"I'm sorry? You want me to do what!?" Breakdown exclaimed.
Smokescreen peered down at the trench below. Aside from pillars of rock, it was pure black down at the bottom…assuming it had one. "Yeah, no, I'd rather not 'cause I don't know if I'll survive that or find my way out of it for that matter."
Rodimus grinned, "Y'all are wussies. All you have to do is walk across that line to the other side without falling. How hard is that?"
All present gave him a "really?" look as they pointed to the thin line of cable that they were supposed to cross. The line wasn't even half the width of any of their pedes. And he expected them to cross that without messing up? Seriously?
Starscream and Arcee both gave each other glances at Rodimus' cocky remark before Arcee replied, "Even I'm not that ballsy with that type of stuff. If you miscalculate a single step you can die!"
"I know! Makes it even more exciting!" The sports car shouted in glee.
Breakdown gawked at the length of the canyon, "You have a death wish or something, dude. I ain't crossing that! I'm out! And you can call me chicken all you want but I ain't dying today, oh hell no!"
Finally, Arcee had enough. "If I go and I make it, will you never bother me with these types of stunts again?"
Rodimus nodded and bowed, "Yes ma'am. I will let you know I'm a bot of my word."
Hesitantly, the two-wheeler lined herself up to the cable and slowly put one foot on it. She felt it tremble beneath her step as she place her other pede in front of the first one. Pausing to make sure she could keep her balance, she looked back at her comrades to see most of them quivering for her safety. All except Rodimus were scared, the latter apparently trying to not laugh at her careful approach. She rather be safe than sorry, you ass.
Feeling the adrenaline suddenly kick in to the maximum, she got riskier. She cart-wheeled two times before pausing to check her balance. All good there. She then speed walked a good portion, arms out while trying to maintain peace. So far so good. And near the end, she bounced up and down three times before using the fourth as momentum to spring her to the cliff edge. She stumbled a bit on landing but was nevertheless alright.
Smirking at her daredevil stunts and turning to see her peers' reactions, she noted Rodimus was no longer laughed but had his jaw nailed to the ground. The others looked just as amazed, but all she could do in response was simply shrug with a smirk and practice cart-wheeling while she waited for the next mech to join her on the other side.
Surprisingly, the next person up was Breakdown. Muttering unintelligibly about life and death, he lined himself up with the cable, making the mistake of looking down into the canyon below in the process. "Oh I'm going to have a fragging heart attack, it's not even funny!"
"Don't look down, you idiot!" Starscream growled.
Once he began moving, his mind was racing to the point he thought smoke was coming out of his vents. He did fine until he reached the midway point and stopped, causing him to flail his arms in circles to keep balance. He tried to set his foot back…but missed. He stumbled past the cable to fall but at the last second, he grabbed it with both his arms and legs.
He heard everyone breathing heavily at his near-death tumble, making him quake in fear. Briefly, he closed his optics and calmed himself by breathing at a reasonable pace. But then he heard Arcee's voice, "Come on, Breakdown! It's okay! Just crawl over here one limb at a time! Slow and steady! Please!"
He opened his eyes to see and upside down Arcee reaching out her servo to him despite how far the distance was between them. Gradually, he began to move towards her. Servo, pede, servo, pede. Left, right, left, right. To his surprise, he was moving quite fast but felt more stable than his actual tight-rope attempt. He carefully made his way to Arcee as the latter grabbed his own servo and helped him get back on land. Exhausted, he fell on his back to the cool dirt, allowing the Autobot femme to rub his forehead to see if he was suffering heatstroke along with his dizziness. He wouldn't admit it but it felt nice to have a femme by his side although this type of reason for her to be with him wasn't what he had in mind.
As Arcee tended to Breakdown, Smokescreen decided to take the path of least struggle by crossing on all fours wrapped around the cable. He ignored Rodimus' degrading comments about cheating as he made his way towards the other side. Halfway through, he decided to change his approach by using only his arms to cross like a monkey on a vine. On occasion, he stopped in a suitable place to swing himself to do a three sixty degree circle on the cable. By doing this as well, he moved ever so slightly towards the other side though much more slowly than simply just moving across. He finally ended his playful swinging when he realized Rodimus was becoming impatient and moved monkey-style to the end where he was greeted by a still-somewhat-panicked Breakdown.
"Alright, fly boy, you're up!" Rodimus taunted.
Starscream rolled his optics as he positioned himself on the cable. Swiftly on pace, he crossed the canyon with surprisingly little effort. Then again, Seekers were the most agile of all of the Cybertronians balance-wise; they are quite masterful at it. When he was feeling dare devilish, the Decepticon unexpectedly jumped to land his aft onto the cable before hooking his claws around it and performing impressive tricks like handstands, loops, and even twirls.
He smirked when Smokescreen cheered loudly at his aerobics. With one last loop and twirl combo, he landed on the other side with the smuggest of grins. Who's to say he didn't deserve that credit for a wonderful performance.
Lastly was the epitome of pride himself: Rodimus. So far he taunted everyone and everyone made it on their own accord, though some struggled a bit. Now it was time to see what he could do.
Instead of lining himself up like all the others did, Rodimus carelessly threw himself onto the cable, catching it with his servos and swinging himself up to stand on the line. He then proceeded to flip across the line to the end with no thought. But all of a sudden, he heard shouting from Smokescreen. Stopping himself, he glared at the young speedster, "What's wrong!?"
"The cabling's coming loose! Get off it now!"
Sure enough, he heard snapping as he peered toward the origin of it. The end of the cable where he started off was stretching unnaturally as pieces of it began to thin out and break. Frightened, Rodimus quickly moved towards where his friends were. First he fast walked, and then he began crawling on all fours to add more stabilization. As soon as he was near the end, the cable snapped.
The sheer horror in his optics couldn't be described as he felt himself fall. And all the others could do was try and reach out for him but most were too far away, except for one. A hand latched onto his, freezing his drop to the chasm below. When he saw who saved him, he gave a rare warm smile.
Starscream returned it as he hoisted the red and orange mech up onto the clifftop. "I don't know about you but I think that's enough dangerous stunts for today."
Rodimus respired a relieved lament, "Yeah, I-I think that's enough for about a month. Whew, man."
Arcee smirked, "Damn straight!"
The sports car met the jet's quick look with a sincere grin, "Is it too late to apologize for what I said earlier?"
Starscream raised a brow, "Don't think so but I can already tell you're truthfully sorry, so I forgive you."
Smokescreen began to frown, "Hey guys, what are we going to tell Megatron now that the cable for the Nemesis' exterior lights has been…uh…lost?"
Every bot's eyes went wide at the comment before Starscream angrily shrieked, "YOU STOLE THE NEMESIS' CABLING!?"
AN: This is the last one I think I'm going to do. If you liked the series, I appreciate it and I welcome you to create your own versions of Insane Antics too. Also, sorry for making Rodimus a dick but I had to make somebody learn their lesson the hard way.