, she needed to know everything from Eda.

"Alright, when do we leave? I want to get this shit done with." Revy remarked standing up and setting her pistol on the table.

"We leave in two days. And for what it's worth, I am sorry about this." Eda apologized to her, knowing she wouldn't take it regardless.

"Save your apologies for someone gives a shit. You work for a bunch of cocksuckers that hypocrites, just like any other government." Revy then leaned and place her lips next to Eda's ear.

"If something happens to him, you won't have to worry about reporting to your bosses. You'll be lying next to the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic." Revy whispered so only she could hear. Eda didn't flinch but knew her threat was serious as Revy leaned back up and turned to the staircase.

"Dutch, Benny, help yourselves to anything in the kitchen or if you want you can go to the garage and check out the cars and guns. Rock and I will be down shortly alright?" Revy said turning her head but not looking at them.

"Take your time, we've got a few days and I locked up the office before we got here." Dutch replied making his way to the kitchen.

"Can I use the computer in the garage?" Benny asked her with his hands in his pockets.

"Sure, just don't have any porn sessions with Jane or anything stupid like that." Revy replied. Benny smirked and followed Dutch to the kitchen.

"As for you Eda, you can get the fuck out of here. But I'm sure you have things to attend to so do what you have to do. Just don't go raiding my house. Dutch, make sure she doesn't just in case." Revy called out as she made her way up the stairs.

"You heard her Eda, consider yourself lucky you aren't dead yet." Dutch chuckled as he grabbed a Hennessy, handed one to Benny and motioned for Eda to follow them.

"We're going to conduct this operation in the garage. Leave this crap out of their house. Besides, we can see if they have any cars useful for this deal. I heard Rock had made some purchases but we haven't seen them yet." Dutch explained as they made their way to the back door outside. Revy meanwhile had made her way to hers and Rock's bedroom and quietly opened the door.

"Hey baby, you okay?" she asked him, finding him sitting on the bed with a drink of Jim Beam in his hand. He didn't respond to her, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Revy sat next to him and grasped his hand comfortingly.

"I know, it sucks right?" Revy said trying to ease the situation.

"Yep. We try to get out, they pull us right back in." Rock replied taking a drink of bourbon.

"Baby, you stole that from Godfather, the third one at that." Revy smiled in amusement.

"I know, it works here though. And it was a good movie." Rock defended his answer.

"It is, and yes, we're getting dragged back in." Revy rubbed her thumb over his hand. Rock sighed deeply, frustration boiling over and finally losing it.

"Stupid cocksucking bastards!" Rock shouted throwing his glass against the wall, watching as it smashed into pieces. Revy felt her heart jump in her chest at the sight. She never had seen him this angry, not to smash something like that.

"Rock, it sucks. I'm just as mad too but…" Revy trailed off unsure of what to say.

"I know but damn it, we were out! Now we're back in the shit! I crossed that path of light and dark too many times and you didn't want to be part of it anymore and then after years of peace, boom! The CIA wants us to do their dirty work!" Rock exclaimed, looking for something else to throw while his voice grew hoarse.

"Rock, I hate to say it but we have to treat this like a job for Hotel Moscow like the old days. If we do that then it'll make it easier." Revy tried to reason.

"The only difference is that Hotel Moscow was an employer, CIA could mess with us forever. What's to stop them from messing with us in the future?" Rock asked turning to face her.

"If they hadn't messed with us in three years, I doubt they'd mess with us afterward. Listen I don't like this either but we have no choice. Once we get this done, we should be out of it. Maybe we get some compensation from them. All I know is that we're in this together, side by side like always." Revy offered him words of hope. Rock wanted to say something but he couldn't find the words. Revy may have been a hothead, but she knew common sense as well. Rock sighed and raked his hair trying to ease his tension.

"Come here." Revy said palming his cheek, kissed him gently and pulled back to look him in the eyes.

