CHAPTER 1 : A Different Fate

What a beautiful morning it was. After that fun killing a danger beast until I got to the capital where I got robbed by some big boo-uh girl.

'Damn, now I have to sleep on the streets with this freezing temperature. Damn that woman to hell, because of her I end up with this problem...'

'Oh wait, I gave her the money on purpose by getting a position in the army. Dammit me, I thought breas- I mean that people were more nicer here than those bandits outside the capital. Tomorrow, I gotta get a job and I hope that I can get a lot of money to save my village. Sayo and Ieyasu...

'Where are you guys? We promised to meet in the capital if we were separated but they aren't here. I'l find you both, somehow. I'm not sure about Ieyasu though, he's got a terrible sense of direction...'

Tatsumi slowly closes his eyes and emptied his thoughts. He held his jacket tightly for warmth.

As he was trying to sleep, a carriage was passing by and it stopped when a young girl in it told the driver to stop.

"I don't think that boy over there doesn't have a place to stay. The poor thing."

"Again, miss?" asked a guard

"Sorry, it's just my nature." As she answered she went to where Tatsumi was resting.

Tatsumi hearing the commotion, woke up. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing a young blonde girl in front of him with a smile on her face.


"Are you from the countryside?"

"Huh? Yeah." answered Tatsumi

"If you don't have a place to sleep, you can stay at my house..." she said

The look on Tatsumi's face changes to a suspicious one, first he got robbed and then he was threatened by two gangsters on the way here. He had been through a lot of crap and he doesn't want another problem now. Sleeping outside had to better then getting tricked by this innocent girly face again. But then he answered...

"I don't have any money."

"If you did, you wouldn't be sleeping here."

'No shit, girl.' thought Tatsumi

"Just accept it, boy. Lady Aria is being generous to you." said one of the guards

"Yeah, if i were you I'l take the offer." said another

"Well?" asked Aria

"I appreciate the offer but no. I really don't want to get into trouble."

"You village people really are...


She tries to grab him but Tatsumi evaded her hands quickly by rolling beside her. Her face started to look scary with a demon's smile. He could see darkness in her eyes, and he knew that she was going to trick him into getting something bad.

"You know what!? Even if you don't want to come with me, I'll bring you home myself!" she shouted

Her guards took out their swords from the scabbards and started walking to him. Tatsumi looked at Aria and he swears that he sees a knife in her hands.

Tatsumi took out his sword, ready to parry their attacks. The first guard came to strike, he swings his sword to hit Tatsumi's waist. His target suddenly deflected it and tackled the guard's leg causing him to trip on the ground. Tatsumi went to the stunned enemy and kicked the sword near him. Then, he grabbed the guard's shirt causing him to stand up. He head butted the enemy, making the enemy passed out cold on the floor.

Tatsumi decided to run the other way to escape this situation before it gets worse and bloody. He ran as fast as he could but he was too tired, he got a glimpse behind him to see Aria and the other guard chasing after him.

'Damn, these people are crazy!' thought Tatsumi

The guard was too close to Tatsumi, he could just snatch him by any second right now. He pounced on Tatsumi and both men fell on the hard ground.

"You got some guts, kid. Too bad, I gotta pull it out."

Tatsumi kicked the guard's face numerous times to let his other leg to be freed. The guard let go of it because of the blood coming out from his nose. Crimson red liquid started spilling on the floor and it had to hurt like hell.

Tatsumi quickly stood up and ran into an alleyway, hoping to escape his pursuers. But then he ended in a corner and he was looking for another way.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him and he turned. Aria was holding a knife in her hands with that demonic look on her face. If only this was a dream, but dammit it wasn't.

"If only you would listen..."

"I guess that stubbornness of yours will make you one of my special toys to play with. Hahahaha! So many things I would like to do to your body. I bet that you're going to last longer than my other toys. Man, they were so weak."

Tatsumi griped his sword tight and he was shaking by this event. This could traumatized him for years. Without any mind or control in his body, he ran passed her with a swing of his sword.

Unaware of what he did, he turned around to see Aria screaming. Her right hand sliced off from her body, blood was pouring everywhere.

He wanted to vomit right now, he felt sick looking at her. She was lying down in her pool of blood, still screaming. He ran away from the scene to where they met a few momments ago. The first guard was still unconscious, Tatsumi quickly looted him if he had any money. He took a large purse bag from the guard's belt.

'Sorry for stealing this, sir!' said Tatsumi in his mind.

It was enough money for him to stay at an inn. He felt too much emotions flowing inside him.

Fear. Guilty. Insanity.

