A/N:I'm not entirely sure what inspired me to write this. I did read a very good one for a different fandom, and I'm sorry if something like this has been done before. I have a couple more chapters written so please let me know if I should continue. Also, I am a bit short on ideas so I accept requests!

Tony Stark

An idea can all too easily become reality.

Bruce Banner

Rage has always been a constant, consistent companion.

Clint Barton

An arrow flies freely, very much like hatred.

Steve Rogers

An army is built upon foundations of trust.

Natasha Romanoff

Death is neither friend nor foe; merely is.

Thor Odinson

It is only noble to fight for others.

Phil Coulson

A hero is defined by what they do.

Nick Fury

Trust just one person, you lose the game.

Loki Laufeyson

When broken beyond reason one can only hope.