

It's an understatement to say that we've all made mistakes during our time on Earth. Over the course of six months, it seems that we have destroyed and rebuilt ourselves more times than I can truly count. I used to be a naive girl, and maybe I still am. I was surely under the impression that I would do great things one day. I thought I would be the one to save lives, save us. After Mount Weather, I know that there aren't good guys in our lives. My decisions didn't make me a hero, they made me a mass murderer. In truth, I never had the right to decide who lived and who died. In the end, I should've never came back to Arkadia. It was a mistake to return after everything I did.. I should have stayed away from our people, and from you. Maybe if I had, we would have never ended up in this situation. We could have said goodbye and lived differently.

When I came back, you were already married to Echo. I convinced myself that it wasn't a real marriage, that it didn't truly mean anything. You would think I learned my lesson after Finn, but I still wanted you. I still slept with you despite your vows. In the worst way, I thought you were ultimately mine because of our relationship. You were my partner, my best friend, and my only confidant. In my head, you married her in my absence because you didn't know if I would ever return. It's stupid, the things we tell each other to justify our actions. I don't really know what was in it for you, other than the sex. I guess it was a nice escape from your life.

Because that's all it really was, right? When I found out I was pregnant, I went to you and you asked me to have an abortion and I refused, you were so angry. I was your faithful mistress, and you didn't want to explain why my child looked like you. You would have to tell you'd been cheating on her for the better part of three months. The agreement you made with the Ice Nation when you were married would be obsolete and our people would be in harms way. I want you to know that I took care of our problem, and it's no longer something you have to worry about.

I can't stay here, though. I don't want to stay in Arkadia, constantly reminded of what we could of had and my mistakes. By the time you get this, I will be a very realistic nightmare. I wish you well, and I hope you can continue to be the leader our people need. I wish we could part as friends, and I wish I wasn't consumed with guilt a second time as I walk away from this place.

I know that I'm not in the position to ask for favors, but please tell my mother that I love her and that I will be okay. Please don't look for me.

- Princess

Clarke Griffin looked at the night sky for a brief moment, entranced by the sky and hoping for a forgiving God. it was odd to think that she once lived among the stars without recognizing the beauty of it. For the longest time, she imagined what Earth would be like. Never once did she expect that it would be filled with war, and, and struggle. It had been the sweetest daydream, but the cruelest reality. With the remainder of strength that she had, Clarke walked towards the gate. She'd planned her departure quite well. Miller was sitting against a post, guarding the gate, half-asleep when she approached him. "Will you give this to Bellamy?" She asked him, handing him the freshly written letter. He nodded, and then he seemed to realize that this was out of the norm.

"Where are you going, Clarke?" He asked warily, trying to shake off the sleepiness.

She gave him a soft smile, "I'm just going to hunt a little. I'll be back soon." He didn't respond to her, just pocketed the letter and crossed his arms over his chest. Clarke watched as he nodded off. It took all of her strength to walk away from him, from them. She kept telling herself that it was the right thing to do. In truth, it was. There wasn't any possible version where this worked out for her.

Clarke lied to Bellamy in her letter. She didn't "take care" of the baby. It wasn't in her to have an abortion after everything she'd done. Although she doubted her ability to be a mother, she knew that she would protect her child at all costs. Even if that meant leaving her people, and the family she had left, behind. Her child wouldn't have a fair chance at life is she stayed in Arkadia. He or she would be labeled a bastard. It's not fair for someone to come into the world with so much baggage.

Updated Version of Vows. I'm going to be reworking and updating a lot of my pieces. A lot of my work wasn't edited and rushed through. I'm grateful for the fans that I have had over the years and the continued support.