"We'll be alright." Revy thumbed his cheek and smiled. Rock couldn't help but smile in return.

"It's funny how you can threaten to kill someone in our living room then when we're up here you're the kindest person I know." Rock spoke quietly. Revy laughed at his remark.

"I'm nowhere near that baby, but I save that part of me for you." Revy smiled, kissing him again and grasping his hand tighter.

'He's made me such a fucking sap.' Revy smiled at the thought.

"Now let's go and see what the hell they're planning." Revy said pulling to him to his feet and leading him down the stairs. In the garage, Benny was overlooking the cars while Dutch and Eda started making a game plan in the others absence.

"Alright so do you think we can use any of these cars in this suicide mission?" Dutch asked her and to Benny as well.

"We could use all three of them if needed in the right situation. The Jeep wouldn't bring any unwanted attention in Mexico and could be good for off road while the Camaro could be a good civilian car." Benny said overlooking the car.

"And the Nissan there?" Dutch questioned him.

"Maybe in a underground street race but considering it's racing blue and a Skyline GT-R, it'll attract attention. However it is impressive, not my taste but good." Benny shrugged as he looked under the hood.

"Well if we need it, we can get it but I'd focus on using a vehicle that's useful. We have other things to worry about beforehand." Eda replied with a half bored look on her face as the door opened up next to her.

"You'd better worry about a bullet going through your head first Eda. Besides, you need a good car in situations like this when trying to get away from enemies." Revy said smacking the back of her head.

"Revy, I swear…" Eda growled out.

"I swear nothing, remember, I have no issues killing you right now other than CIA fuckers killing me. Besides you're on this suicide mission too so at least I have that going for me." Revy scoffed as she opened her locker on the other side and pulled out an 870 Pump action Shotgun, M40A1 Sniper Rifle and an M-4 Carbine Rifle and laid them out on the table next to the locker.

"Well not to be a downer but whom here is going to be the driver to get away from the bad guys?" Benny asked, ignoring the weapons on the table.

"Rock is ya dumb fuck." Revy stuck her tongue out at him while examining each rifle.

"I'm going to take a guess and say that Rock has had some training on the track lately. And I'm also going to guess that I'm getting the shot gun." Dutch smirked and pushed up his sunglasses.

"You'd be right, he's taken that Nissan over there to the local track and shown some of the drivers what a racer he can be. And yes, you're also getting the 870 since I'm claiming the M40A1." Revy replied tossing him the shot gun and Eda the M4.

"Well at least I get a nice rifle, guess there's some kindness in that heart still. I'm touched you'd let me use one of your specialty rifles." Eda said looking down the sights of the ACOG scope and checking the chamber of the rifle.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Revy responded back seeing how the slide was on the sniper.

"I'm more touched and confused that you'd just said I was a good driver when most of the time you tell me I stink." Rock replied sticking his hands in his pockets.

"I only do it to make you mad while I laugh Rocky baby." Revy smiled at him placing the sniper back on the table.

"Sure you do." Rock smirked while rolling his eyes.

"Aw, the lovebirds are so cute." Eda teased while resting her face against her hand leaning on the table.

"Shut the fuck up Eda, I'm trying to keep a positive mood and you're already pushing my buttons again. Remember that you don't get to act so normal in this situation until I tell you so. The only reason I'm keeping this attitude of mine up is that I know what we can do and we can do it efficiently. Not to mention, the 'promise' of compensation from the CIA is a good motivator as well." Revy pointed at her.

"Otherwise, it'll be a six foot grave for you…or maybe you fall off the plane." Revy shrugged calmly resting her hands on her hips.

"Alright then, let's just get organized here and make a plan." Eda sighed, trying to ignore her threats. They were understandable of course considering the situation but she still had her standards as well.

