Disclaimer: Don't own Teen Wolf, but if I did (spoilers: Alison would come back from the dead.)

Part of my series of oneshots. Should I put them together in one story or just keep publishing them separately or maybe do both?

This one is before they officially met... or maybe this is WHEN they met. Honestly, I just think of fun situations and write them.

"I wrote her a song
Not Delilah, not Kelsey
Got 'em both in my palm
But I'd drop them for Chelsea"
- Summer Set - Chelsea


"I like his freckles" Aurora said tapping her cheek where Stiles's beauty makes were. "I want to connect the dots with them."

Her twin brother, Daren laughed "I'm pretty sure that would be socially unacceptable" he glanced over at the boy in question. Both Stiles and Scott sat a few feet away talking in hushed tones glancing not so subtly at the twins. Aurora giggled taking another bite of her celery stick. The loud crunching sound caused the librarian to look up giving the blonde a death glare. She wasn't really allowed to eat in the library but that had never stopped her before.

"You think they are talking about us?" Daren asked. Aurora shrugged shifting her legs which were propped up on her brother's wheelchair.

"I bet I could make a rune out of them. Than he could have powers too."

"We still on his freckles? You know some people get self-conscious about that sort of thing." Aurora's eyes got wide as she turned her gaze to her brother.

"Why? They are cute, they make me laugh."

"I'm not saying he is, I'm saying he might be."

"Whatever," She shrugged "I like them, I want some"



Daren laughed, "Maybe he'll give them to you."

His sister smiled a wide toothy grin, her eyes lighting up with silent laughter. It was a sign of genuine happiness. While most people thought Aurora was always smiling and laughing Daren knew the difference between his sister's "shades of happy" as he called them.

Stiles and Scott suddenly descended upon the twins taking the empty seats at their table.

"We need to talk, we know about this Witchy thing." Stiles demanded leaning forward scowling.

Aurora pointed her celery stick at him, "Can I have your freckles?"

Startled, Stiles pulled away, completely lost for words, "ehhh what?"


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