Title: Forbidden then Forgotten

By: Mitsu-Matchie

Rating: T

Pairing: RebornXTsuna R27

Summary: There's a hidden history between Reborn and Tsuna. Reborn has passed it, Tsuna is starting it. Lets see what will happen between the Two...

Disclaimer: I do not own Khr, if so...i'm pretty sure it will suck...but it's gonna be Yaoi... with adult arcobaleno's

N/A: this is my first time writing KHR with R27 as a pairing so please bear with me...and if somebody want's to beta it, please do and tell me DX and this is after the arcobaleno arc.

Disclaimer : I do not own KHR

Chapter 1: The Start

Standing still in a guarded position as tsuna tries to move to no avail as the Ten-Year-Bazooka engulfed him with a bang following after with pink smoke surrounding it as tsuna starts his Time-travel adventure.

Tsuna held his guard up even though he has time-traveled and is sorroundedby pink the smoke had cleaned out, tsuna noticed he was inside a blocked alleyway, somewhere in Japan? or Italy?, he couldn't guess. Before thinking to much about it, tsuna started to check for his equipment.

'Contacts...Check...Pills...Check...Headphones...Check...Vongola Ring...Check'

Tsuna thought as he made sure that he got everything,he was going to wear his ring again but stopped when he noticed the words on his ring was, not there, just a plain X over the blue gem of the ring, natsu still there and all.

Tsuna started staring at it as many thoughts starts to cross him mind in confusion towards what had happened, what time it is already and what is the reason for this, as he runs around in a circle in the alleyway, trying to rip his hair out in confusion, worry and wonder at the same time.

stopping himself, Tsuna took deep breaths, and started to clear his mind of his worries, and started walking out of the alley way as he checks out the area he is transported to, and froze in his tracks as he saw the place, eyes wide in shock.

He's in Freaking Italy! and it isn't even the FUTURE!


'I'm Doomed.' Tsuna thought before fainting right at his spot, oblivious to the person he had fallen into.

Reborn's P.O.V

'What. The. Hell.'

I thought, annoyed, when a scrawny looking kid just suddenly falls over me as i was walking past him.

I tried to pull him up but to my suprise, the scrawny boy was heavy.

Grumbling, I continued to try and carry him and successfully putting him on my back and make him have a piggy back ride on me.

'Looks like i gotta bring him with me' -sigh-


Hello there!

i'm verry sorry to the followers of my other story but i got caught by KHR right now so...SORRRRYYYYY

pls revie and tell me what you think...9i'm not good at writing stuff out...soooo yeah... hehehehhehe

Give me idea's too cause i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna survive this alone without extra ideas froum the people who will review