I'm in the passenger's seat of Eddy's, my dad's lawyer, car. We are currently driving up a dirt road with empty farmland passing by on each side. At the end of the dirt road is an old blue farmhouse. It has a wraparound porch with two rocking chairs on the left side of the front door, and a swing on the right side of said door. I see the screen door open and a man steps out on the porch, waiting for the car to pull up.

The sun is setting painting the sky pink, orange, purple and a dark blue. I stare at the sky, as the car pulls up, nervous to meet a man I haven't seen since the funeral. I wasn't exactly nice to him.

Eddy pulls up to the house and puts the car in park and takes the key out of the ignition. "Lets go." The first words he has said all trip.

I wait to hear his door shut before I take a shaky deep breath and exit the vehicle myself. Eddy comes around and hands me my suitcase. I nod thank you and follow him to the porch. Eddy shakes hands with my uncle and then they turn to me.

Eddy motions for me to come stand next to him. I silently follow his instructions. I put my suitcase down next to me and hold out my hand.

"Hey Uncle Douglas." I say when he grabs my hand in a firm handshake.

Douglas smiles and says, "Come in, I'll show you to your room."

Douglas ushers us into the house and takes me up stairs, leaving Eddy in the kitchen. I get a fair sized room in the back of the house, the guest bathroom across the hall. I put my suitcase on the bed and look out the window, enjoying the small breeze that's coming in.

Douglas clears his throat and says, "I'll be downstairs talking to Eddy if you need anything."

I just nod my head, not even bothering to turn around, still lost in the breeze. I know he's just going to sign some custody papers and then Eddy will be on his way to protect all of dad's assets. Instead of unpacking I gaze out the window.

I don't know how long I just stand and stare out the window, but eventually I come back to reality when my stomach growls and realize that the sun has set and the moon is now lighting up the sky.

I walk down stairs and see Eddy packing his brief case. Douglas is standing across from him nodding his head to something Eddy said.

"And this is your personal copy to keep. If you need anything just call my office." Eddy says and takes out a business card. He writes something down on it before handing it to Douglas.

"This is my personal number, please call if you need anything or have any questions. I'm truly sorry for your -" but Eddy stops when he notices my presence.

Douglas turns to me also and smiles, "There's some left overs in the refrigerator if you want, or I could make you something?" He offers.

"Um no thank you, I'll just have the left overs." I reply.

Douglas nods before giving his attention back to Eddy.

"I better get going if I want to make my flight." Eddy says. Douglas nods and begins to walk to the front door. I follow them, wanting to say bye to the man I know better then my uncle.

Douglas shakes hands with Eddy and then Eddy turns to me. He does something he hasn't done in the fifteen years that I've known him; he pulls me into a hug and pats me on the back.

"Good bye Chase." Eddy says, and then he walks out the front door and gets into his car. I watch the car pull away until I can't see it anymore.

"I'm not hungry anymore uncle Douglas, I think I'll just go to bed." I say.

Douglas just nods. I give him a small smile before retreating to my room. Once there I unpack and put my clothes away neatly. It takes me ten minutes to unpack everything I brought on the plane; the rest of my stuff is expected to be delivered by the end of the week.

I put a t-shirt and basketball shorts before sitting on the bed. It squeaks in protest of my weight.

Then the events of the past week begin to hit me. There was a house fire killing my older brother and sister, and dad. I became the sole proprietor of a multibillion-dollar company, making me one of the richest people in the planet over night. My stepfamily and uncle were about to battle for custody but I chose to live with my uncle. Now instead of living in Mission Creek, California I'm living in the middle of nowhere Texas. I'm living with a man I've only met three times in my life, and one of those times was at a funeral for my family.

My chest begins to constrict causing my breath to quicken, the back of my throat hurts, my eyes prickle with tears causing my vision to blur. I try to hold it in, but when I hear Douglas exit the house my body is wrecked with sobs. I feel like I can't breath as tears course down my face. The room suddenly feels to small, and the window is not letting enough air in. My body screams for air and I burst out of my room and run down the stairs. Once I get to the porch I begin sprinting down the driveway to field across the way. I tear through the grass once I get there, feeling the grass slash against my legs and rocks digging into my bare feet.

"Chase!" I hear Douglas yell, but I'm in too much of a panic to pay any thought to him.

My foot finds a rock and gravity finishes the damage by bringing me to the damp earth. I fall face first into the dirt, feeling the moister soak into my clothes, and dirt cling to my exposed skin. Tears still streaming down my face, and lungs still not getting enough air.

I hear Douglas's footfalls come closer to me, and then he kneels next to me and I feel the warmth of his hand on my back. I cling to the grass and cry as Douglas rubs my back soothingly and telling me its okay, but I hear his muffled cries as well.

A/N My intention was to write a new chapter for Bionics vs. Zombies? But my fingers had other ideas and this was what came of it. I'm debating on continuing this or leaving it as a one shot.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope it's not to depressing. This is in an AU and the characters are OCC. I made Eddy a human so he could become the bridge between Chases old life and his new reality.

I hope I covered everything. Please review and let me know what you think.