(Its finally done, i took my time yeah but i´ll explain that in the Author note down when the Chapter ends)

Chapter 1- Heroes Never Die

White light... that was everything that Ragnar could see at the moment, the intense blinding white light that felt just like that time back in Meridia´s altar. the half-nord half-imperial young adult in his early 22´s who is also known as the Dragonborn or Dovahkiin in the dragon lenguage.

After some moments he started remembering everything that happened in the day to get an idea of where he was, In a moment he remembered that he was descending from the throat of the world, enduring the freezing winds of Tamriel´s highest mountain after his battle with Alduin, the Nord dragon god of destruction in the gardens of Sovngarde and sending him adrift in time once again, after the long battle he was exhausted, hungry and thristy, he just wanted to go back in his house of Whiterun as soon as possible and sleep for the rest of the day. Thinking that the celebrations for Alduin´s defeat could wait for later. He knew that back there would be waiting for him his friends from the companions, the stormcloak soldiers and the imperial legionnaires.

it was a rare sight to see the soldiers of both factions in the same bars without Fighting but instead acting like true brothers and sisters, it had been a hard work but he had managed to make a peace between the two rival factions after talking with their Leaders,General Tulio and Ulfric Stormcloak and making them realize that the civil war was just what the Thalmor and Aldmeri´s dominion wanted to slowly Shatter The empire even more by making this province independent and them targeting this Province, and thus Skyrim became once again a united province and fully loyal to The Empire, that made Ragnar feel great satisfaction everytime he thought about it, he always loved ruining The Thalmor´s plans and so he was obviously hated by the Altmers that were loyal to Aldmeri´s Dominion, not all of the High elves were loyal to them but anyways a lot of them were, and he didnt have any problems in Hating Back the ones that were loyal to that faction that almost destroyed The Empire founded by Talos hundreds of years ago.

They had sent many assassins after him, all of them had failed but still it was a great annoyance and they had almost killed friends of him like Lydia, Aela, Vilkas and Farkas once, but they managed to fight back the Thalmor and dark brotherhood assassins, kicking them out of Whiterun.

Now once he was back on the mountain´s feet there was a problem, when he got down back into the town of Iverstead, there was a large contingent of The Thalmor Soldiers waiting for him, they attacked him as soon as they saw him and so he fought back, he was overwhelmed and so he had called Odahviing thanks to the Thu´um he teached him to help him fight them off, but they altmer soldiers just continued appearing in large numbers…after a while Ragnar just couldn´t fight anymore, his exhaustion had increased and every single one of his muscles were sore,it was hard to move or to think clearly and the town of Iverstead had been reduced to piles of rubble and ashes thanks to the battle, but even if they were surrounded by a greater enemy force The Crimson dragon Odahviing never left his brother´s side, them they saw even more thalmor troopers arriving, this time with their blasted mages and archers, thats it!.

Thats what happened! Those bastards of the thalmor archers had got him, he slowly looked down on his wolf armor´s chestplate and to his surprise there were not arrows impaled on his chest or burn marks of arcane lightining or fire. he blinked several times just to see if he wasn´t hallucinating, the blinding light had finally subsided a while ago, he could see clearly now.¨ there should be arrows on my stomach...or burnt marks from arcane lightining and fire.¨ Ragnar finally spoke.

¨but there are not, no arrows, no burns.¨ said a deep imposing voice that the nord/imperial recognized, he looked to his right and saw that it was none other than the crimson dragon that had long ago turned to his ally.

¨Odahviing? Do you know where in Oblivion are we?...because if its Hircine´s plane them he can kiss my ass, i already cured myself of the werewolf curse!¨ Ragnar said

The dragon shook his head in amusement.¨ not many mortals dare themselves to insult a Daedric Prince so openly like you..its rather amusing to hear doing it so off-handedly.¨ The crimson dragon them looked at its surroundings and Ragnar did it too, as they looked, the place was blindingly beautiful and colorful, with flowers, waterfalls, trees and a cities that were made out of silver, Odahviing and Dovahkiin recognized the place, this was Moonshadow, Azura´s plane of Oblivion, and technically for all that Ragnar knew one planes of oblivion that wasn´t chaotic, extremely dangerous or lifeless, there were also Meridia and Hircine´s planes, but Dovahkiin didnt like that much the idea of being one of Hircine´s oversized hunting dogs, thats why he decided to cure his Werewolf Curse after helping Kodlak by allowing him entrance to Sovngarde back in the tomb of the great Ysgramor, the two dovs heard a voice and they turned to look at the owner of it.

¨Beautiful isn´t it?¨ the female voice that spoke behind them belonged to none other than Azura, the Deadric Prince of Dawn and Dusk and Nocturnal the daedric prince of Shadows, the two female daedra princes known to be twin sisters were beautiful beyond mortal standars with pale skin that looked incredibly soft, one had long black hair while the other medium raven black hair, one with a gentle and sweet look on her face while her twin of darkness had plastered on her face a stoic look, he sighted internally,the beauty of this two females daedras was something he could not deny it as he eyed the two goddesses, also besides them was another of the most powerful Daedras. The prince of madness himself!. Sheogorath The Mad God. who was drinking some tea in a gentlemanly way but decided to put the cup down and give Ragnar a polite nod while grinning.

¨it is.¨ he admitted, his curiosity got the best of him, this 3 daedric powerful daedras would not have bringed him here if they needed something from him.¨so… why did you guys saved me and bringed me here?¨ he asked slowly.

A mad grin formed on Sheogorath´s face.¨its an easy thing my friend! You didnt deserve to die like a dog in the mud with all those altmer soldiers¨ The deadric prince of madness looked at the two females daedras.

¨we are in need of your help once again Dovahkiin, we have discovered an old enemy of Daedra and Aedra alike in another world.¨ Azura said after sheogorath

¨woah, woah, woah! Another world?! Explain me that please!¨ ragnar said while frowning.

¨straight to the point as always, i like that from my Nightingales.¨ nocturnal smiled as well and them the two decided to tell him.¨Dovahkiin,we need your help because..Like my sister said, another world is in danger of extermination, and who is better to save it from total destruction than our best champion so far…You¨ Nocturnal said without taking her eyes off of her Nightingale, she could easily see that he was quite shocked from the news, for her it was normal for a mortal to react like this.

