
Welcome to this story. If you choose to read please know that this story has been discontinued. It may in the future receive a rewrite. As of 5/22/19, I am leaving this story up for a month in case anyone else wants to take over from its current stopping point. After that time, the story will be removed as to not upset new readers. I hope you all can bare with me for the changes in my life. Please take a look at the last chapter, important author's note, it explains the reason for the decision and my lack of being able to finish this story. Once again I thank you for sticking with me this long. Hope to bring my version of these characters back in the future.


The alley was dark and damp. The only people that ventured into this particular alley were the homeless and the not so nice people. The alley was narrow between two buildings in the city where most homeless people tended to beg for money. Some homeless were the decent people that had a rough life losing their entire lives while other sought this alley for refuge with a needle. The sounds of the alley would make anyone blush and advert their eyes. That is if they weren't already used to it.

The city just at the end of the alley was oblivious of this particular place. They were walking toward their cars completely oblivious to what was going on here. Most were walking past their minds occupied by the upcoming seasons or getting home before the sun fell. Only a few people noticed her walking sometimes running down the sidewalk. She was dressed decently some people thought but had that look like she didn't belong in the city. They didn't know how right they were.

Daisy didn't belong in the city but in one of the smaller towns nearby. She tugged her coat closer hoping to get warm as well as take in the scent flowing from the coat. It was the last coat her mother had before she died and Daisy loved the scent the coat held. She bumped into a few people muttering apologies but never looking into their eyes as she walked past them.

A few people she bumped into glared at her annoyed by the intrusion. Others were curious but allowed the moment to pass. While some just didn't care because it wasn't their business.

The alley came up quickly and Daisy could feel the change in temperature that meant nightfall was near. She had past this particular alley before but never stopped by it. Her mother always told her to steer clear of dark alleys, nothing good ever came from the darkness. Daisy didn't want to stay in the alley but she knew how horrible the city was at night. She could find a place to hide in the alley where no one would find her and she'd be okay.

The soup kitchen had provided Daisy her dinner but she knew by bedtime she'd be hungry again. It was a never ending cycle when a ten year old lived on the streets. Daisy ignored the feeling in the back of her mind tugging the jacket even closer as she entered the alley. The smell was awful but Daisy pressed on walking deeper her shoes hitting puddles on the ground.

The deeper she got the worst the feeling in her mind became. That horrible feeling crept up the back of her neck making her even more uncomfortable. The more she walked she began to realize that it wasn't easy to see in the alley. There were boxes here and there where she could hear the worst sounds. She managed to get to the side feeling her hands across the brick of the wall to her right hoping to find an empty space. She would sleep better the next day when she could return to her spot in another alley over but tonight this alley would become her bed and home.

She found a box that was big enough to shield her from any oncoming rain or water that would leak through a pipe at the top of the building. She used her small hands to tear the box apart knowing that it would need to cover her completely because she couldn't fit inside the box. Luck seemed to be on her side though as she found another two boxes in the same area where she couldn't hear the loud scary voices.

Daisy lay down in the boxes with a small hole at the top of the box. The sun had set during her time with the boxes. She smiled at the sight of the stars that sat in the night sky. Her father was always astounded by the stars in the sky wondering just how many there were. Daisy could remember everything about her parents including their untimely departure. Their death had brought something awful to Daisy's life that hasn't been something a ten year should deal with.

She had been left with her aunt who wasn't the nicest person in the world. Her aunt had money but not very much and she lived a high life. A child was not part of that life where she never wanted kids with men in her house all the time. It had been five months that her aunt kicked her out of the house because a man refused to return with a child in the home. Daisy thought her aunt had been joking but it turned out she wasn't when she forced one of her maids to take Daisy out of town into the city. Daisy didn't know the way back home once she was dropped off in the city when she finally realized what happened.

The first three days were awful because Daisy stayed in the same spot hoping the maid or her aunt would return. They never did so Daisy searched the city for somewhere to eat. No one would give her money or feed her until she found the soup kitchen where she returned every day. The women that worked there always stared at her with sadness but never tried to take her off the streets. Daisy figured it was because they thought she was with her parents on the street or maybe it was because they thought her parents were low on cash and she ate there to help her parents.