"What's there to plan? Here's the info we have right now. You're CIA and the CIA is ordering you to order us to go and track down a former Russian military who's a drug lord now. We have to go back to Roanapur, talk to Balalaika and hope she doesn't kill us and hope she has some knowledge of this guy's location in Mexico. Then if we get that far, we have to find and scout out every detail after that. Seems cut and dry to me." Revy said crossing her arms.

"So it'll be easy just like our other jobs." Dutch sarcastically replied from his seat.

"You guys make it sound like that this will go over without a hitch." Benny added in.

"It's what we do." Rock said sitting against the door of his Skyline.

'It's like they never left. Maybe this will work.' Eda thought as she pulled out her cell phone and dialed it.

"Calling a hooker?" Revy smirked at her. Eda flipped her the bird.

"We are a go on Operation: White Russian. We'll be arriving at the field in two days." Eda replied, quickly hanging up and standing up from her seat.

"White Russian? Jeez, the CIA are dumber than I thought." Revy rolled her eyes.

"I don't make the names. Anyways, we have a two day wait until everything is setup. We'll be taking a private jet across, no cargo plane ride this time. If we're going to bring any of these cars then bring them to the field and it'll go on a separate cargo plane. We'll have the weapons on the private flight, even though it seems that you already have your arsenal. If I were you, if you bring that Skyline, leave it on the cargo plane outside of Roanapur and drive the Jeep around the city. Or don't, we'll have a ride there but it's a matter of what you prefer and trust." Eda explained the plan.

"And our official cover story for Roanapur?" Rock asked her.

"You'll be under the guise that this Russian threatened your lives in the past three weeks and that you want to take him out personally. Hopefully that will go over with her, but we have to trend lightly because if we aren't sure if she knows him personally or not. And not to add to any pressure, the city has gone through some changes. Luckily, your old office is vacant so we can use that as cover." Eda further explained.

"So we hope Balalaika doesn't know this guy and the cities gone through changes. I'm guessing it's more murder and gore?" Revy replied.

"Well…there's bounty hunters out there now and in that city alone, there's a bounty on each of your heads if you return." Eda looked away.

"How much?" Revy asked. Eda turned back and looked at her confused.

"How much on our heads?" Revy explained.

"A million each." Eda replied.

"Nice, so we have that now too. Alright, I assume you have some covert plan to keep us from getting killed." Dutch asked her to keep Revy calm.

"Yes, and I'll explain it on the plane. Right now, that's the basic plan so far. Until then, we have two days to kill and prepare and since I can't head back to the field…" Eda turned back to Revy and Rock.

"And what makes you think I'll let you stay in our house?" Revy questioned with her eye twitching.

"Well I can't stay with Dutch because he won't and Benny has Jane with his late night sessions as both told me back at his office in town." Eda said, feeling like she was in a losing battle already.

"So you thought after revealing all this shit to us, that I'd let you in my house? Remember I said you aren't welcome after all this and now I have a bullet hole in my floor because you fucking pissed me off and…." Revy tried to continue her rant but felt a firm hand on her shoulder. She turned to see that it was Rock next to her.


"Revy, let her stay. She can take the spare room, but if she tries anything well….I don't need to say." Rock replied turning away and walking back to the garage door.

"Fine, you can stay but like he said, don't try anything." Revy growled turning and following him.

"I'm surprised that you got her to agree to that Rock." Eda smirked, wondering how in the hell he had managed to do that.

"You'd be more surprised considering that I've been eying that pistol in Revy's hostler and wondering how fast a bullet would travel through your skull." Rock replied quietly….almost menacingly, causing a chill to run down Eda's spine and Revy to feel fear in her chest.

'He's showing that side again, God damn it Eda!' Revy angry thought turning back to her.

"Thanks you bitch. Hey Dutch and Benny, if we don't see you the rest of the night we'll see you in a few days unless you feel like staying." Revy replied wanting to catch up to Rock.

"It may be a little crowded but I'll stay if you got another room or I'll hop on the couch." Dutch replied.

"I might as well, no point in going back to the house now that I have this on my head." Benny shrugged.

