Chapter 12 Reunion

(At the entrance of the hotel)

We can see Elric trying to figure out the map that Yuzuru made for him, but failed to do so. He tried asking around the city if they know where the map will lead him after a while a, other self that was wearing a black cloak while wearing its hood on which made it very hard for Elric to see who it was talked to him because he looked like he needed some help.

He was told to head east until he finds a café called the tsun-tsun café. And then head west until he finds himself at a park called Azure Park. Once the other self was done with the direction he thanked her and headed towards the diner.

"Blue rock shooter huh?" The Cloaked other self said as she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

(With Black rock shooter and Death Scythe)

The two of them have been walking around the park called Sapphire Park. Rock hadn't said a word to Death Scythe ever since the two of them started walking. While Death Scythe was getting a bit irritated at the fact that Rock hasn't said a word.

Rock Stopped walking until they were near a crystalized statue of a dog, and turned around to face Death Scythe. When Death Scythe saw that Rock was looking at her she stopped and backed up a bit until she was an inch away from Rock.

"Well? I thought you had something to say?" Death Scythe Said as she crossed her arms while Rock leaned her back to the statue. It's about Blue Rock shooter. Rock said as Death Scythe was shocked to hear Elric's name.

"What about him?" Death Scythe asked. First, I know that he was like a little brother to you, before he went on a rampage and almost destroyed the entire district. Rock said as leaned off of the statue and crossed her arms.

So why exactly are trying to bring up the past? Death Scythe said as she started to walk away from Rock but Rock still followed Death Scythe. I know it's been three years ever since he went missing-. Rock said as she was interrupted by Death Scythe, as she was pointing her Scythe at Rock.

"Look if you're just trying to make a fool out of me, by saying that you've found him then Just leave I don't want to talk about him". Death Scythe said as Rock summoned her black blade and pointed it at Death Scythe. Look I really did found him back in the real world, you should have seen him looking like his human counterpart Rock said as Death Scythe stopped at her feet and so did Rock.

"Could you let me see him? You know, since you've found him." Death Scythe said as she started to blush while thinking of Elric wearing a school uniform. "You know, you should just admit that you've loved him ever since you met him." Rock said as Death Scythe slashed her scythe at Rock while Rock blocked it with her black blade.

"I don't love him, in that way!" Death Scythe said as she blushed and unsummoned her scythe. Well why, did you just attack me all of a sudden? Rock said with a grin on her face. It's nothing alright! Death Scythe said as she started to blush even more. Heh whatever you say Death Scythe Rock said as she still had the same grin on her face.

"Wait, you seem pretty different from the last time I saw you." Death Scythe said as Rock only crossed her arms with the same grin again. "Well that doesn't really matter. Anyway Elric has been abducted by a Red other self and now I'm looking for him, would you help me find him?" Rock said as Death Scythe Summoned her Scythe.

"Oh you don't have to worry about asking me for help." Death Scythe said as rock removed her grin which was replaced with a smile. Well let's get going then Rock said as both of them started to search for Elric.

(Azure Park)

We see Elric looking at the park seeing a lot of other selves talking to each other while some were using most of their time sitting at the benches just looking at the nature of the park which only the park was left with nature while the rest of the city was much more futuristic.

So this is what the blue district looked like, but it looks a lot like Tokyo to me. Elric said to himself as he walked to a nearby bench which was occupied by an, other self and there was also another one standing near the first other self. She was a girl with shoulder-length black hair and red-orange eyes. She wears a long, black sweatshirt with white stripes on the arms and a wide neck. She also wears black thigh-high stockings, a black scarf, and black armored boots. On her left shoulder is what appears to be a large mechanical sword.

While the one sitting on the bench was a spectacled girl with long black hair and neon green eyes. She wears a similar outfit to Black Rock Shooter, but instead wears her jacket so that it exposes her bikini top and is closed to look like a skirt. Her boots also extend further up to her thighs. She has a pair of short black horns, big glasses, and white earphones.

The one I'm sitting right next to looked a lot like Dead master, only her horns are shorter than her while while her hair isn't like Dead master's must be a coincidence Elric said to himself until the Red otherself noticed him and asked if the green other self to scoot over while the green other self, did what she was asked as the red other self, sat next to Elric.

Why are you looking at my friend? The red other self said as she had a serious look on her face while Elric remained calm and gave her an emotionless face. Well she just looked similar to someone I know and thought that she was her. Elric said as the red other self, looked closely at Elric. Wait is that you Blue Rock Shooter?! The red other self said with a shocked tone in her voice which made Elric confused.