After thinking the options he had for some minutes and staring at the ground, Ragnar finally looked up at the 3 deadras infront of him.¨ its…well, how i can said it...Rather shocking to know that i have to save another world just after saving mine,but, as the Savior of Tamriel i will not let this other world be destroyed i´ll do it no matter what the cost is!¨ he said, without faltering this time, the 3 daedric princes looked rather pleased to know the decision that Dovahkiin had choosen.

¨i knew you would accept this new quest for you my Adalid, as for who your enemy is, my sister will explain that to you¨ azura said with a warm smile, the smile was sincere as the lady of dawn and dusk felt truly pleased.

He and odahviing looked at the mistress of the night and shadows as she began explaining them about the new future threat.¨a dragon, that some believe that he was the Second born of Akatosh,destined to be powerful as his Elder brother Alduin, but he was sealed away thousands of years in the past and sent to sleep to this world called Remnant, when he allowed himself to be corrupted by the Primordial Chaos of Sithis, it twisted him, made him into a mere mockery of what he once was, of dark grey scales like volcanic ash his skin became, his eyes became white and souless, his fire had turned black as the darkness itself but it still burned anything that was touched by them and other four heads appeared on his body,making him more deadly...we had recently felt that he is slowly waking up, and if he does,Remnant will be most likely destroyed¨ nocturnal said and he swallowed some saliva and them frowned, he simply couldn´t allow that, allow that evil dragon to slaughter innocents if it indeed wake up compleatly, as Savior of Tamriel he needed to do this, them Nocturnal continued¨Scylla its his name,the elder dragon with 5 heads from old myths who was sealed long time ago by Akatosh himself when it tried to destroy Nirn when it was still in its early days, the primitive men and mer could not do much against the Chaos Dragon and it even killed other dragons that tried to stop him. Sithis had ordered him to spread Chaos all across the mortal plane and with any soul of those who were killed by the corrupted dragon it gave him more power, like i said he was sealed and put to sleep but he is waking up and even thought that he is not in this Universe anymore, he will continue the mission that Sithis gave him long time ago, Dovahkiin, you have to save the world we are sending you and defeat Scylla, just like how you defeated Alduin... but You know that what you merely did with Alduin was to send him adrift in time once again right?¨ she said and ragnar nodded.¨ well Scylla is not a inmortal like him, but each of his heads means another life.¨ nocturnal said.

¨so are you saying that Scylla has a 5 lives in total?¨ ragnar asked.

¨yes, and his main head is the most powerful one, so you gotta be careful when the time to confront him arrives Dovahkiin.¨ Nocturnal took a small moment to take air and them continued.¨ on this world we are sending you, there are also creatures of Darkness, they are known as Grimm, be careful when dealing with them as they may not be as powerful as Dragons, but they have proven to be really dangerous because the normally attack in groups of large numbers, so dont be surprised if He uses the grimm beasts on his advantage..We also dont know if he may also have dragon allies too like alduin had or if dragons existed in Remnant at all, but for all we know he was alone when he was casted out, still i want you two to be extremely careful¨ nocturnal said while looking at Ragnar and Odahviing, both nodded.

¨well my friend, before i send you there are some things that i have to explain you.¨ the mad god finally spoke again.¨ first thing! Is that i hope that you dont care the changes that you will have!¨ Sheogorath said cheerfully.

¨whatever it is, why do i guess i will not enjoy it at first?¨ he said while sweatdropping and the mad god laughed maniatically.

¨ooooohhh! Yes you will not like them because, you wont be able to use your magicka on Remnant!¨ the mad god said in a straight-to-the-point way while looking at Ragnar, leaving him jaw-dropped

¨what?! Why i wont be able to use my magic powers?! Please tell me you are joking!¨ he literally yelled, shocked to learn that fact from the mad god

The mad god suddenly got serious. Anytime that someone saw the cheese-loving god this serious it meant that he was not joking.¨its because of two simple reasons and the first its because of…what was his name again?¨ Sheogorath scratched his chin in thought, while ragnar, odahviing and the other two daedras sweatdropped and them the mad god finally remembered¨Aha! Its Because of Julianos,the Aedra often associated with Magic! as you may know my mortal friend, if you have read books about The Divines, Julianos´s part in the creation was not only when he bringed his laws and logic to Nirn but also when he allowed The Aetherius´s influence into it!. Allowing all mortals, man or woman,child or elder,men or mer and even the Undead! to use the Magical and Arcane arts!, no matter in what part of The Mortal Realm they were born, their mere presence in this universe is what Allows the mana to flow free in all of you mortals, so you can use the magic in anything you men or mer want to, From the Destruction of your enemies to Healing your allies,loved ones and the innocents of nasty wounds, Alteration and Illusion.

And this place i am sending you to..The universe where Remnant exists does not have Julianos´s influence or The Aetherius. Like in this one, not even a little tiny bit of it!.¨the mad god exclaimed while extending his arms wide, Dovahkiin sighed heavily, but he couldn´t do much but to accept the fact.¨That is why you will loose your Magical and Arcane powers. But hey! Look at the positive side, they have this thing they call Aura which is kinda like a life force energy that people of Remnant use, which can be used in incredibly defensive and ofensive ways, and you will still be able to use your Thu´ums too because even if you have human body. Your soul and blood are still the ones of a dragon, but they will turn into a secondary ability that the people of Remnant have, they have Called it Semblance, so you will still be able to Shout!...and they have Cheese too in that world! Isn´t that Magnificent?! I tasted it while i was exploring that world and its Delicious!¨ Sheogorath exclaimed in delight and grinned.

