7 Days as your twin

chapter 7


''Well Tetsuya tell me why are you dressed up as Tamiko'' the cold voice... how... but she has a full-time job she is supposed to be in Tokyo now! why is she here?!

''hello Yuuka-sama... Tamiko didn't have time to meet Akashi-kun so she asked me to step in'' she is hugging me. my mother, who hates the sight of me... hugs me? I always call her by her first name she doesn't want me to call her anything else.

''I highly doubt that. Tetsuya your punishment is waiting for you, never destroy anything for your cute sister again'' she whispered in my ear. I started panicking... I have to save Tamiko from more trauma. I need to protect her, just like father told me to. I have to get away.

''but..'' I started

''Hello Akashi. I will make sure Tamiko will come next time!'' Yuka said smiling sweetly to him.

''you have a job because of me remember that. I won't allowed any harm happened to Tetsuya or his sister.'' Akashi said like a warning and a hint. how can he be so calm? no, he is not calm... I see where this is going... I don't like this. Akashi-kun... please stop.. I almost begged him not to make this any worse.

''so you knew about Tetsuya and you still wanted a date, my job has nothing do do with anyone'' she said annoyed... glaring at me.

''no, not like that... mother.. it's not'' I started... shit I called her mother! how why?! calm down. calm down...

''you know Tetsuya I can destroy you right now make you lose everything'' I CAN'T CALM DOWN! I started shiver... Akashi took my hand.. warmth... I slowly started to calm more down.

''Well. If you do that... I take... Tamiko with me..'' I said in an uneasy voice... slap... did she just... it hurt? how I lost my feeling of pain long ago.. how could I say that with no problem... how did I feel that? darkness? oh. shit.. Akashi!

''How dare you... no one hurts what's rightfully mine... Lower your head!'' my mother ended up falling down on her knees she was just standing how?... she looked at Akashi-kun in pure shock,

I looked at Akashi.. so this is the empire eye... The darkness around Akashi. If everyone should know something is, never mess with Akashi-kun and if you do.. you are as good as dead.

''you should learn your place. but knowing Tetsuya he will let you go till he and his sister are all alone, you really are a worthless mother...'' Oh god! I made Akashi-kun become a demon... what have I done. my punishment will only get worse...

''Akashi-kun please stop. she is not worth killing''

''How dare you speak to me like that! your punishment just grow Tetsuya, I will make you bleed..'' she said darkly.. then got up and was about to leave. damn... no... I don't want more cuts...

''Know your place! he belongs to me, now kneel for me.'' everything around us just got colder.. she ended up stunned. and I ended up grabbing Akashi's shirt and kiss him only to make him get back from his demon mood. he seems calmer.

''you need a girlfriend not the worthless slut of a son I have, you can do better'' Yuuka said... she just made Akashi get back to his demon mood.

''did I say you could disobey me, you will kneel and stay there for an hour, the only person to bleed here will be you. now Tetsuya let's get back on or date shall we'' Akashi took his money on the table and so we left. well at least doesn't she know about the tradition this year.

end of flashback

Day 6

Kuroko Pov

Akashi-kun... why? why are you doing so much for me? I am weak hopeless so why? you can do better. I should hate you, yet I know if I leave you again I will miss you too much. but this is my last day here... I have to go back to Tamiko. I will miss this school, but I belong in Serin high.

this is the last exam I have to give it my all. I hold the pen a bit stressed. I don't know what will happen when I get back, but I should not think of that now.

writing down the first answer. have to write down the rest I know all the answers.. but my mother... Tamiko. Tetsuya you can do this. don't screw up. I started taking a breath and then writing like my life depended on it.

''you all have 20 more minutes'' shit! I have to make it, I am halfway only. I have to do this...

almost there, almost there. don't let anyone get to you.

I can feel Akashi's eyes on me, I have to get done before him! If he gets done before me there is no way he let me go. he knows far to well what I have to do... which is why I know he would stop me...

almost done.

''10 more minutes'' one more quition, just one more... done!

''everyone that are finished raise your hand'' I raised

''you may leave now'' I got up from the chair, handed the teacher my paper and walked out, apparently I wasn't the only one. I felt someone grabbing my wrist and then dragging me out of the door. shit is one of those girls again.

''do you mind letting me go now'' I said simply

''NO! you are in my way! I want Akashi-kun'' there is not a part of me that is in the mood for this...

''I see, so it's this again'' sigh... what's wrong with everyone. is it so wrong with me and Akashi-kun? it's not my fault...

''how dare you'' I stopped her from hitting me.

''listen, the one Akashi-kun is interesting in is not me, but to get to that person he has to get through me and he knows this very well''

''how dare you decide for Akashi what he want's or his right''

'' shut up. I am in a bad mood right now, if you want Akashi-kun so badly. go and ask him out and leave me alone.'' I said glaring at the girl, then I started walking away, leaving the girl stunned. this is my last day, I have to get to Akashi's mansion, get my bag and leave. I am so happy that I haven't met Akashi-kun yet. I started walking out the school gate.