Wait how do you know my name? Elric said as the red otherself gave him a hug. It really is you! I know your voice pretty well. The red other self said as Elric tried to get away from her until the green otherself tapped the red other self's right shoulder which made her turn around while she continued to hug Elric.

"I think you should let him go and, explain why you're so over joyed to see him." The green other self said as the red other self finally stopped hugging Elric. "Oh you're right." The red other self said as Elric backed away from her for about an inch.

"Hey um, Blue you should have a map to this park right?" The red other self said as Elric was a bit confused. "Wait are you two the ones that Yuzuru mentioned in the letter?" Elric asked as the green other self, stepped up. "Does it have a map?" The green other self said as Elric nod his head to answer her question.

"Well if that's the case, then yes we are your friends." The green other self said as the red other self, looked at the green other self. Well anyway let us introduce ourselves, "I'm Great Black Sword but you used to call me Rena" the red other self, stated as she put up her right hand for a hand shake.

While Elric put up his own right hand and shaked hands with her. When the two of them were done Elric looked at the green other self. "I'm Black Devil Girl and you used to call me Rin" The green other self said as Elric scratched the back of his head.

"Well are those nicknames that we all agreed on?" Elric asked as the two girls gave him a nod to his question. "Well anyway we have a lot to catch up on and we'll try to get your memories back while we're at it." Great Black Sword said as she quickly and rudely pulled Elric along with her.

(With Stella at Azure Park)

Stella was still trying to locate Rock through her device as she continues to walk and enjoy the nature that she was being surrounded in. "Can't believe that Sing love, still hasn't given me an answer to why she decided to help Elric." Stella said as she was passed by a powerful gust of wind.

"Whoa, what was that?" Stella asked herself as Black Devil girl was running towards her and when she about a meter away from Stella she stopped. "Hey Rock sorry about that, it was only Great Black Sword running off with Blue and yeah we finally found him after three whole years and now he's back!" Black Devil Girl said which made Stella knew that rock knows Black Devil Girl and quickly made an excuse to come with them.

Which Black Devil girl agreed to let her come along with them, as Stella pulled out her device and started to contact Dead master.

(With Dead Master)

Dead Master had been looking for Elric but had no luck at finding him, until her device rang and decided to pick it up. "Hey what's up?" Dead Master said as Stella's voice can be heard through the device. Dead Master follow the coordinates that I'm sending right now and meet up with me, I've found Elric. Stella said as the coordinates had went through the communication device that stella had made.

"Thanks Stella. I'll contact IBRS and tell her the news." Dead Master said as Stella hanged up and Dead Master started to push the broken star symbol on the IBRS's voice could be heard. Well? Is there any news on Elric? IBRS said As Dead Master started to follow the coordinates that Stella had given her.

"Yeah, fortunately Stella was able to find Elric. And now the two of us are supposed to meet up at a place called Sapphire Zone, which is a residential area for the otherselves that are living in the blue district". Stella said Just give me the coordinates and I'll be on my way. IBRS said with a little bit of irritation in her voice as Dead Master started to send it to IBRS's Device.

Now, that that's done all we need to do now is to get Elric back. Dead Master said as she turned off her device and started to make her way over to Stella location.

(With Iris)

Iris was still watching over Elric but this time through a portal that she had made. But then switches over to Rock where she saw her walking along side with Death Scythe Iris also felt that Death Scythe wasn't just there to recall memories or to have a friendly talk with rock, so she turned off the TV and started to call Elric by using telepathy.

(With Elric being pulled by Great Black Sword)

"Hey um Rena! Would you stop pulling me by the arm! I mean I can run on my own you know! Elric yelled as Great Black Sword Stopped and let go of Elric's arm. Sorry i was just sort of excited that your finally back. Great Black Sword said as Elric was about to say something he was interrupted due to Iris talking to him through telepathy.

"Elric there's something that I have to tell you don't answer me and just listen." Iris said as Elric continued to talk to Great Black Sword. So, um tell me Rena what was I like before I disappeared? Elric said as Great Black Sword Started to tell Elric on what he was like.

(Iris's Telepathy)

"First I know that you have lost your memories but I still need to tell you this. Death Scythe and Rock are on their way to your location right now and I have a bad feeling about Death Scythe. Stay sharp and when things get rough while you're around her I want you to shout. Helios Mode! And you will transform to your Helios form, well that's all for now i'll be back later to talk with you farewell." Iris said as she broke the link between her and Elric.