Ragnar´s responce was an annoyed glare at the Mad God.¨ I Hate Cheese.¨ he said

¨but its not goat cheese!¨ he whined

Ragnar sighted exasperated at Sheogorath and his antics about cheese, sometimes he wondered why he even was a god to begin with, but them he quickly calmed himself down, the good part was that he would still keep all of his Thu´ums that he had adquired after so many long hours of exploring Skyrim´s lands and ancient tombs filled with draugrs and other things. ¨well at least thats something good, i honestly would have gone insane without my thu´ums, they have saved my life more times than i can count.¨Ragnar said them looked back at the mad god.¨well, at least i will be able to use the daedric artifacts you guys had given me…right?¨ he asked to Sheogorath, and the 3 daedras shook their heads negatively, that made ragnar´s jaw drop once more, but he had somehow the idea that he wouldn´t be able to take them.¨what is it this time?¨ was all that he asked them.

This time it was Azura´s turn to make an explanation.¨ Our artifacts that were given to you as rewards when you became our adalid are itself Parts of us turned into weapons or other ítems to provide great powers to the one that becomes their users, they are Pure enchantments and so when you go to Remnant they will all stay here, in this Universe with us¨ The Lady of Dawn and Dusk explained, and them he accepted the fact, ragnar could not deny it and so he would give in, but there was one problem, he didnt had any other weapons with him, and he NEEDS weapons.

The Imperial/Nord looked at the daedra princes again¨…alright, i accept the fact that i wont be able to take the artifacts but please, dont let them fall in the wrong hands, i know its too much to ask but i want you to hide them in a place that only the people worthy of using them will find.¨he said while looking at the 3 daedras, the all nodded, they would surely try their best.

Azura looked at him ¨we will do the best in our power to keep most of them hided when they go back to Nirn, but we cant do much with the ones that are from Molag bal, Mehrunes dagon, Mephala and others that are Evil.¨ the lady of dawn and dusk said to him and he nodded in acceptance.

Sheogorath laughed as the Wabbajack appeared on his hands.¨Dont worry my Friend! Not everyone can endure the tests that i give them to get this piece of freaking Junk!, to be honest i went easy on you when we were inside Emperor Pelagio´s mind.¨ the mad god said nonchantantly

Ragnar blinked several times and sweatdropped.¨i guess...that is good…and also can you at least give me some weapons? Going with my hands empty would make me feel naked, even thought i have my armor on.¨ he said.

¨AH! I was waiting for you to say that my friend!¨ Sheogorath exclaimed and in the blink of an eye three weapons appeared, floating infront of Ragnar, two of the signature swords used by The Blades, that in our world would be katanas, and the third weapon was a Dwemer Warhammer that was painted in steel-like colours and had the decorations of a Steel Warhammer, dovahkiin rised an eyebrow at this and took the warhammer first, whistling¨Wow...This is a Dwemer warhammer..But it looks maded out of steel, its amazing!.¨ he said while eyeing every detail that the weapon had, them he put it on his back with a sheath that he had for it, and them he took the two katanas of the blades and put them on each side of his hip, he noticed that his Wolf Steel Armor was repaired from all the damages it had from the earlier battle against the thalmor, he grinned feeling ready for going to this new world.¨any other thing that i should know?¨ he decided to ask, not wanting anymore surprises.

¨you two wont be able to go back to Nirn¨ Nocturnal said directly to them two, that made the two sons of Akatosh feel Slightly shocked and saddened a little bit, knowing that they would never be back in the world that saw them born, but they would get over it eventually, as Remnant would be their new home soon enough.

¨if you want to know the exact reason..its because being constantly sending you throught the two worlds could get the attention of the evil deadric princes, and i´m sure you dont want Mehrunes Dagon or Molag Bal making the Oblivion Crisis all over again world you are supposed to save and that this time they do not posses an artifact that turns them into the Avatar of Akatosh, so once you get to that world, it will be your new home for the two of you.¨ azaura said and them after some minutes dovahkiin and odahviing nodded in acceptance of this fate, it would be hard for them to accept idea that they would never be back in tamriel but they would surely accept it over the time, Ragnar was about to say farewell to the three Daedras, but before he could even mutter a word Sheogorath aimed at him with the Wabbajack and shoot him one of the red magic balls to teleport him away, Azura and Nocturnal frowned while looking at the Mad god, Odahviing was wide eyed after watching the way that Sheogorath used to teleport Ragnar. He looked at them back in confusion, still holding the Wabbajack in his hands and looked back at the three next to him.

¨What?¨ he asked.

¨you…shot him with the wabbajack to teleport him away…¨ azura said.

¨yeeeeees.¨ he responded.

¨i remember that you once told us that the staff has random effects on people!¨ Nocturnal shouted, making odahviing wince.

¨aahh come on i have control over this junk, i´m sure that the worst thing that could happened was turning him into a teenager again, now Odahviing! Its your turn to go! but I changed my mind about you and i´m sending you back to Nirn!¨ the mad god yelled and the Crimson Dragon had a panicked look on his face while taking some steps back.

¨l understand but.. At least Use another thing! I dont want to end up in something that is not a Dovah form!¨

¨but i´m sure you´ll like it!¨ sheogarath said with glee on his voice.

¨I DO NOT WANT TO-¨ Odahviing didnt even finished his sentence when Sheogorath shot him too with the wabbajack, teleporting the crimson dragon to Remnant in the same way that Ragnar was, what was the change that happened to him? It will be a mistery until time tells.

¨aaah! I love shooting people with this junk!¨ the mad god exclaimed gleefuly while waving the wabbajack, while nocturnal and azura had angered expressions, they would surely give the mad god a lesson later.

Remnant- Vytal continent, West of Vale Kingdom in the Island of Patch.

A small explosion that leaved a cloud of red smoke happened deep in the Island´s grey forrests, Ragnar crawled out of the cloud grumbling some things about kicking Sheogorath so hard if he ever sees the mad god again that even Jyggalag would feel it!. When the Nord-Imperial opened his eyes again the first thing he saw was grey trees and them he looked up the night sky, noticing that were was just One large moon he blinked once, twice and them his eyes widened like plates. This world has just one Moon… and its Shattered!.

¨what in Oblivion could have leaved that moon in such an state?..¨ he asked slowly.