''Tetsuya'' damn... I didn't even get to the school gate...

''Akashi-kun.'' I said smiling to him.

''you know Tetsuya you are really cute when you try so badly at hiding things from me'' I can hear the smirk in his voice. damn... one day I will kill him. the Akashi's car got there. both of us got in. so silent... I have to break the silence.

''thank you for having me almost the whole week. now I am going home'' I said fast. trying not to meet his eyes... after yesterday... I have to take my punishment. I can't hold Akashi-kun back.

''do you really think I let you take the punishment.''

''Akashi-kun we both know it's the only way'' Akashi looked at Kuroko annoyed.

''wrong...'' Akashi started, what are you going to say? I looked at him for the first time today... I shouldn't have done that. now I want to stay even more.

''Sei-kun... you will meet me again. so till then wait for me'' even If this maybe will be a lie this time... I hope the punishment will be small.

as soon as we were inside, I hurried to pack everything. when I was done I was on my way to the front door, just then I felt Akashi grabbing my wrist dragging me all the way to the living room.

''Akashi-kun I don't...''

''Tetsuya right now it is only one thing the two of us will do and who said you could leave already'' damn... this will be another 6 hours with him in bed or, in this case, the couch.


''Tetsuya you should know, If you are scared don't try to hide it so badly''

''Akashi-kun, I apologize, but I am not scared'' I said in an almost whisper, I know this is a lie.. there was a time I almost didn't care If I died.. but when I saw Tamiko's fear... I knew I had to fight...

I wanted Tamiko safe. but right now... I don't want to leave Akashi-kun. I don't understand what I want... I felt arms on my back holding me close.

''you are a bad liar Tetsuya... you can't even look me in the eyes'' what? he saw right trough my lie?! just then I felt a hand on my ass. damn him he predicted this...

''Akashi... I have to leave...'' I said trying to get out of his grep.. only to feel him taking the skirt and trousers of me.

''really now, your body still doesn't agree with you, Tetsuya'' Akashi's fingers tilted down on Kuroko's back and slowly teased Kuroko's hole a bit before putting one finger inside.

''Nnggggghh.., please... I have... ah!...'' Kuroko moaned, Akashi was putting in the second finger. Kuroko fought hard to hold back sounds.

''you have to what dear, seems like you have more time for me after all'' Akashi said adding another finger.

''nhhaaaa..A..Sei-kun.. no... I have... ah.. to go home'' Kuroko tried hard to control himself. Akashi started sucking on Kuroko's earlobe. I... can't control this much longer.. how did he learn all my weak points?...

''Ahh!'' Kuroko moaned

''you know Tetsuya... you are home. why don't you use that sound one more time '' Akashi said sedulously... Kuroko was biting his lips hard... He can't win..

''this game again love, you know I always win in the end and right now love you can beg me to fuck you here and now or leave.. what will it be?'' After saying that Akashi hit the spot that made Kuroko almost see stars.

''nnnn...no.. I... that...haaah.. not fair'' after saying that Akashi removed his fingers making Kuroko whine. Akashi smirked.

''well tell me what will it be.. me inside of you or going home to your sister.''

''hah... I... have... to save her...''

''really now. '' I can't...he used the other hand to hold my head and look him in the eyes... it almost feels like he is the one begging me to stay...

''for one last.. time Akashi-kun... please do it''

''Tetsuya remember to call me by my first name always and what do you want me to do dear? this'' Akashi said ripping of Kuroko's shirt, licking Kuroko's nipple before biting it a little.

''ah...'' Kuroko moaned softly

''or this'' Akashi turned Kuroko around. where is his tongue.. going... oh.. god...

''Ahhhh! Sei. nooo''

''didn't hear you love? what did you say?'' Akashi said took his tongue out for a bit, before roughly taking it inside again in Kuroko's tight hole. Kuroko was shaking breathing hard.

''Ahhhhh! S...ei... I can't, please... I'll cum'' after saying that it made Akashi go even deeper. Kuroko was now a moaning mess... he might have had the ability to hold his moans back earlier. but now it was impossible.

''Oh god... Ha... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!'' Akashi took his tongue out.

''my Tetsuya you really got a lewd body''

''hah.. who's fault... is that'' Akashi only grinned at Kuroko's response. before he slowly entered Kuroko, making Kuroko feel every part of him. before turning Kuroko around ripping Kuroko's shirt of. Tamiko will kill me now. that shirt...

''you know Tetsuya, I want to see all of you and I won't allowed anyone to hurt you... which is why your mother is arrested.'' Akashi started moving.