Daisy closed her eyes smiling quietly as the sleepiness of the day began to set in. She had been walking all day in the park avoiding most people since she wasn't in school.

Moments before dozing off Daisy heard the most horrendous voice. It was rough and dry breathing heavily but stumbling as they walked down the alley. The other people in the surrounding boxes forced blankets over the openings hoping to deter the stumbling man. Daisy jumped up already knowing what this man was about having already experienced one type man before out running one like him last time. The only problem was Daisy was at the end of a dead end alley way with no escape but to run past this man.

Daisy realized her fate locking her muscles as she stayed still in the box hoping death would reunite her with her long lost parents.


A woman with blonde hair rolled her eyes as the small woman beside her clapped her hands. This was the fifth store they were shopping inside and the blonde girl wanted to leave. It wasn't that her feet were hurting her or anything to that nature. Her feet could never hurt nor could she get physically tired; mentally was an entirely different story.

Being a vampire made her that way along with other things. She turned glaring toward the onlookers both loving and hating their stares.

"Oh, Rose," said the small black hair woman beside her, browsing through the racks, "stop bothering the humans. We'll have better service if you're nice."

The blonde woman, Rose, rolled her eyes shaking her head. She stared down at the girl beside her, watching her move around the store. Rose wondered sometimes if Alice truly was something remarkable having not known her human life. The black haired girl, Alice, was lucky Rose thought that she didn't remember the turmoil that must have been her human life.

Alice shook her head but there was an all too familiar look in her eyes as she met Rose's eyes, "Go on, Rose. Stand outside and wait on me. I'll be done in here shortly."

Rose nodded smiling as she quickly yet humanly slow all but ran out of the store. The outside gave a wave of fresh air toward her face. The thirst didn't bother Rose as much as it had when she first started but sometimes it became too much. Shopping was one of her favorite things but even she grew tired of it. Then again, there were only so many things to occupy the life of an immortal.

Rose decided against her better judgment to walk around a little. The city attracted so many humans but Rose had seen much better of the years of her existence. It turned out Rose wasn't very far from a certain alley and she didn't even realize how much this simple alley would change her life.

Alice Cullen saw it the moment it happened. She knew she would be too late but a ghost smile spread across her lips realizing this was just what Rosalie needed.

Rosalie past the alley hearing the sound of an erratic heartbeat. The smell of drugs was strong but this particular heart beat was faster than a druggie. She knew this person was healthy but part of her didn't want to interfere. She listened on hoping to understand just what was happening. She heard the stumbling footsteps and the ragged rough breathing along with the whimper that came from someone in the alley.

Something about that whimper woke something in Rose she never knew she had. The street was empty which wasn't surprising considering just where this alley was in the city. She ran at incredible speed down the alley. Being a vampire she could see in the pitch darkness that incased the alley. What she saw at the end of the alley broke her heart but also gave her purpose. She was fast as she ran toward the man just as the girl closed her eyes before the man lunged.

Rose broke his neck tossing his body toward the other side of the alley allowing the boxes to tumble over him. The girl still had her eyes closed but something was off. She was shaking like a leaf and suddenly she fell over into Rose's arms.

"We need to take her home, Rose," said Alice suddenly appearing next to Rose in the middle of the alley.

Rose looked down at the small child in her arms smiling as she picked her up. Alice helped Rose move the child into her arms bridal style smiling at the pleasant smile on the child's face. The two women walked out with the child seemingly unnoticed by the rest of the population. Alice held the back door of Rose's convertible open as Rose slid into the back holding the girl in her arms.

Rose was fascinated by the child she held in her arms. This girl was the closest Rose would ever get to have a child. It was one of the worst things about being a vampire that she viewed because she couldn't have a child. Alice drove toward their house smiling the entire time but inside she was nervous. Things always worked out differently than she saw in her head more so than she ever liked.