After a while He decided to not give himself a headache thinking about it and quickly checked on his weapons and nodded positively after looking the two katanas on his sides and his warhammer on his back, he also did some check ups on his other things, realizing that he still had with him his money bag filled with Septims and a few highly valuable stones and what used to be the helmet of his wolf armor but he knew he could not use the helmet anymore thanks to the horns on his head, but them he realized something weird, he actually felt shorter¨ why in Oblivion do i feel smaller?¨ he asked out loud and his eyes widened in realization, why does his voice sounds like the one of a 15 year old teenager?! He looked down to see that he was still wearing his Wolf Armor, but his body! His body was the one of a 15 year of teen once more, but even if he felt shorter, on his teenage years he was just as tall as any other nord, mixed in with his Imperial side. ¨by the gods, damn you Sheogorath! If i ever see you again i am so going to kick your ass!¨ he yelled at the sky, he knew for sure that the mad god would be laughing to no ends in this moment. Sighting as he ran a hand throught his hair, he stopped mid way after feeling something hard on his head.

¨what is this?¨ he moved to a small river that was close and looked at his reflection on the water. The things on his head…they were horns! just like the ones of a dragon and after counting them, they were four in total. He realized that the types of horns on his head were the ones that frost dragons normally have and they were in a form that circled part of his head, slightly separated but not too much making them look like if it was some kind of crown. He also noticed that his ears were changed as well, they were pointy like the ones of a Bosmer and he could also see and feel scales like the ones of a dragon after touching them.¨ i have horns and pointy ears…¨he sighted.¨ well..i always wondered how it would feel to have ears like the ones of a Mer.¨ ragnar said and them turned around, finally started walking on around the forrest, now with the objective of finding the civilization of this world. a hold, a city or a town, a military camp, base or castle! anything would do! he may had been healed but he was still very hungry and thirsty.

And a while later. Ragnar was still walking on the Grey Forrest that seemed endless, where any other person would have been desperate to find a way out, he wasn´t, he was used to long walks like this after exploring Skyrim´s unforgiving lands, from the lush green ones to the snow-covered ones on the far more northern regions of it. But there was something here that has been making him feel paranoid and nervous, like if he was being observed and followed.

he had also noticed a few changes that came with this new form he had, first was that he could now smell things he couldn´t before, Hear things he couldn´t and finally was the fact that even if it was Night time he could see perfectly,but the forrest was also awfully quiet, the only sound that he could hear was the howling of the wind, that was the only thing he could hear but he had not heard any sounds from animals or any type of wild life, he could also hear the rustling of the bushes and he swore that he saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring directly at him from behind the bushes, blinking and rubbing his eyes to see if he wasn´t hallucinating, he looked at the bush again and the pair of red eyes were gone, he was still nervous but Ragnar decided calm himself, Why was he so nervous? He had fought the most blood thirsty beasts of Skyrim to even Alduin himself! he shouldn´t be feeling like this!. but it was for sure that whatever was the thing or things that were stalking him they were surely predators, like the Sabertooth Tigers and Trolls, he moved his hands slowly and grabbed tightly his Katanas´s grips, ready to take them out of their Scabbards, he continued walking until he heard the sound of a dry branch breaking, he quickly turned around to the direction that the sound came from and there it was one of the things that had stalked him, with fur that was as black as the night itself and glowing blood red eyes, it was a creature that highly reminded Ragnar to the Lycanthropes, but with bony-like armor on several parts of its body, the creature was growling at him, with its claws ready.

Growling back in defiance, he quickly took his dual katanas out of their sheaths in each of their hands, he looked directly at the creature of darkness infront of him.¨ come on! what are you waiting for!¨ he taunted the beast and as if it had understood him the creature charged foward against ragnar, it tried clawing him and he dodged and avoided each one of them with ease, finally he counter-attack by doing dual slashes on the Lycan´s arms,making the wolf creature howl in pain and back down. Ragnar continued his attack by doing a powered attack.¨Die!¨ he shouted as he cut off one of the Wolf´s arms, the beowulf fell to the ground howling in pain, them it let out a long howl before the dragonborn walked up to it and finishing it off by impaling one of his katanas right throught its face, he brought his katana out and swiped it clean.¨creatures of darkness or not, they Bleed too.¨ he said with a confident smirk, but said smirk was wiped from his face when he heard several loud wolf like howls, most likely responding to the one of the beowulf he just killed, and in a matter of seconds he could clearly see several pairs of red eyes, all of them surrounding him.¨oh boy…this is gonna be fun.¨ he said sarcastically and them got into a combat stance.

Them the horde of beasts charged directly at him, Ragnar started Hacking and Slashing each of them, killing them one by one with quick kill attacks, he had learnt that in situations like this it was better to defeat his enemies with fast and precise attacks and so far he was doing good as he decapitated yet another of those darkness lycans, he started dodging their claw attacks as three of them were trying to land a hit on them at the same time, ragnar searched throught his Thu´ums and found the one he wanted to use against this three.¨ Fus Ro Dah!¨ he shouted Unrelenting Force, the thunderous voice was released in a powerful wave of blue energy that moved foward without oposition, sending the three beowulfs crashing against trees. Sounds of bones breaking were heard, he smirked and looked at what was left of the horde of Beowulfs who were hesistantly looking at him¨still want to eat me?¨ he taunted, them he heard a different roar than the ones that he has been killing so far the wolf-like Grimms backed down to watch and from the bushes came two incredibly tall bear like monster, with fur that was black like the one of the wolf things, this ones looked obviously more stronger and harder to kill.¨wow, now this is a challenge!¨ he put the two katanas back into their scabbards and them changed to Sovngarde, thats the name he had choosen for his Dwemer warhammer painted in steel colours, he gave a few quick practice swings, pleased to see that it had the correct weight, he looked at the two Ursas and taunted them with a simple hand movement.

The two bear like Grimms charged at Ragnar, who had been waiting for their attack. When they were close enough he jumped and he found himself surprised to see that he could actually jump a little bit higher, was his new body the reason of this?, he decided to find out about that later. He them landed over one of the Ursas, it started shaking to the sides violently to try to get him off.¨ this is actually quite entertaining!¨ the Dovahkiin said and the he brought up his warhammer and them with a mighty swing he hit the left side of the face of the ursa he was on, its bony mask cracked and its left got damaged too leaving it out of combat for a while, the other bear-like grimm on its two lower feet and tried to pounce Ragnar, but he jumped off of the other ursa and them attacked this directly on its chest, he heard the sound of bones breaking and without giving time for this Monster to counter attack the teen with dragon features started giving the Ursa quick attacks with Sovngarde, each hit that connected meant another broken bone for the monster, it howled in pain and Ragnar decided to finish it off to end its pain by Crushing its head directly with a powerful attack, black blood and bones pieces splattered everywhere, he walked back a few steps and swiped the dark liquid off of Sovngarde´s surface.

