A/N: I finally found enough inspiration to put in a third chapter. There are incredibly slight AoU spoilers in here - but, if you haven't seen it, you probably won't understand what I'm talking about as a certain event is indicated in two of the character studies. Enjoy.
Alexander Pierce
Where there is pain, there will be order.
Frigga, Queen of Asgard
Death is only the start of new life.
Lady Sif
Fear is an utterly irrational thing to feel.
Sam Wilson
Sometimes, you don't need armies to win wars.
James "Rhodey" Rhodes
A little friendship can go a long way.
Pietro Maximoff
It's that split second decision which defines you.
Wanda Maximoff
Suddenly, when someone is gone, you are lost.
The Vision
It does not take age to know wisdom.
When ideas hit, they are like beautiful light.