"Sounds like a plan." Revy remarked before turning and following Rock out of the garage door. After a few tense moments, Eda finally caught her breath and sat back down on the stool.

"I've never heard him say anything like that." Eda replied palming her forehead and wiping the sweat from her brow.

"You've never seen his dark side before. That man has one that is very unsuspecting but…his planning shows it. Just don't set Revy off by saying things like that alright?" Dutch suggested. Eda slowly nodded her head and closed her eyes.

"I may need a drink after all of that." Benny laughed.

Eda sat on the couch in the den looking over reports in her folder, studying the information on the Russian she had. She sighed trying to find answers as to how he had been able to avoid any detection on the drug market or in the underworld in general. She pinched her nose in frustration and wondered how they were really going to find this bastard or if she would even live to tell the tale.

"Going over my personal file there bitch?" rang out behind her, a voice Eda recognized.

"No, just the info we have on this guy. Sadly, it's not much. I really don't want to go to Balalaika to find this guy either. It really is a suicide mission." Eda sighed closing the folder and looked at Revy as she took a seat across from her.

"And I'd rather not do this shit or back to that hell hole at all but you're forcing my hand. Suck it the fuck up." Revy replied quietly and took a drink of her Bacardi and readjusting her night shorts. Eda didn't respond right away thinking about the words she wanted to say.

"Are you going to shoot me now or afterward?" she asked her quietly, looking directly at her. Revy bit in her cheek in mock thought and looked at her with a dark gaze.

"Here's what's going to happen, if and that's a big 'if' we all make it out alive then I won't shoot you but if Dutch and Benny get hurt, I will. And if Rock gets hurt in ANY way that could threaten his life…I will personally see to it that your last hours on Earth are more tortuous than what the Nazi's did in Auschwitz, what the Japs did to America POWs and what Genghis Khan did to women, combined." Revy warned, her eyes darkening as she leaned forward. Eda could feel the hatred radiating from her but she had to hold her ground.

"I assume that you're pissed about that and that I never said I was CIA." Eda calmly replied, hiding her fear.

"What was your first clue?" Revy leaned back in her chair crossing her legs.

"Listen, Revy, I know you aren't happy with me but ask yourself this before you decide to follow through on the torture. Did I ever land you or Rock in trouble? Usually you came to us with jobs first and we never made your lives any worse. Yes, the U.S. Government got you once or twice but that was not of our own doing. The CIA, we tend to not listen to what politicians and army men want, we do what we need to do without rules. My job was simply getting info for them in the event Hotel Moscow or the Triads ever did anything. But they have no issues with them, deals with the devil and such. If you want to know everything, I was after the Grey Fox and did feed Chang information about him but warned him of his actions. The Rip-Off Church of course accepted payment for me being stuck out in their area." Eda explained to her while sitting back upright on the couch.

"Deal with the devil is right. Jesus Christ, why does none of this surprise me?" Revy asked herself.

"Like I said, I never made any deals to have you or the others killed just doing my job as you would do yours. If you're pissed at me being CIA then I can't help that but I never made it a point to endanger your lives along with my own." Eda leaned forward resting her hands on her lap.

"I'm not pissed that you're CIA, that doesn't shock me at all. What I'm pissed at is that your fucking bosses think they have the right to come in a ruin my….our lives after getting out of Hell on Earth only to force us back in, even for a moment. One second and we could all be dead. So like I said, if Rock gets hurt, you'll pay the price. And then I intend to find the son of a bitch that called this mission and do the same to him. After that, I'll take any bullets left because I won't have anything left to live for if he's gone." She replied quietly, wondering what a world without Rock would be like.

"I see….for what it's worth, I am sorry." Eda said, sincere in words. Revy scoffed at her apology.

"We'll see how far that takes us. Aren't you supposed to be asleep in the other room?" she asked looking down the hallway.