He grinned and looked at the other beowulfs who were still hesistant to fight him he was gonna go after them to finish what was left of them but he heard a sound behind him, he looked back to see that the other Ursa charged at him.¨oh shit.¨ he said and he was pounced to the ground, his warhammer escaping from his grip after the impact against the ground, he looked directly at the Ursa who was growling and snarling at him, them it moved down to try to chop Ragnar´s head off with a great bite, his eyes widened and he quickly changed Shouts, finding the right one for this situation.¨Feim Zii Gron!¨ as he shouted those words, his whole body became complete ethereal energy, untouchable, compleatly invulnerable to any kind of damage but incapable of dealing damage to his enemies

The Ethereal Form shouted also allowed him to escape from the solid grip of the bear-like grimm, he quickly standed and ran to where Sovngarde had landed, he made himself go back into solid form ending the time of the ethereal form prematurely, he them picked up his warhammer and looked at the Ursa with a death glare.¨ .Dead.¨ he said and them charged at the Bear grimm at the same time it did, the result was Ragnar ripping off the upper part of the Ursa´s head from the rage fueled attack, its body fell limp on the ground.

After that he turned to look at the Beowulfs.¨i think you guys havent meet Sovngarde, come say Hi to it.¨ he said and made the bones of his neck sound and charged head on against the Lycan Grimm beasts, giving a mighty battle cry.

In another part of the Grey Forrest, close to where Ragnar is.

Qrow was with a group of other Huntsmen, who went in to fight the upcoming horde of beowulfs that was coming to the Town of Patch, something that also had the group of experienced huntsmen worried was that misterious red cloud that one of Qrow´s cameras hidden in the forrest caught in video.¨So Qrow..What do you think that red cloud was a deposit of Red Dust?¨ one of the huntsmen asked, he was a tall bald man named Karl Johannsen, compleatly clad in a heavy armor and carrying on his hands a gatling gun.

¨No..if it was red dust being ignited them a fire would have broke loose in the forrest, my guess is that it must had been something else that we are unaware of.¨ the black haired man explained, he kept a tight grip on his black scythe

¨i just hope its not a new type of grimm, we have enough problems with the Deathstalkers attacking the walls of the town once in a while.¨ another huntsman, who was in casual clothes with just a chest plate covering him said, his weapon of choice were dual machetes that could turn into revolvers, his hair was dirty blonde and long, his name was Tyler Smith.

¨i dont care if its a new type of grimm, for me they all just burn the same!¨ it exclaimed Jayce Kerrigan, who was the most boisterous of the group, his weapon of choice was a Flamethrower fueled with red dust, a bear Faunus man, with short brown hair and wearing soldier like clothing.

¨Jayce dont get so full of yourself like always or you´ll end up dead one of this days.¨ Qrow said.

The bear faunus just grinned.¨oh come on Qrow you know i´m always extra careful!¨ he exclaimed, the Scythe Wielder was going to say something but a sudden battle cry silenced him and everyone else, they looked at each other and them to the direction from where it came they ran towards it as fast as they could.

They finally came into a clearing and saw the state that it was, some trees were destroyed and lots, Lots of Beowulfs lay dead on the ground, half of them with smashes and the other half looked like if they were killed with a blunt weapon, they could also see the bodies of two Ursas, there were also a few scorching marks on the ground, like if someone had used a fire based semblance or weapon.

¨what in Dust happened here…is this the Horde that was coming?¨ Qrow asked.

¨it looks like...but someone else went ahead of us.¨ Karl said, while Tyler looked at the grimm corpses that were already starting to desintegrate.

¨Guys…¨ Jayce, the bear faunus said, getting the attention of the other three huntsmen, he pointed at the center of the clearing, there were three beowulf corpses piled on one another and over them was sitting a teenager no older than 15 but that was taller than average and he looked like he already had muscles under that armor he carried, after taking a better look thanks to his night vision, the armor had decorations that looked like faces of wolves and other feral themes, it had a few claw marks. Possibly from some beowulfs that managed to land hits on him and it also had a kilt that compleatly surrounded the waist of the boy. His skin was pale and hair was light brown but with a blonde streak on the right side of his hair, his eyes were of a dark blue color, they looked tired and he had a few scratches on his face, on his hands he had a warhammer and they could see on his sides two katanas. The bear faunus also noticed the set of four horns on his head and the pointy ears covered with scales…this boy...He was a Dragon Faunus!.¨you did all of this?!¨ Jayce asked, still in shock while Qrow and the others looked at him in silence, waiting for the answer.

Ragnar was still panting after the battle with the horde, but his attention taken to the four older men that came into the clearing, he looked at the one who asked him the question, who was carrying a strange looking tube-like weapon and another thing on his back, he nodded.¨Yes.. i was the one who defeated all of this things.¨ ragnar responded.

Tyler shook his head to the sides.¨bullshit! i wont believe that just a kid could have probably defeat a horde of Beowulfs, plus two Ursas!¨

¨there is no one else here besides Us and him Tyler.¨ Karl said, Qrow, Jayce and Ragnar nodded in agreement.

¨i want the proof that he did this!¨ Tyler demanded and as on cue to his words, a Ursa Mayor came from the treeline just behind the Dragon faunus boy, letting out a bestial roar.