(Out of telepathy)
"Hey, Elric Are you listening?" Great Black Sword said as she snapped her fingers in front of Elric's face which made him come back to reality. "Huh? Oh sorry I must have been day dreaming or something". Elric said as he smiled awkwardly at Great Black Sword.

"Geez, at first you wanted to know more about yourself and yet you weren't listening". Great Black Sword said as Elric lowered his head. "Yeah sorry about that, anyway where were you taking me anyway?" Elric asked as Great Black Sword tilted her head a little to the left and made a confused look on her face.

"Wait? Didn't I tell you before I pulled you along with me?" Great Black Sword said as Elric let out a small sigh. "No you didn't". Elric said as Great Black Sword repositioned her head and walked up to Elric until she was an inch away from him.

"Well, let's just say that it's a special place for you, me and Black Devil Girl and Death Scythe". Great Black Sword said as she wore a smile on her face. Well I'll lead the way. Great Black Sword said as she turned around and started to walk, While Elric followed her and had a confused look on his face.

"Wait, who is Death Scythe?" Elric asked as he was still confused on who Death Scythe was. Great Black Sword didn't turn around and only continued to walk as they both talked. "Well, Death Scythe is the otherself that you were very close to, and you two even considered each other as siblings". Great Black Sword said as she suddenly stopped and turned right.

Elric was still confused the answer that Great Black Sword gave him was very vague he wanted ask more about Death Scythe but Elric decided to drop it and continued to follow Great Black Sword.

(With Stella and Black Devil girl)

We can see Stella and Black Devil Girl walking behind Elric and Great Black Sword until Black Devil girl whispered something to Stella. "Hey, rock once we get to our apartment can you tell me everything about Elric's life in the human world?" Black Devil Girl asked as Stella gave Black Devil Girl a nod to answer her question.

"Thank you Rock!" Black Devil Girl said as she wore a warm smile on her face while Stella was regretting at the fact that she will be the one to tell Black Devil Girl on what Elric was like in the human world. But she knew that there was no way for her to know on what he was really like right before he went to get her and Sing love.

After a few more minutes they saw that Elric and Great Black Sword stopped and turned right and entered an apartment Building while Stella and Black Devil Girl did the same.

Once that they were inside they both entered an elevator but as they turned around, Elric and Great Black Sword saw Stella and Black Devil Girl, while Elric was surprised at the fact that Stella was with Black Devil Girl while Great Black Sword was surprised that she wasn't even able to feel Black Devil Girls presence when she and Elric were walking together and the fact that she was with Rock.

Great Black Sword suddenly pressed the open button and started to signal over to Black Devil girl telling her that they should get on. Once that Black Devil girl saw this she quickly grabbed stella by her left hand and pulled her along with her to the elevator.

Once that they were inside the shutters closed behind them, Stella quickly leapt into Elric and wrapped her arms around Elric's waist without warning him which made Elric lose his balance but he was able to keep himself from falling. "Stella you've got to warn me before you do that!" Elric said as Stella was still clinging onto Elric's waist.

"Wait did you just call rock, Stella?" Black Devil Girl asked as she was very confused at the moment she had thought that Stella was rock since the two of them were identical. Elric looked at Stella with a stern look and flicked her forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" Stella said as she started to rub her forehead. "You should know why I did that." Elric said with angry tone in his voice. Until stella stopped rubbing her forehead and lowered her head. Look I'm sorry for tricking you, but I'm not Rock. Stella said as Black Devil Girl was a bit surprised at the truth but she had to admit that she didn't notice that Stella's clothes were different from Rocks.

"Then, who are you exactly?" Great Black sword asked, as Stella raised her head and stopped clinging to Elric and was about to say something but she was interrupted when the door opened. Let's talk when we get to Elric's room. Black Devil Girl said as Great Black Sword started to get out of the elevator while the rest did the same and followed Great Black Sword.

Great Black Sword led them to the end of hallway to face a blue door. Once they were there, Elric saw a sign that had the letters G.B.R.D.S. Elric got curious and decided to talk about the initials to Rin and Rena later once they got inside of the room.

Great Black Sword opened that the room was in perfect condition. It was nothing more than a simple room filled with five beds two were bunk beds while the other one was not which was near the east part of the room, pictures of Black Great Sword and Devil girl along with Rock were all over the place some were hung on the walls some were on the drawer which was beside the single bed.

