It was eight in the morning and Sanji had had enough.

The plan was simple, to wait by the post box and finally confront that moron of a postman. No, Sanji wasn't just a lunatic who had an obsession for jumping postmen so perhaps that needed some more context… The postal service had hired a new postman and he was the most awful, pathetic excuse of a postman Sanji had ever known. He'd never actually met the guy personally, but he could make a pretty sound judgement that he was a complete idiot from the very fact that he always turned up late and Sanji ended up with post that was supposed to be delivered to an address three streets away.

What a fucking idiot.

So here he was, waiting at the end of his drive with the nosey old woman over the road thinking that he couldn't see her watching him nosily through the lace net she had at the window, and his arms folded over his chest crossly because it was freezing cold this morning and he'd refused to get changed in case that shit head of a postman wandered by whilst he was getting ready. So he was stood waiting in the freezing cold with the nosy old woman eying him up and down as he tried not to shiver ever so slightly in his scruffy old blue shirt and black boxers.

Fucking postman.

It was half nine in the morning when a confused looking man wandered past him, paused, looked left and then right, and then back to Sanji before back tracking. By then Sanji was cold, hungry, and ratty, and still stood in his fucking pyjamas on the fucking drive with the old woman over the road still fucking looking at him.

"Uh," Said the very confused looking man and Sanji noticed he had green hair and for some reason it angered him, "Post?"

Sanji didn't even look the postman (if you could even call this man that) in the face he was so mad, and his anger flared up at seeing the wrong address on the envelopes outstretched to him. He snapped. Throwing his arms up, he pointed at his own house, "Does that look like it has twenty-seven floors to you?! No? Well that's because it's a house and not a fucking flat! What is wrong with you? Do you even know what street you're on? Are you constantly lost every time you deliver the post? Is that it?!"

"Yo, buddy, calm the fuck down. It's just an accident-" The annoying postman with the stupid fucking green hair began to say but Sanji was in full swing now.

"An accident?! You've been giving me the wrong post for the past four months. FOUR MONTHS! Are you that much of an idiot because I- Well fuck." Sanji had took that moment to scream at the dumbass postman in the face but the moment his eyes looked up… Well, "Shit…"

Sanji hadn't betted on the postman being hot but apparently that was a thing now happening and as those dark eyes looked down at him in an equally as dark frown, Sanji looked away and down because holy shit the postman was hot. But looking down proved as equally as dumb a move when his gaze met the pair of tanned legs cut off mid thigh by black shorts which clung to narrow hips where the man's red postbag hung.

"You gonna finish that insult or has that stupid curly eyebrow of yours hypnotised you?" The postman sneered, voice deep and rich and came from a perfectly angled and shaped jaw with soft looking lips.

"Hot." Sanji blurted before he could stop himself.

"What?" The postman said, blinking in surprise, and Sanji wanted to go and kick himself in the face. He forced a laugh.

"Damn. Hot damn its cold! Good bye!" Sanji clutched the letters to his chest, spun on his heel and fled to the door and into the house, ignoring the postman's shout that that wasn't his post to take.

Fucking postman.