Boop. Another one.

Sidenote: Sorry if the dates don't seem to align perfectly; I have gone back countless times changing things around so the times and dates maybe a little wonky ;_; terribly sorry!

Thursday, October 21st, 7:29 p.m.


"Audrey, I ran out of tacks… You got any extras?" Ressie mumbled to herself. I sighed and threw her a baggie-full. We were currently hanging posters advertising the party around the castle.



8 P.M.—1 A.M.










We stuck posters all around the stone walls. People stopped by and read them. Some commented on how lame the idea was, brainstorming costume ideas, blah, blah, blah… Sirius was helping us, making sure we knew that he was most certainly not enjoying it. I tuned him out for the most part.

I was thinking.

The days grew shorter and the time I had to think about my decision to leave was waning fast. I was to give Dumbledore an answer in a few days I still hadn't made up my mind. I felt like I had a million different factors to weigh, when really, it was only a few. It was probably going to be dangerous, I'd be at a place I know nothing about with someone I don't know, and I'd be leaving my dad… the only one who's stuck around for me. If I knew anything, it's that I needed his opinion about it. I needed to know that he's either okay with my choice or not. I needed to see him, talk with him face to face about this.

After I hung about a dozen more posters with Ressie, I snuck off with the intention to go to Dumbledore's office. The castle was darkening as the night drew on and it grew mildly colder. I felt myself speed up to his office, wanting to get out of the cold outdoors.

I made it to his office, muttering the password to the entrance and walked in rather flustered.

"Ms. Fawcett. May I help you?" Professor Dumbledore asked me, looking up from his pile of paper, his sparkling eyes twinkling from behind his half-moon spectacles.

"Professor, its about the… internship," I said weakly. He nodded. "I was wondering if… I could possibly talk to my dad about it…"

"Ms. Fawcett, I'm sure you know that I am very wary of anyone knowing of your mission," He said. I sighed.

"I know.. It's just… My dad's muggle. He doesn't know much about the Wizarding World, let alone an aggressing dictator. I just need to talk to him about it… I won't tell him of the Order, or the war… I-I just need to see him. This is a big decision and I'd feel better about it if I had his input. Please professor? He's all I have," I said. I was hoping that I could play on my pathetic demeanor. He took a big sigh.

"I'll let you Floo to London this weekend. You may go see your father for the weekend, but then you must return Saturday evening. I also have to insist that you have a guard with you during your visit. I'll have an Auror meet you at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley and escort you to your residence," He said after a long pause.

"Why do I need an escort?" I asked cautiously.

"Audrey, it's merely a precaution. You are currently a student at Hogwarts and are leaving grounds during non-holiday session, so it is a liability issue. And albeit you are fully capable to take care of yourself, I'm afraid I have to insist. Now, come to my office at 6 p.m. sharp on Friday evening." he said. I smiled.

"I do expect an answer upon your return, Ms. Fawcett," Dumbledore said. I nodded my head fervently.

"Thank you so much, professor," I said. He gave me a warm smile and I turned around and briskly left his office. I felt better knowing that I could consult the most important person to me about this decision.

I was truly worried about what Ressie would think, though, considering I'm missing this damned party. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't relieved. It almost seemed too easy.

I walked fast down the corridor as the nighttime chill sent shivers down my spine. The set had set and the moon was out. It shone brilliantly and seemed to light my way. I sighed, wondering what I'd do when I get back to the common room tonight. Luckily for the students, the teachers have decided to hold a faculty meeting tomorrow, suspending classes for the day. I really didn't care much either way, but it'll be good because it gives Ressie and I more time to plan for her stupid party. Tomorrow, we have to go down to Hogsmead to get last minute decorations and snacks and such, then we're to decorate The Great Hall. The guys are coming along to help, luckily enough. Except Remus; he's visiting his grandmother again.

I miss him a bit, I'll admit. It gets a little lonely when I can't hear his voice or spend time with him.

I decided to go for a walk, not feeling up to dinner. I clutched my sweater tighter to my body and strode out the castle, down to the lake. I strode down the steep hill with care and eventually made it to the edge of the lake. I stood at the shore, looking across the sleek water. The wind caused a slight ripple effect and the small waves reflected the light from the moon quite beautifully. The night air was chilly and I could see my breath. I could feel my cheeks and nose get colder. But I loved it. It was so serene and calm… it was hard to get quiet moments alone like this these days. I was grateful for the silence.

Suddenly, I heard a few sticks crack behind me and I turned around to find a big black dog standing about fifteen feet away from me. It was the one that was being chased by the stag! I felt my heart skip a beat and my breath caught in my throat. It tilted its head curiously at me and I slowly reached for my wand. It took a few steps forward and started wagging its tail slightly. I felt my hand shake as it fumbled for my wand in my bag. The dog was soon right in front of me and it sat down. It whined slightly and I felt myself shaking. I looked into its eyes; they were a familiar shade of clear blue. I relaxed my hand and sighed. I slowly reached to touch the dog, for some unknown reason, and I stroked its' head slowly, letting the soft, slightly matted hair tangle in my fingers.

"What are you…" I mumbled. It responded with a small whimper and licked my hand. Suddenly, it seemed to hear something beyond my own ability and it's ears perked up. His head shot for the forest. He stared for a few seconds and looked back at me. It then got up and walked a few feet in front of me. Suddenly, his hair stood up and he barked viciously at the forest. It looked at me and barked, while growling and squinting its eyes. I took that as a sign to leave so I backed away slowly. The dog seemed satisfied with my choice and turned around, running off into the thick forest.

What the hell just happened?

Small chapter ;(