¨you want proof? You´ll have it.¨ he said with a small grin and jumped off of the three dead beowulfs who were already desintegrating into black smoke, still with Sovngarde on hands, he ducked to avoid a claw attack from the Ursa Mayor and looked right at its face, it roared at Ragnar but he didnt back down in fear, he simply changed his Thu´ums, behind him Qrow and the other four could feel the change in the Boy´s aura.¨Yool Thor Shul!¨ he shouted in a lenguage unkown to the four huntsmen and they watched as an inferno came out of the boy´s mouth, it literally was like if he was a dragon breathing fire, the flames consumed the upper part of the Ursa mayor´s body, the fire quickly extended all over the bigger bear grimm and it died a slow painful death, he turned around, looking at the four huntsmen who were wide eyed and their jaws dropped, he was gonna say something but he burped a small flame.¨ups.. Sorry about that.¨he looked at Tyler¨ and there you have your proof, Happy?¨

¨i dont know you guys...but i believe the kid.¨ Qrow said.

¨i actually like him, hes cool and he spits fire out of his mouth!¨ Jayce exclaimed gleefuly, the bear faunus had always been a Pyromaniac so he found himself fascinated at the boy´s semblance.

¨sorry for doubting on you kid..¨ Tyler admitted.

¨your semblance is amazing! I´ve never seen someone spit fire out of their mouths!¨ Karl compliemented.

¨i accept your apologies and really?¨ ragnar asked while looking at Karl.

¨yes and what´s your name Kid?¨ Qrow responded.

¨Ragnar…just Ragnar, i dont have a lastname or Family.¨ he said as he put Sovngarde on the holder that was on his back again

Qrow did wonder how did the kid actually got the weapons and armor, he guessed it could have been hard work and if he defeated the Grimm horde, single handly them he had great combat skills.¨you know Ragnar…i think you should become a Huntsman.¨ Qrow said

¨you can explain me about that after i eat something…I´m starving!¨ the boy exclaimed and the four huntsmen nodded.

¨come on kid, follow us, we´ll take you to the town of Patch.¨ the dragon faunus nodded.


Town of Patch.

Tyler, Karl and Jayce had gone back to their homes while Qrow had taken Ragnar to eat something before he decided to eat his own arm, the black haired scythe wielder had been quite shocked after seeing how much the boy eated, In fact Ragnar had eaten Four hamburguers and a complete jar of water, Qrow had decided to pay for him even if the boy had money or not.

Currently the two were walking on the streets of patch, going to Taiyang´s house¨i cant belive you actually ate those four hamburguers¨ qrow said.

¨thats the name of that dish? And i told you i was really hungry!¨ the Dragon faunus looked at a street light confused at what it was, Sheogorath told him that there was no Magic in this place!, he had to know what that thing was.¨what is that thing?! Is it magic?¨ Ragnar asked.

Qrow chuckled and responded.¨No it isn´t, this is done thanks to science and engineering, that works with electricity¨

Ragnar looked at it with curiosity, the imperial side of him was the one that was more interested in things like this and learning.¨by the Nine…its amazing!¨ he exclaimed

As they continud walking towards Taiyang Xiao Long´s house, Qrow explained the boy things about modern society and realized that the boy was obviously from a place where technology hasn´t increased that much, his theory was right when he saw the reactions of Ragnar when he saw a car and when the dragon faunus heard a passing bullhead

Taiyang was on the living room watching tv with his two daughters, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, the first one was 13 years old and the elder sister was 15, who was in her third year of Signal academy, while ruby was in her second year and so far she was learning very well all thanks to her training with Qrow. A while ago the two girls and their father had been visiting their neighbors, the Comeau Family, since yang and ruby were close friends with the twins, Marek and Malik, the two boys were both black panther Faunus, at the beginning they were just yang´s classmates but they soon became two her and ruby´s closest friends.

The three heard a knock on the front door and Taiyang standed from the sofa they were sitting.¨wait a second girls, i´ll go see who is it¨ he said and walked to the door and opened it, to find Qrow and boy…but his eyes widened in shock after realizing that the boy with the black haired Scythe wielder was a Dragon Faunus.

¨Taiyang, we need to talk, its really important¨ was all that Qrow said.

¨its about this kid right?¨ the blonde man said while looking at Ragnar

¨yes, let´s go to the kitchen, Ragnar why don´t you stay with Ruby and Yang? I´m sure they´ll like to be your friends too¨ qrow said and the dragon faunus nodded, while Taiyang and Qrow walked to the kitchen to talk privately.

The blonde man closed the kitche´s door and looked at his black haired friend.¨alright, tell me whats going on...is that kid really is a Dragon faunus?¨ he asked.

Qrow nodded.¨yes, your eyes do not lie to you, he is a dragon faunus.¨

¨where do you found him?¨

¨we found him on the Gray Forrest, do you remember about the horde i told you that it was coming?¨


¨well…he killed the whole horde of Grimm all by himself!¨ Qrow said

Taiyang´s eyes widened in shock.¨you must be lying!¨ he exclaimed.

¨I´m not…i even saw him incinerate a Ursa Mayor by spitting fire out of his mouth! ¨the black haired man exclaimed. ¨that reminds me to the leyends from the books that we read time ago on that old temple we found deep in the forrests¨ Qrow responded.

¨about a boy who could use his voice as a power, his semblance is his voice…you are right! He must be the same from the leyends, but what do we do now?¨

¨you´ll take care of him.¨ the elder scythe wielder said.

¨why me? Why not you?¨ he asked

¨you know i´m too busy to properly take care of the boy, you are better than me in that..Rising both Yang and Ruby proves that.¨ Qrow explained.

¨Okay..i´ll do it, i´m gonna rise him as if he was my Son.¨ taiyang said with a small smile.¨oh! also did he told you from where he is?¨ he asked.

¨thats good i wish you luck with that and No, he didnt told us, you should try asking him to see if he tells you something about his origins¨ he responded.

¨alright i´ll do that, you going back to work already?¨

¨yes, good night Tai¨ qrow said and opened the door of the kitchen, walking to the Common room, to see Ruby, Yang and Ragnar who was telling them the things he did back in the Gray forrest after the two girls asked him where Qrow had found him.

¨them i smashed the Ursa´s head with Sovngarde!¨ he exclaimed.

¨wooow! That sounds cool and your weapon is cool too..Oh! oh! Can i carry it?¨ ruby asked with exitement.

¨Ruby, what are the magic words?¨ Yang asked

¨Right!¨ she responded while looking at yang them back at Ragnar.¨can i carry Sovngarde Pleaaaaase?..Pretty pleaase with a cherry on top!¨ ruby said while making her best puppy eyes.

