Shadow's Agony

Chapter 3

I will honestly say I have been wanting to write a MLP fanfic for a while, but I couldn't come up with a good story until now. Please enjoy and leave a comment.

By the next day, Sombra saw his brother spending time with Hazel, from the night before. It was clear that Rubian was smitten by her. Sombra didn't say anything, from what he could tell, the pink mare was good and she deserved respect. She was a noble mare at birth, so Sombra saw no problem with his older brother showing interest with her.

Sombra made his way back to the library that morning, he wanted finally finish the book he had been reading before Ruby made him return to the party. He opened the door with his magic and made his way to where he left the book. He made it to the spot but found the book missing.

Maybe she put it away. He thought as he went to go find it at its shelf. The book was missing from there as well.

"Good morning, you're Highness." Ruby called behind him. "Have you had your breakfast yet?"

"No," He replied quickly. "Ruby, have you seen the book I've been reading?"

He turned to look for it in a different area, but saw Ruby holding it in the crook of her arm. He glanced down at it, then back up to her several times before speaking.

"And why do you have that?"

"You're Highness, you need to properly take care of yourself." She began. "Without food, you will suffer the consequences of malnutrition."

Sombra glared at her as he used his magic to grab the book from her. But before he could even mentally grasp it, she flew into the air, keeping a distance from him. Whenever he tried to get ahold of her, she would simply move in such a way that he couldn't grab her.

"I simply ask, as your assistant, to go eat before finishing the book." She eventually landed in front of him when he gave up. "I will give you your book afterwards."

He pinched his lips together. "Fine."

With that, he exited the room to go have the first meal of the day.

A while later, Sombra was enjoying his book, while Ruby when off somewhere else in the library. If he needed her, he would simply call for her. While reading, he heard something fill the area. It was quiet, but distinct, music.

Putting a pause on his book, he stood and began to follow the sound. After turning a few corners, he stopped, the music had stopped for a while. He waited, but finally it started again. He continued to follow the sound until he found Ruby sitting in a corner, practically slaving over what he could tell was a journal.

She was tapping her hoof against the hard surface, making a rhythm as she hummed along. With a quill in her mouth, she wrote down some words, then scratched them out before writing some others.

"So," Sombra said, causing her to jump and drop the quill. "I guess this explains your cutie mark."

"You're Highness," She stood and bowed deeply. "I'm sorry, if I was disturbing you I will stop."

"No," He walked over to her and used his hoof to tilt her head up to look at him. "I would like to hear more of your music. It's enchanting."

"I'm not the best of singers, I'm just a writer."

"I don't see how that matters."

She averted her gaze for a moment, before nodding. She sat back down and turned the pages of her book until it landed on a finished song. Sombra watched as she concentrated on her work, while he lied down near by to listen.

She opened her mouth, and music filled the air.

"Oh how you're the morning star. You guide me to thy light. Your love and tranquility pure, I could never lose sight. Your smile is my sun, your eyes my moon. How I have grown to miss them all too soon…"


Sombra glared, Rubian, always with perfect timing. His thoughts were sarcastic as he stood. Ruby had stopped, looking a little startled, again.

"You will have to sing the rest to me later, I'm afraid my brother needs me." Sombra explained.

"It's nothing to worry yourself about, you're Highness." She smiled.

Sombra smiled back, he turned to leave but hesitated for a moment. He looked back at her. "I wish you would simply call me by my name, Ruby. You need not be so formal with me."

He didn't stay to hear her answer. He didn't want to argue with her. He made his way out to where Rubian was. His brother smiled broadly at him as he was excited to tell Sombra his news.

"Is something the matter, Rubian?"

"Nothing could bring me down this day, Sombra." Rubian said. "Father has agreed to allow me to be joined, in matrimony, with the fair Hazel Paradise."

"That was quite a short courtship."

"Well, in all honesty, father has allowed me to court her and eventually marry her, it will still be a while before the actual marriage. I hope she agrees to it."

"Rubian," Sombra said as he began to walk with his brother towards the door. "Any mare who would reject your kind affections would surely be insane."

"I hope you are right, Sombra."

Rubian left after that, leaving Sombra in a quiet state. His brother was King, of course he needed a Queen. And who would be finer than Hazel. Sombra was truly happy for his brother to have found someone worthy of his love.

He made his way back to where Ruby was, but found her missing again. He let out a sigh before leaving the library, for some reason having a feeling of foreboding.