*Disclaimer: In no way do I own Shonda's characters*

Chapter 1

"Shit I'm late! He's going to be so mad at me." Liv thought as she raced down the highway. Liv was a just made partner at Hill Law and Associates. She had worked her butt off for six years to get here and two months ago all her hard work had paid off. She loved her job and always came home with the gratifying feeling of knowing she was making a difference. But the long hours did not come without consequences. Those long hours always kept her away from the most important person in her life, but that was just something she had to live with and would pray he understood that everything she did was for them and their future. Being a single mom with a demanding career was no walk in the park. So here she was racing down the highway hoping she would make it on time.

As Liv got to the community center pool she was relieved when she saw that the race was just about to start. She saw her number one guy standing in front of his block looking so nervous. Nervous about his race and nervous that she would not make it on time. When he looked around and saw her coming through the door, eight year old, Brayden Pope, was beyond relieved. As she walked towards him he could not help but give her a full on smile showing all those pearly whites. When Liv got to him she gave him a big sloppy kiss on the forehead and wished him luck.

She turns around to go sit with her mom and dad, Maya and Rowan Pope, who were there already since they brought Brayden for her because she knew there was no way she would of been able to pick him up on time from school in time for his swim meet. As frustrating as her parents could be, she would always be internally grateful for all they did for Brayden and her. They absolutely loved their grandson and were not afraid to shower him with affection, which was always mind blowing to her since they never did that for her.

A few moments later all swimmers were asked to take their block. She could see the nervousness going through him.
"Just race your race, Buddy" Liv yelled.

Brayden liked to think of himself of as man already but he was a baby when it came to his mom. He loved having her gush over him, spoiling him, and loved just spending as much time as he could with her. He was definitely a mamas boy.
When Brayden heard the words she always told him before his races, he calmed down and was ready. Brayden was one of the best swimmers in the county and state. At just eight years old he was definitely on track to being the next Michael Phelps. But Olivia never pushed him to do more than he could handle and definitely never let it get to his head. She knew her baby was good but she just wanted him to have fun. She herself loved swimming growing up. Which is why she did it in high school (where she was captain of the swim team for three years), and throughout college. Although she was more than capable of going pro with it it was not something she wanted. Her passion was criminal law and trying to make a difference in people's lives and the world. But she would be lying if she said seeing her boy becoming the best at the sport she excelled at didn't make her a little happy.

"Ready. Set." *bang* went off the gun and off dove Brayden into the water with a beautiful start to his 50 meter butterfly race. Brayden wasn't even halfway across the pool yet when Olivia was up on her feet following him along.

"Come on B, you got this!"

Brayden did a perfect flip turn on the other wall and had a solid 1st place lead. That did not stop Liv from cheering him on though.
"You got it bud! Push! Push!" Liv was definitely his number one cheerleader and fan.

Missing his personal record by three seconds, Brayden still came in first and was so happy. He jumped out of the pool and ran straight into Liv's arms. She did not care that he was getting all her clothes wet, she was proud of her baby.

"Did you see me mom?!" Asked Brayden excitedly.

"I sure did and you were great! Congrats buddy. First place again. I'm going to have to build another room just for your trophies and medals." This made Brayden chuckle and look at her with his big goofy grin. The smile that would always brighten up her day whenever he gave it to her. Before she had time to go further into her feelings, Maya and Rowan walked up to them to congratulate their little man.

"Good job sweetie! We're so proud of you." Maya said.

"Congrats B. I'm not surprised though, you're a little beast and a Pope. You know us Pope's are good at everything." Making Brayden laugh and nod in agreement and Olivia roll her eyes. Leave it to her father to try to inflate her child's head.

Just then the high school assistant named, Matt, came up to them. "Hey Bray, great job man. You'll be faster than me in no time." Matt was a volunteer coach and was the top swimmer at his high school and always had a full ride scholarship to swim at UC Irvine. He then turned to Olivia and said "Hi Ms. Pope. I also came to tell you that the head swim coach would like to talk to you in his office." Olivia nodded at him. All the meanwhile her father was staring at her very suspiciously.

"Why does he want to talk to you? And why have we not met him yet? He's been head coach for 6 months now."

"He probably just wants to talk about Brayden and I don't know dad. I mean he does run a whole swim program, he's a busy guy. I'm sure you will soon enough." Olivia was trying to sound as calm and cool as possible. "I'll be back."

Olivia turned to walk to the head coaches office as her parents went to talk to some other grandparents and Brayden went to talk to his friends. As she was walking she couldn't help but wonder what the coach needed to talk to her about. Before she could think more about it she found herself at the coaches door. She knocked and waited for him to let her in.

As she opened the door and took a step in she felt herself being pulled the rest of the way in and thrown up against the door. She didn't even have time to process what was happening before she felt his lips on hers. All she knew is that he tasted like heaven. She felt his large masculine hands on her hips holding her firmly against the door. All Olivia could do in that moment is enjoy his lips moving from her lips down her jaw and working their magic on her neck. Olivia's hands had now worked themselves into his hair, gripping him a little harder each time she felt a suck and lick on her neck. When he hit that sweet spot she couldn't help herself but to let out a moan. His lips were turning her on to the brink of insanity.

"Mmmm I wanted you since the minute I saw you walk in." He seductively whispered against her ear. His lips were back on hers pushing his tongue in, that she accepted happily. He loved the taste of her. He could never get enough. With one more peck to her lips he pulled back just so he could take in her beauty. She was truly the most beautiful female he'd ever laid his eyes on.

"I wish I could of gone out to watch B.T.'s race but I saw that your parents were here, and I'm sure your dad would have no desire to meet me." An awkward silence fell between them.

"Well it shouldn't come as a surprise that he won. I mean look at who his mother is." Liv jokingly said hoping to light up mood.

"This is true. His mother is good at everything." He said with a smirk knowing that she'd catch the double meaning.
Just as she was about to go in for another kiss they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey mom are you in here?" Brayden asked as he turned the knob to a locked door. Olivia quickly straightened herself out and wiped her lipstick from his lips." She basically threw herself in a chair to make it seem like they had been talking the whole time. He walked over to the door and opened the door to find the doe eyed eight year staring at him.

"Hey B.T. come in bud. I was just talking to your mom."

"Mom, Nana and Pops left and told me to tell you bye. Are we leaving already?" Asked a very exhausted Brayden.

"Yeah B, go get all your stuff." Brayden nodded and turned to walk out. He stopped at the door and turned around to face his coach, "Hey coach I hope you can watch me next time." Giving him that look that melted his heart every time. "I promise I will bud." Making Brayden nod and walk away to get his stuff.

Olivia gathered her purse and started walking towards the door. She stopped and turned around and said to him, "hey Coach Grant, you should be proud of your son. He has an amazing coach," winking at him, then turned around and walked out the door.
Fitz stood there getting lost in his thoughts. He wanted nothing more than to have a relationship with Brayden Thomas Pope and for him to know that he was his father, and be a family with Liv and him. He promised himself to make it happen no matter what.