¨…i..Cant resist, alright! Alright! You win Ruby!¨ he said, giving in to the girl´s request and he took his warhammer.¨but be careful, its kinda heavy...so if its too much for you i´ll help alright?¨ he said

¨i´m not weak, i can easily carry Cresent Rose, so i´ll be okay!¨ she said and them extended both of her hands patiently waiting them Ragnar placed Sovngarde on her hands, ruby almost fell but she actually managed to hold the warhammer on her hands, for the girl the weapon´s weight was kinda like Cresent Rose´s but she had noticed that it was obviously heavier, she was starting to force herself to hold it while puffing out her cheeks, which made her look adorable, Ragnar took Sovngarde off of her hands easily.¨ easy there Ruby or you could hurt yourself.¨ he said slightly worried.

¨dont worry! As i said I´m strong and i drink milk!, you just wait and i will be able to carry Sovngarde without problems like you do!¨ she exclaimed exitedly.

¨isn´t shee an adorable thing?¨ yang said while petting her head, ruby pouted.

¨i cant deny it, shes really adorable.¨ ragnar said too, and she continued pouting, which made the two chuckle.

¨Hey Ragnar¨

The dragon faunus turned around to look at Qrow who was at the door, smilling.¨ i´m gonna go now, take care of yourself kiddo.¨ he them looked at Ruby and Yang.¨ sorry for being here for so little, but i promise that next time i come i´ll be able to play with you two!¨ the black haired scythe wielder said.

¨Okay Uncle Qrow!¨ the two girls said at the same time, smilling back at him, he chuckled and them went off, closing the front door.

The three heard an ahem, and looked at Taiyang.¨i first want to say that i welcome you to the Xiao Long Family!¨ the blonde man exclaimed, which resulted in cheers from yang and ruby, and a smile on Ragnar´s face.¨what is your name kid?¨ he asked gently.

His smile grew, and responded.¨ My name is Ragnar¨

¨nice name you got Ragnar, but now that i think about it, it would sound weird for you to have the Xiao Long last name since your name is different…so i think you could share Ruby´s last name.¨the blonde man looked at ruby who nodded happily.¨Its settled, from this day you´ll be Ragnar Rose¨ he said while grinning, Yang was grinning too and ruby giggled at what their father had just said.

¨it sounds Silly but i like it!¨ the younger scythe wielder said.

The Dovahkiin blinked once..Twice and them a third time, them rised an eyebrow but quickly moved it down again, Rose? That was not the most intimidating last name he has ever heard before…but he could not say no, he didnt want to dissapoint ruby. So he decided to swallow his Nord and Imperial prides and accepted his new lastname.¨ Ragnar Rose it is them¨ he said, giving a sincere and true smile.

¨yaay! I have a Big brother now!¨ ruby said happily, giving ragnar a hug, them yang and taiyang also joined in the Family hug. To tell the truth, the fact of finally being part of a Family actually made him feel good. He was aware that he is a Son of Akatosh in mortal body he never got the chance of being in a Family and that always made him feel lonely from time to time.

¨wait! What age are you Ragnar?¨ Yang asked

¨if you are having hopes of being the eldest of us three them no, i have 15¨ he said, while petting ruby´s head.

¨oh shush, we have the same age!¨she repiled.

¨come on now, it´s late, i´m sure you need some rest ragnar.¨ Taiyang said, coming into the conversation.

¨yes…i had a really long day and i really need some sleep¨ he said. The dragon faunus had been feeling the effects of exhaustion since a while ago but he had been doing his best to endure it and he was starting to fail at it right now since it was getting harder for him to reopen his eyes.

¨come on, we have a third room that you could use follow me.¨ taiyang said while walking in the direction of the room

¨alright¨ ragnar replied while following him but a tug on his arm stopped him, he turned around to look down at ruby who was looking up at him.¨what is it ruby?¨

¨have a good night brother¨ she said and he chuckled, getting used to that would be hard but he knew he could eventually, it was something that not even the dragons he had managed to befriend had called him, even if he was a son of Akatosh just like them.

¨good night Ruby and Yang¨ he said smilling at his two sisters and them followed Taiyang.

Ragnar inspected the room that was given to him, it had a simple bed for one person, and a table where he could place most of his things, like his katanas, Sovngarde and his other stuff so he started doing it.

Moments later, he was finally done with taking off his armor and had put on a simple white shirt and black cotton pants, given to him by taiyang when he said that he didnt had sleeping clothing, his Wolf steel armor rested on the table, along with his katanas, the boots of the armor were on the floor and his warhammer, Sovngarde resting against the wall, he knew that the weapon made of Dwemer metal would be too heavy for the wooden table and would eventually break it.

He had also put on the table his money bag that had quite an amount of Septims that the boy managed to adquire doing honest hard work back in Skyrim and a Map of Tamriel rested next to that bag. He had remembered of the secondary bag he had with him, which was bigger, and for a reason. It had his Soul Gems inside of it, he had the common ones which were all compleatly filled and he had also quite a few of the Black Soul Gems that he adquired during a quest given to him that consisted on getting rid of a group of necromancers who were trying to revive Potema Septim and use her power.

Most of the black soul gems were charged since they had the weird glow as the normal ones too but he saw 3 that didnt glow meaning that they were not filled. But he knew that something strange had happened to them, he took one out of the bag and inspected it.¨ this is weird…i dont remember that the soul gems or black ones could glow.. i just remember them shinning but that was just the sun or other types of lights reflecting on them¨ he said to no one in particular while holding the soul gem with his thumb and index finger, he guessed that it would probably be an effect of what Sheogorath did to him after shooting him with The Wabbajack. He put the Soul Gem back inside the bag and decided to lay on his bed, he was too tired right now to think any weird theories about what could have happened to his gems, he would find out tomorrow, he closed his eyes and allowed his counciousness to drift into the Dream World.