"I told Dutch to use it. I'm fine on the couch." Eda answered. Revy just cracked her neck and stood from the chair.

"Then by all means, enjoy a sore back." Revy said and walked towards the stairs. However, before she took that first step, she turned around to face Eda again.

"Eda, here." Revy said screwing the top on the bottle and tossing it to her. Eda caught it and looked at it before looking back to Revy, confusion on her face.

"Apology accepted, just remember that I don't forgive easy. If you do anything else though…." Revy trailed off her warning.

"Yeah, I get it." Eda smiled taking a gulp of it down.

Revy just scoffed again and began walking back up the stairs. Revy pushed the thoughts of betrayal out of her mind and thought about how she and Rock would get out of this. She pushed that thought out too and walked back into their bedroom to see that Rock was still sound asleep on his side. He had taken to sleeping shirtless the last few years and his time on the punching bag had help developed and little bit of form on him but not too much like she preferred him. Adjusting her tank top, climbed back into bed and wrapped herself around his sleeping form, resting her head against the back of his neck. However, he adjusted himself and turned around to face her auburn eyes.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked her quietly. Revy just smirked at him.

"Do I have to answer such an obvious question?" Revy replied like the smartass she is. Rock just smiled.

"No, I guess you don't have to. You alright though?" he asked her. Revy shut her eyes momentarily then slowly opened them back up to reveal worry in them.

"I'm just worried is all." She admitted to him, grasping his hand and leaning up to kiss him.

"I know so am I." Rock admitted as well.

"Rock…what are we gonna do about this? Once we get all this done, what's to stop them from coming back again?" she asked him, watching the moon light reflect on his face.

"I don't think we can worry about that right now. We'll get to that point when we reach it." Rock comforted her combing her hair back. Revy closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth that he provided with the littlest of gestures, but what he was doing and what they were about to do made her need him.

"Rock, I know we're playful with when we fuck…but…I want you to make love to me tonight, slow and passionate." Revy said rubbing her hand against him.

"What about the others?" he asked her, more involuntary than actually caring. Revy just smiled.

"Fuck them." She said pulling his shorts down leaving him naked. Revy didn't waist anytime removing her clothes and proceeded to kiss him deeply as she played with in her hand while he grasped one of her breast and molded it in his hands. Revy though was always impatient and foreplay while enjoyable was always the teaser to the main course. She turned them so that she was on her back and he was on top.

"Make love to me." Revy said, lust in her voice. Rock didn't waste time as he entered her slowly, filling her to the brim and her moan filling the room. In the back of her mind amidst the pleasure and heat, she could only think of that noise coming to Eda's ears.

'Eat that you bitch.' She thought subconsciously.

Rock and Revy began to move slowly, gaining the rhythm they knew but feeling the passion of the moment instead of the usual playful nature they had in their more intimate moments. Revy slowly began to feel the coil build up in her core.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" she moaned, biting her lip as Rock thrust back and forth, fighting the urge to let go before she did.

However, the passion she felt made the act more intense than anything she felt. Rock then grabbed her ass and lifted her up slightly so that he could have more leverage. Eventually they changed positions again leaving Revy on top as she rode him slowly, feeling each movement of their bodies and the pleasure build up for them. However Rock didn't want her to have to do all the work and turned themselves back around so she was on her back and he was on top.

Soon, the rhythm built up and their moans and groans of pleasure filled the room and soon, it built to a head and Revy swore that she saw stars, her voice failing her as she felt him fill her up. Soon, both were down off their sexual high and both panting heavily, looking into each other.

"So…it was good I take it?" Rock asked her catching his breath. Revy caught her breath and smiled up at him.

"Best sex I think we've ever had." She said quietly.

"Maybe danger makes it hotter for you." Rock grinned at her.

"Maybe it's just because you know how to make me feel good." Revy suggested, feeling the warmth of him still inside her. Rock could almost see the same thought cross her eyes as he looked into them.

