Disclaimer: I own nothing, I'm not making money, don't sue me.


Seth stood on his side of the ring, trying desperately not to panic. He, Roman, and Dean were in the middle of an eight man tag match with New Day, and the Dudleys and Dean was in trouble. He was pale, sweating, and he was beginning to struggle against Xavier, who he normally would've had flattened in no time. Thank God for Bubba Ray who tagged himself in and cleaned house.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the match, Seth and Roman shared a look, they'd discussed what to do if Dean had a 'fluke' and both felt like they could handle it.

"You better get him into the back," Seth could hear Bubba telling Roman and he watched as the older man helped Roman get Dean into the back. He rushed to the back as calmly as he dared.

By the time he got to the back, Roman had taken Dean into a back room where he was being attended to by Dr. Sanders. Hunter and Stephanie were there, looking extremely concerned, as was Jericho.

"He's diabetic," Roman was explaining to Doctor Sanders, who nodded.

Okay, I need someone to fetch me a can of regular soda or juice. I also need someone to find Dean's insulin kit."

"I'll get his drink," Stephanie said. "What kind of soda or juice do you like, Dean?"

"Pep-Pepsi or apple juice," Dean said softly.

"I'll get his kit," Jericho said, giving Seth an unreadable look before running towards the locker room.

Seth sat with Roman, as the Samoan comforted their friend, who was slumped against him.

Hunter was pacing, Seth could tell he wanted to say something, but he was waiting.

Stephanie came back with a cup of juice, "Here you go."

Roman helped Dean drink the juice since Dean's hands were shaking very badly. Once the prescribed amount had been drunk, Doctor Sanders nodded at Jericho, who'd returned with a small black case.

"Okay, I'll be back in fifteen minutes to check his blood sugar and talk to him," Dr. Sanders said, before getting to his feet and leaving the room.

Seth watched Hunter and Stephanie's faces, he wanted to say something to defuse the situation, but wasn't sure what he could say.

"I'm fired, aren't I?" Dean finally said, his face buried in his hands.

Both Hunter and Stephanie looked confused, "Why would you be fired, Ambrose?" Hunter asked, no trace of sarcasm in his voice.

"Dean, we're not happy that you didn't tell us about your condition, and we will be having a talk about it, but you're not fired," Stephanie said.

Dean looked at them like they'd both just started speaking Chinese, "I-I'm not?"

Stephanie shook her head. "No, you're not. There's protocol for this and we'll go over it tomorrow, but right now, I think it's more important that you get your blood sugar back up. Come see me tomorrow before SmackDown and we'll talk about things, okay? Bottom line: you're not fired or in very serious trouble, got me?" At Dean's hesitant nod, she smiled and squeezed his shoulder before leaving, taking Hunter with her.

Jericho smiled a little and sat down next to Dean, "See? I told you they had protocol in place for this."

Dean nodded, shakily, "Yeah, I just-" Suddenly, something occurred to him and he fixed his piercing eyes on Seth and Roman. "Wait. Chris didn't tell the doctor I'm diabetic, you did," he pointed at Roman. He looked between three guilty faces and his eyes narrowed in a way that Roman and Seth knew meant danger. "What the fuck is going on?"

Roman and Seth exchanged looks, this is exactly what they were trying to avoid: Dean feeling trapped and defensive. Then Dean's brain finished connecting all of the dots he jumped to his feet. "You sonofabitch! You told them!" He pointed an accusing finger at Jericho.

Jericho put up his hands, "Dean, I was worried about you. I was afraid that something like this would happen, so I talked to them Saturday and-"

"You went behind my back?! I told you I didn't want them to know!" Dean was in full Moxley mode, which was like trying to juggle dynamite in a room full of lit candles.

"Dean, we want to help you," Seth said, trying to defuse things.

"I don't need your help!" Dean said, backing towards the door. "I've been handling it just fine by myself!"

Seth wanted to point out that Dean was clearly not handling it well since his blood sugar had tanked in the middle of a match, but he knew Dean well enough to know that arguing with him right now would just make it worse.

"Dean, we know you can handle this," Roman said in his strong, but soothing way. "You take great care of Seth and me, we want to help you take care of yourself."

Dean looked between the three guilty faces of his friends and Roman and Seth could see that his mind was turning over this new information and jumping the wrong conclusions.

"Fuck you! Just leave me alone!" Dean stormed out of the room, brushing past Renee without a word.

The blonde broadcaster watched her boyfriend leave with wide eyes, then turned to the worried and guilty faces of his friends. "Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on?!"