Two hours later, ragnar had been sleeping without any problems, having a well deserved rest was a something wished greatly ever since he defeated Alduin. But after a while the dragon faunus felt a gentle shake on his shoulders, he sit up on the bed and opened his eyes, looking at the person who woke up him and realized that it was Ruby, wearing her black and red pijama and holding a bunny plushie, rubbing his still tired eyes he wondered what could she be doing in his room at this hour of the night.¨Ruby? what´s wrong?¨ he asked her.

¨i..Cant sleep, i had a nightmare..i tried waking up yang but shes a heavy sleeper…can i sleep with you?¨ the little sister asked

He scratched the back of his head.¨Ruby i dont know if taiyang would be pleased…i just arrived today, but dont worry about that, it was just a dream¨ he smiled at her and carried her up on his arms easily, them walked out of his room.¨whats yours and yang´s room?¨ he asked.

¨that one¨ she pointed at the semi-open door.

¨yang normally does something when you cant sleep?¨

¨yes! she tells me stories!¨ she said and them gasped.¨are you gonna tell me one?¨ she asked with hope shinning on he reyes.

The elder faunus brother thought for some seconds, what story could he tell her? He wasn´t ready to tell them about his adventures in Skyrim..He didnt felt ready and he wanted to grow closer to them first, he thought hard for several seconds till he finally got idea. Blessed by Julianos be the History books!.¨yes, i´m gonna tell you a story¨ he said, smilling after getting inside the sisters´s room.

¨oh oh! Whats the name of the story?!¨

¨its name is The Oblivion Crisis.. it starts like this: at the turning of the Third Era, The Emperor of Tamriel Uriel Septim VII and all three of his sons were assassinated by the Mythic Dawn…a cult of bad people who worshipped The evil daedric prince Mehrunes Dagon. He had conspired to conquer all of Nirn and Mundus, aided a man named Mankar Camoran, the leader of the Mythic dawn cult, Dagon had promised to name him the Immortal ruler of Tamriel, but knowing the nature of the daedric prince he was most likely to not keep his promise.¨

¨wow that man was a real dummy!¨ ruby said, and Ragnar chuckled, them continued.¨ and so! When hopes seemed to be lost a champion rised in arms to save Tamriel!, he was called the Hero of Kvatch, who used to be a prisoner that The Emperor released when he was trying to escape, Uriel who was in his dying moments told him of the existence of a fourth son, and after giving The Hero an artifact known as the Amulet Of The Kings tasked him with the quest of finding Martin Septim, the last member of the Septim dinasty of Emperors!...but something happened¨

¨w-what?¨ she asked

¨the Amulet of the Kings was stolen by the Mythic Dawn Cult!¨ he exclaimed in low voice to not wake up Yang, who was snoring on her bed, ruby gasped.¨but fear not Ruby as Martin and his brave companion, The Hero managed to get the Amulet back from the evil hands of Mankar Camoran and his cult!¨ ruby now cheered on low voice too.

¨after getting the Amulet Of The Kings back from the two heros headed back to the Imperial City to their final battle against the daedric prince of destruction Mehrunes Dagon, while The Hero of Kvatch fought bravely on the streets of the Imperial City along with the Imperial soldiers and The Blades against the hordes of daedras and dremoras, Martin Septim sacrificed himself, becoming the Avatar of Akatosh¨

¨Akatosh?¨ ruby asked, slowly. He had noticed that she was getting sleepy.

A small came to Ragnar´s face.¨ The Dragon God of Time and leader of the Nine Divines. Martin had accepted his fate and he became a great dragon who shined with the intensity of the sun, the god of time and the daedric prince of destruction fought in a incredible epic battle…and in the end, Mehrunes Dagon was defeated and sent back to his plane and the Gates of Oblivion were closed forever...meaning the salvation of Tamriel¨

Ruby yawned, now compleatly sleepy.¨ the Crisis of Oblivion was an amazing story Ragnar..i loved it¨ she said with a smile and slowly closing her eyes.

¨i´m glad you liked it Ruby, will you sleep better with this?¨ he asked.

¨yes… thank you so much¨ she yawned again.¨Ragnar¨

¨yes ruby?¨

¨does Tamriel really exists?¨

A nostalgic smile formed on his face.¨yes it does…but its very…very far away from Vytal¨

¨will i ever see it?¨

¨maybe…but as i told you, its very far away¨ he said and she nodded in understanding but kept the hopes of seeing the lands where the Crisis of Oblivion happened.

¨are you from Tamriel?¨

that question caught him off guard but he decided to answer her.¨Yes..i am a half breed of two races of that place, The Imperials from Cyrodill and the Nords from Skyrim, but promise me something.¨

¨what is it?¨

¨keep it secret for now, i want to be closer to all of you three before i explain everything, okay?¨

¨Okay big brother!¨ she said with a smile and the curled up on the bed, with a smile on her face, closing her eyes.¨sleep well¨

¨thanks and you too Ruby.¨ he said with a smile, and the walked out of the room, looking for a moment at the sleeping form of ruby and yang, them he silently closed the door and walked back to his room, going back to sleep again.

(Well this is it for now, hello everyone Orkshasa here. Sorry that i took long at remaking the story, i was reading more of The Elder Scrolls lore and watching more of RWBY. The ideas for this story multiplied!, as you may see this is the double of the original number of words that the original Chapter had. If you wonder why? Them its because i want to make this story entertaining and good. So i´ll do my best to keep each Chapter over 10.000 words and more if possible. What i have planned is to make 3 seasons for this story with 20 or 24 chapters in each so in total the Dragon of Remnant will have 60 or 72 chapters. Even if i update Slowly so i make less mistakes while writing.i promise you all that i will Complete this story as well as the others, many other stories in this site have inspired me to do something like this one..And the best example that i can give you all is the Fallout/Mass Effect crossover called From The Ashes by Er The King. if you guys have read it then you know why he was my inspiration, if you haven´t read that story them go read it too! Its an amazing story!. Oh. And i´m still on the No-Brakes Hype Train for everything i saw of Fallout 4 on the E3 yesterday…as a fan of the fallout games i gotta say..IT WAS AMAZING, and bethesda got me hooked to yet another catchy song dammit!.)

(Also you can see that the main pairing will be Ragnar x Weiss, and not like i said with velvet well…you will see as the story goes on…i have something planned. –walks away singing Atom Bomb Baby- )