I guess this room is for convenience only huh? Elric said as Great Black Sword continued to walk to the bed near the window. "Hey why don't you try sitting or lying down on this bed maybe you'll remember something." Great Black Sword said as Elric walked towards her and looked at Great Black Sword and glanced at the bed for a few seconds and looked back to Great Black Sword.

"This bed, there isn't anything special is there? Like memories that you and Devil girl remember that I don't? Or is there something that is hidden underneath the mattress or the sheet?" Elric said as Great Black Sword Made a smile on her face.

"Well if you want to know than I'll tell you then. This is the bed where you and I, along with Devil Girl made love!" Great Black Sword said as her smile turned into a grin while Elric and Black devil girl were taken aback at Great Black Sword's statement Stella who was standing behind Elric was confused at what Great Black Sword had said Made love? What does that mean Elric? Stella said as she tugged on Elric's left sleeve.

"I can't believe she just asked me that!" Elric said to himself as Stella continued to stare at him while Black Devil Girl rushed over to Great Black Sword with an irritated look on her face. "What the hell are you talking about Rena?!" Black Devil Girl said as Great Black sword backed up until her back hit the wall.

"Do you really want to die that badly?!" Black Devil said as she summoned her katana "W-wait Rin, I know what I said was a little bit farfetched but-"Great black sword said as she was interrupted by the katana that almost got her head cut off.

"What part of that makeshift memory of yours is a little?!" Black Devil Girl said as she continued to attack Great Black Sword.

While Black Devil Girl was trying to Kill Great Black Sword Stella was still asking the same question to Elric "So what does it mean Elric?" Stella said as she stared at Elric but Elric was hesitating if he should or should not explain it to stella.

"W-well how about we let someone else at our new HQ explain it to you?" Elric said as Stella stopped tugging on Elric's sleeve. "Alright, but I don't see why you can't be the one to tell me." Stella said with a pout on her face.

"Yeah sorry about that, I'll make it up to you someday I promise whenever you need a favor." Elric said as he smiled at Stella. After a few minutes Black Devil Girl was finally done trying to kill Great Black Sword and decided to put away her Scythe.

Great Black Sword was relieved that it was finally over even though she can fight off Black Devil Girl she decided not to, for the sake of the room not being destroyed due to their weapons. "Well now that, that's over I was just kidding, you know? about You and me and Black Devil Girl Making love with each other, I was just trying to see how you would react to it" Great Black Sword said with a huge grin on her face.

"I give up, she's still the same Rena" Black Devil Girl said as she walked over to Elric "I'm really sorry about Rena" Black Devil Girl said as she turned her head towards Great Black Sword glaring daggers at her.

"Look I'm sorry alright?" Great Black Sword said as Black Devil Girl made a murderous look on her face "Ok moving on!" Great Black Sword yelled as she walked up to Elric and grabbed him by his right shoulder and looked at Elric with a serious look on her face.

"I was joking alright? Here's the truth, it's not the bed that has any special memories. It's actually this room" Great Black Sword said as she let go of Elric's shoulder. "Can you tell me why it has that kind of memory?" Elric asked as Black Devil Girl Stopped Glaring at Great Black Sword and walked closer to Elric

"I think it would be best to show you rather than just telling you about it" Black Devil Girl said as Elric nodded his head in agreement "Alright, first I'd like you to lie down on the bed and close your eyes alright?" Black Devil Girl said as Elric Walked towards the bed and lied down.

"Will I get all of my memories right before my otherself disappeared?" Elric asked as Great Black Sword Nodded her head while Black Devil Girl hovered her right hand over to Elric's head "Close your eyes Elric so we can start getting your memories back" Black Devil Girl said as Elric did what he was told.

Once that he closed his eyes Black Devil Girls right hand started to glow and everything that Elric could see was a flash of light. Until he saw that he was in the same room that he was in except for the fact that Stella and the others weren't there.

"Ok? Is this it?" Elric said to himself as he got up and and got on his knee's he looked out of the window and saw that there was some kind of festival that was going on right outside. Until he heard the door open and saw his otherself grabbing his two katan's which were placed near Black Devil Girl's and Great Black Sword's Bunk bed.

"Alright, I hope I remember something in this memory" Elric said to himself as he stood up and followed his past self.

End of chapter 12

Well that took a lot longer than I expect, sorry about the delay thanks to school being a lot more harder anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one I really worked hard on it and I'm still not confident that this was a good one. Anyway I'll be posting the 13th chapter in about 3 weeks, so anyway see you guys on the next chapter BlueCoboltSpikes signing off