"I wonder if you might get pregnant after that." Rock said with a questioning look.

"Maybe, something did feel really different about that. Why, you want kids now?" she asked him palming his cheek.

"I don't know, the thought never crossed my mind. You?" he asked her back. That question shot something in her.

"I…don't know. I always thought I'd be a terrible mother and that kids were just little brats. But…if they were ours…" Revy trailed off. Rock could tell that she had a million thoughts processing at the moment.

"We'll talk about it later, we don't even know if it'll happen but, we will talk about it later, alright?" Rock assured her rolling over onto his back and pulling her on top of her. Revy nuzzled her face into his neck and kissed it gently.

"Alright." She answered quietly and felt sleep begin to take hold of her, but not before saying one last thing to him.

"It wouldn't be that bad, having kids." She said, forgetting all the things that could happen to them in the coming days and weeks momentarily.

"I think it would be great." Rock simply said, closing his eyes and letting sleep take hold of him.

The following two days went by quickly as the preparations were made along with some verbal abuse on Revy's part because Eda decided to tease her intimate sessions who happened to be the only one that heard anything the other night. The group had spent the previous day and a half trying to ignore the fact that they were on a highly suicidal mission and that CIA held their lives in the balance by trying to have a few drinks and poker games. Rock had thought about asking about Dutch's new business but he decided to hold it off until after everything was over with. Hell, they may not have a need for it much longer.

For now, everything though had been prepared for them and the group sat at the runway just outside the city waiting for the plane to land. Revy had prepared for the flight by wearing her khaki pants and long sleeve shirt with her boots while Rock wore a simple pair of blue jeans and wind breaker and dress shoes for the cold that they would experience on the flight. As Revy stood next to Rock, she remembered just a few hours ago as she packed her weapons in a case along with some of her clothes, wondering what the hell was going to happen on this and how she was going to protect Rock.

'This is such a fucked up deal for us. Complete bullshit.' Revy scowled thinking about the situation. Still though, she wondered if her skills would be rusty the first time out, well over three years since those days could cause that. It was not so much her aim but wondering about her reactions, her nerves, making sure Rock or the others wouldn't end up dead.

"So we have the cars, weapons and everything else ready?" Revy asked her standing next to Rock.

"For the tenth time, YES!" Eda sighed annoyed. "Why are you trying to piss me off?"

"Because it's fun and you deserve it." Revy laughed, hiding the anxiety she was feeling. Rock and Dutch simply just shook their heads while Benny doubled checked the computer he would be bringing.

"Right…anyways, I think I see the plane coming in now." Eda remarked and sure enough, a jet-powered small airplane appeared out of the sky and proceeded to land on the dirt runaway kicking up dust and coming to a perfect stop in front of the hanger that everyone was piled in. The door opened up ready for everyone to get in for their long journey Roanapur. However, Eda put a hand up to stop anyone from moving.

"Before we get on, I have to say that I was able to gain one more person willing to help us out in this, someone you two remember very well." Eda pointed to Rock and Revy.

The pair looked at each other confused but decided to see for themselves who it was and walked over to the plane and stepped on board to be greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey you two, long time no see." The dark haired Chinese woman greeted them with a smile and a mess of laptops next to her.

"What the hell are you doing her Feng?!" Revy exclaimed while Rock remembered a certain kiss and thinking only one thing.

'This thing just keeps getting more and more complicated.'

A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I'm taking my time writing this story out, it might be every few weeks or it might be a month or two. The sex scene, I didn't draw it out because I really didn't want to since I leave that to the imagination of readers of how long it lasts. It could be 10 minutes, it could be 25, I'll leave that up to you. Also I'm not going into detail of certain things because of the same principle of the sex scene, let the reader imagine the times that aren't mentioned in between. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

P.S. I deleted Finding Inner Strength because I never intended finishing when Naruto started getting out of control about three years ago and not to mention the story continues to go completely out of control with that series.