First day arriving at the capital and now he's become a wanted criminal. All he wanted was just a simple life with his friends but they weren't with him anymore. Their village depended on them to be saved. And now, they've failed. They were just kids. Young and immature. Suddenly, responsibility came into their hands instead of others. Fate had chosen them to do this, so they started training for the journey.

Sword-fighting, cooking and survival skills.

Reality started to come back to Tatsumi slowly, he was still running to an inn near the bar he got robbed. He paid the innkeeper and got the keys to his room. He quickly went inside and threw his bag aside. He fell on the bed, feeling tired. He closed his eyes. The guilt was still disturbing him, he had to thought of something else.

Sayo and Ieyasu suddenly came into his thoughts.

'Oh guys... I think I had killed that woman. She was just too young. Maybe she was actually helping people... No!'

'She said something about those toys of hers. Did she lead other people to their deaths? Was she hurting others for amusement? Oh god, why did this had to happen?...'

Tatsumi then closed his eyes, a leakage of tears broke out from it. He couldn't control the feelings on him. He then passed out after his thoughts started to empty.


"Oh dear, my sweetheart! Are you okay?!" asked her father

"It hurts, dad. It's hurting me." answered Aria

The medic was doing his best to stop the bleeding from her amputation. Too much blood had been lost. The risk of dying was too high. He bandaged her right shoulder and applied medicine on it. The process took about almost two hours.

After he was done, Aria felt relaxed. She was brought to her room to rest. Her parents said that they would discuss about the incident tomorrow. They were going to hunt that guy down. A few moments later, she could hear screams coming from outside her room. She stood up from the bed and went outside to check.

What she saw made her freaked out, her mother was sliced in half on the floor. Her father was beside her, he was dead as it seems. Numerous bodies of her guards could be seen, and she knew that they would be coming for her.

As she turned around to run back into her room, she was punched in the face by a strong hand. She flew back and hit the glass wall causing it to break and make her fall to the ground. The impact had broken her body and she can't move a single muscle at all. She was shaking her body to move but it didn't help her at all. Footsteps could be heard coming near her.

She saw a woman with long black hair and red eyes. The look in her eyes was fearless and she opened her mouth to say something.


She took out a sword from her waist and sliced Aria's neck. Aria couldn't breathe and blood was flowing like a river from her neck. She could feel poison coming to her heart and it was making her suffer. She held her last breath and died.

"Mission completed." said the black haired woman.

"Yo, Akame! Are you done?" asked a blonde woman

"Yeah, let's go home. I really want to eat now."

"Yeah, good idea. Have you seen Sheele anywhere?"

"I thought she was checking out the farmhouse with Lubbock?"

"Oh? Let's meet up with them, shall we?"

They walked to the farmhouse on the estate and found their friends talking with each other.

"There you guys are. Have you checked it out?" asked the blonde haired girl

"No, not yet. We were waiting for you guys first." said Sheele

Lubbock went to the door of the farmhouse and gulped. He opened the doors and what they saw next was disgusting. There were numerous bodies hanged on hooks and blood splattered walls. They went in to see it fully.

Inspecting it closely, they could hear a guy breathing. They looked to their left to see, a boy asking for help. He had no hope to be saved now, he had a disease in his body and was slowly dying. But then they could see, a girl moving her head slowly.

"Tatsumi, is that you..." said the girl followed with a cough

"Sayo! You're still alive!"

"Ieyasu... Are we okay?" asked Sayo

"Yeah we are! There's people here that's gonna save us."

Lubbock came to where Sayo was being hanged, he cut the ropes off and caught her. At least she still could be saved. Ieyasu was brought out of his cage. As he went to Sayo to speak with her, he started to cough blood out. He fell on his back near her.

"Sayo... I think I won't make it."

"Ieyasu, please don't leave me."

"Don't worry, Master Ieyasu had lived his life fulfilled." said Ieyasu

"Sayo, tell Tatsumi that I miss him. Make sure you find him... Bye I guess..." as he slowly closed his eyes, he passed on.

Sayo was crying now. The blonde haired girl was carrying her bridal style to the rest of the group.

"Who's this?" asked a pink haired girl

"Our new friend. Welcome to Night Raid, girl."

They went back to their base and took a rest. They took care of the girl for days before she woke up from her sleep. A new chapter had barely just begun for her. Now, she had to kill for a living.

A/N: Woo new Agk fanfiction. Please leave reviews after reading. The story will differ a bit from the main story but will still follow the manga. Credit goes to Takahiro and Tetsuya Tashiro for making this wonderful manga.