Rose was already becoming attached to the young girl in her arms. Her golden eyes were following the curves of her face adoring her beautiful brown hair. The smell of her blood didn't even tempt Rose in the slightest but in the back of her mind she was worried.

Why was this girl on the streets?

Where were her parents?

Rose realized they probably should have taken her to a homeless shelter or the police station. They could have dropped her off inside where someone would have found her. Unfortunately, Rose couldn't even speak up to inform Alice of her change of heart. Of course Alice knew about the possibility of Rose's mind changing but she didn't even react to the vision. The girl had something on her side that just pulled people toward her like a magnet and once Rose was close to her there would be no change of heart.

The house came into view quickly more so than Rose was prepared. A bronze haired boy came running down the steps of the house. He smiled running toward the car without a second thought. Alice frowned as she cut the engine just at the front of the house. The boy didn't pay attention to the look on Alice's face as she stood from the car.

"Edward," she breathed shaking her head causing him to stop mid-stride.

He stood in the middle of the yard staring as Alice opened the back door of the car. Rose stood clutching the child to her chest causing Edward to stare wide-eyed. He gave Alice a look but she shook her head, "We need a family meeting now. Carlisle also needs to bring a medical kit from his office."

The family was lucky it was a sunny day where they were staying since the sun was out most of the time. Their father essentially was off work because of the weather enjoying the peace of his office as well as the tie with his incredible wife, Esme.

Edward ran back into the house moving around quickly to set things up. He knew from reading both Alice and Rose's thoughts that this wasn't going to be just any conversation. This was going to be a rough conversation that probably not everyone would agree with.

Rose carried the girl into the house secretly hoping she would be able to stay. Another vampire male entered the room smiling showing the dimples in the corner of his mouth. He stared toward Rose but broke his stare noticing the young girl she was carrying. Rose just so happened to be his wife and mate something most vampires never had the chance to find. He was at her side immediately noticing the look on her face as she gazed down toward the child.

Edward, Carlisle, and Esme entered the living room Esme immediately seeing the child. Carlisle stared at Rose shaking his head wondering just what was happening. Edward moved from Carlisle's side to stand beside Alice, his own mate, as she stared at Carlisle.

"Carlisle, there are some things we need to explain. This girl is so young and she was being attacked in an alley. I had seen Rose saving her but I didn't realize once we were close that we wouldn't be able to leave her. I suppose I didn't realize that she was so young and her innocence is something that attracts Rose in the first place."

Carlisle shook his head glancing toward Rose as she sat with the girl still in her arms on the couch. He could see the happiness on her face but there were many things that needed to be explained.

"You haven't explained why she is here and if she saw anything…"

Edward spoke that time shaking his head, "From what I gathered from her thoughts she didn't see anything. She's dreaming peacefully. Rose broke the man's neck leaving him in the alley. The cops will think he was killed by another druggie. The man was drunk and about to attack the girl, her name is Daisy. From what I can see from her thoughts, she's been living on the streets for about five to six months. Her parents died about seven months ago when she was put in the custody of her aunt. Her aunt was sleeping around among other things and kicked her out when one man refused to return. She's alone and no one knows where she is. It's going to be risky with a human child around us but it might be beneficial for Rosalie."

Rose glanced toward Edward surprised by the knowledge he managed to get from her head.

How could her aunt just kick out a ten year old? It was something Rosalie would never understand. Carlisle shook his head as he stared at Rose clutching the child. Emmett, the huge boy from before, sat beside Rosalie his eyes sparkling as well as he stared down at the child in his mate's arms.

"What can we do?" asked Carlisle.

Esme threaded her fingers with her mate's fingers smiling as she held his arm. Alice grinned widely, "We can have documents forged. I believe it would be best that Daisy went into the custody of Rose and Emmett. They have bonded with the girl and it would only work wonders for her."

Carlisle smiled nodding his head happy that Rosalie was finally happy. Alice began clapping her hands and her mate, Edward, was at her side immediately.

Rose ignored the chaos around her staring down at the child in her arms. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes as she reached down pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Welcome home, Daisy Hale Cullen. Welcome home."