''SHE IS WHAT!'' for a moment it made Kuroko forget what position he was in and Akashi started moving even harder. while using the opportunity to french kissed Kuroko passionately. every movement made Kuroko feel the spark between them.. the same spark he felt the first time Akashi kissed him.

''mmmhf'' Kuroko.. they parted a bit. no matter what Akashi's lust for Kuroko would never stop.

''as I said, love, she is arrested and I will drive you home later to pick up your things'' Akashi said and hit Kuroko's sweet spot.

''AHhhhhh..'' making Kuroko's mind go completely crazy. I want Akashi-kun

''so good, so tight'' Akashi growled, feeling the tightness around him, made him go even faster. hitting that spot dead on... Akashi was close... I am going to die.. it feels so good... making Kuroko moan even more.

''Sei... AHH!...''


they come just as hard at the same time.

''why do you always come inside of me...''

''I like to mark you, making you full of me'' Akashi said huskily.

''I see...'' Kuroko said fought back a blush

'' I want to see every part of you...every scar on your body every part of you belongs to me, remember only I can do this to you. you are mine. '' Akashi said going through Kuroko's hair with his fingers, making Kuroko almost sleep by it

''Seijūrō you should know every part of you belong to me as well, so don't you dare fall for someone else'' that was the first time Kuroko used Akashi's first name and it was also the first time Akashi smiled one of the most breathtaking smiles... I want that smile... I can never give up on him now...

''is this you confessing to me'' damn that smirk...

''don't be so full of yourself'' I said halfway glaring... I just can't be honest with him... I want too... but sigh... I just like him too much for my own good...

''Tetsuya be honest'' how well does he read me... better not ask...

''please. stay with me... I don't want you to fall for anyone else.. because I am in love with you Seijūrō-kun '' Akashi responded with a soft kiss.

''you're cute love.. you should have known for the longest time now how badly I have wanted you. Tetsuya I feel the same... now let's get ready for round two'' Akashi whispered sedulously in Kuroko's ear.

just as I thought... this will be another 6 hours... will he ever have enough?

Day 7

''TETSU-CHAN!'' Tamiko comes running hugging Kuroko tightly.. she sobbed in Kuroko's shirt.. so happy that she would never see Kuroko get hurt again.

''so now tell me about you and Akashi-kun'' I knew this was coming...

''what do you like to know Tamiko''

Tamiko stared at Kuroko like 'you know what I want to know now tell me'

'' he is amazing in bed''

''Can't you at least act more embarrassed by telling me that Tetsu-chan'' Tamiko said blushing madly.

''I see... well. we are dating and Sei-kun is planning some sort of a wedding.''

''WHAT! oh... my god! My little Tetsuya is getting married! KYAAAAA! I must tell this to Satsuki-chan!'' I tilting my head to the side.. I didn't know she would be this happy about it.


do you mind telling me what will happen now?''

''you and Tamiko will move in here, the two of us will get married as soon as you get 18.''

''I see... won't you get tired of me by then? Well at least I will still try beating you in the winter cup'' Kuroko smiled in relief. I don't have to be worried about Tamiko. that's good

''heh. How can I? I have wanted you ever since the first time I lay my eyes on you.. but I rather have you on my team, but seeing you wanting to try to beat me so badly is to tempering. so for now I will let you have your way'' Kuroko glared at Akashi a bit. I can decide for myself...

''may I ask why would I marry you?.. aren't this going a bit too fast?''

''Tetsuya you will love me. because I will make you fall so deeply for me, besides I can't have anyone else touching what's mine'' how can he be this sure about it. I just confessed to him and now he already want us to get married?

''you do realize that as your wife... I will fail on it badly'' I tried warning him.. to make him stop planning it

''yes, but that can only make things more fun...'' I can feel the amusement from him already...

''Seijūrō. I don't care if we get married or not as long as you stay with me'' Kuroko says softly

Akashi knew it was only one answer to give:


end of flashback

''Oh my god! That is so cute!'' Tamiko said happily

''but Tamiko'' I started

''yes?'' she said excitedly

''I still want that milkshake''

End of chapter 7

I am so sorry for the long wait :( this is the last chapter... :(

and since I used so much time making it I thought it was a good Idea to make it a smut and I kinda found out that I have a far more perverted mind when I am tired. xD then when I am my normal self... xD sorry if it sucked.. smut is not my strongest side. but one day... one day I will write smut stories better xD If I make more that is xD

I really want to thank everyone that reads this story.. follows, favs or reviews! you are amazing!^^ it's weird but when I first made this story. I had no plans for it... I didn't plan to make it hurt/comfort at all in the story xD I was just annoyed over the fact that it was so many that made Kuroko a girl in their twin stories xD I am so sorry...

when I see my own stories I have a hard time believing anyone will love the crap I write xD but when I see how many that loves this story, in a weird way it makes me really happy!^^


and don't worry I have another story coming up soon! ^^ If you want that it is xD


StrawberryDemon ^^