Set: Who knows when? Sometime between season 3 and 6
Recipe: Kensi's Mojito Slushies
3 c Ice
1/2 c Rum
20-30 Mint Leaves
4 peeled and quartered Limes
5 Tbsp Sugar
Kensi and Nell returned to the bullpen, happy to see that it was now empty.
"Looks like the coast is clear!" Nell squealed, looking back to her friend.
"I rn't believe the guys bought that story... really? A new workout routine we couldn't wait to try?" Kensi said with a shake of her head.
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Nell told her. "It worked, they're gone, and we have this place all to ourselves!"
"Wait... what about Hetty? How do we know she isn't still here?" Kensi asked. "I'm pretty sure she wouldn't approve..."
"All taken care of." Nell told her with a sly grin, as she retrieved her tablet from Kensi's desk. She opened up a map of LA with a number of coloured flashing dots.
"Oh My God! Nell, tell me you didn't put a GPS tracker on Hetty!" Kensi said, in total shock and awe.
"Who, me?" Nell asked innocently. "Never! But if I happened to have one fall out of my pocket when she picked me up this morning..." She let her voice trail off with a wink.
"OK, I don't need to worry now. Hetty is going to be too focused on killing you to even worry about me." Kensi said with a sigh of relief.
"All taken care of. What did I tell you? Your little pipe dream is totally becoming reality." Nell said.
"Just a few more minutes... I'd feel better if we properly cleared the building." Kensi told her. The two quietly crept around, and fifteen minutes later they were certain they were on their own.
"What about surveillance cameras?" Kensi asked. "Am I being paranoid?"
"Who do you think reviews them, Kens?" Nell asked with a giggle. "I'm telling you, this plan is foolproof!"
"Alright! I'm putting my trust in you, Agent Jones." Kensi told her with a stern look. "Don't let me down!"
"Never." Nell reassured her. "Now let's get this Girls' Night In started!"
Kensi went to her desk and retrieved her bag, pulling out the bottle of rum and assortment of other ingredients.
"What are we going to do for ice?" She asked Nell.
"All taken care of." Nell said with a wink. She ran up to Ops and retrieved a large cooler.
"Dare I ask where you hid THAT in OPS?" Kensi asked, once again shocked. All she got in answer was a wink.
"Questions later. Let's get these mojitos made!" Nell squealed. She grabbed the blender jug from behind the bullpen.
"My desk is a bit... cluttered. Maybe we should use Deeks' instead." Kensi said with a bit of a frown. "His is always clear." Nell nodded in agreement, and they began to load up the blender with ice.
Nell expertly cut and peeled the limes and Kensi added a handful of mint leaves and a generous amount of sugar. Nell reached for the sparkling water, but Kensi swatted her away.
"We don't need that. We've got rum!" She teased as she added a generous amount of rum to the jug. The two exchanged a look as Nell put the lid on and carried it back over to the blender base. With the push of a button, the sound of whirring blades chewing through ice was the only sound that could be heard. A minute later, Nell removed the jug and brought it back to Deeks' desk. Kensi had two glasses expertly prepared with sugared rims and a wedge of lime, and Nell carefully filled them up.
"Cheers!" Kensi said as she lifted her glass.
"And Happy Birthday!" Nell added "Even if it is a bit late."
The two girls lounged in the bullpen, thoroughly enjoying their drinks.
"This is the BEST use of the office blender anyone has thought up yet." Nell said. "Kensi, you're a genius."
"I was just joking!" Kensi insisted. "You're the one who managed to make the plan to actually pull this off. I still can't believe it actually worked!"
"Well now that we've got run of the building... what else do you think we should do?" Nell asked with a gleam in her eye. "Watch movies on the big screen in Ops? Go to the shooting range and shoot pictures into the targets? Raid wardrobe and dress up in costume?" She suggested. Kensi laughed as a grin spread across her face.
"Nell, are you are an evil genius!" Kensi said. "First stop, wardrobe!" She squealed as she grabbed her drink, with Nell following close behind.
In wardrobe they raided the sections that had their respective sizes. The majority of the outfits had already been worn by Kensi in the past, but she found a few new ones she hadn't yet tried. When she came across a stunning black dress, she had to pull it on. Nell flipped through the collection of clothes, knowing full well that a lot of the outfits were things that Hetty had once worn. She selected a beautiful renaissance costume and pulled it on. They laughed at each other's selections, but left them on as they continued to the armoury.
When they arrived, Nell entered a code into her locker, and Kensi couldn't help but grin.
"How on earth did you fill your locker with PAINTBALL guns and not get busted?" Kensi asked. Nell just winked as she handed one over.
"What colour do you want to be?" She asked. Kensi quickly grabbed the green paintballs, and Nell chose the pink. They exchanged one more sly look before taking to the shooting range and setting up their targets.
"Ready?" Nell asked, and Kensi answered with a nod. They both raised their guns and set to work.
"Nice shooting!" Kensi said as she surveyed Nell's target. Nell had managed to draw a heart with an arrow through it.
"Not so bad yourself" Nell replied, seeing Kensi's very accurate "No Boys" scrawled across her target, with the trademark shot to the groin. "Let's see what else we can do!" She added as they strung up new targets.
"I know what we should do!" Kensi squealed. "Give me a minute. I'll be right back!" She said, running out of the room. A few minutes later she returned with a large photo of Deeks' face to put on her target, and one of Eric for Nell.
"Kensi! That's just evil! I don't want to shoot Eric!" Nell said, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"We aren't going to SHOOT them." Kensi said. "We're going to paint them!" She explained, and she placed a box of different coloured paintballs between them. Nell's face lit up.
"Ready? Go!" Kensi said as she loaded several blue paintballs into her gun. She took aim and carefully began to paint a blue shirt on 'Deeks' while Nell chose green and started to paint one for Eric. They reloaded and giggled hysterically as they added to their partners' outfits. Finally, Kensi couldn't resist and added a pink moustache to Deeks' face, while Nell added a blue splash to Eric's ear.
"It's a bluetooth device." She explained, and the two burst out laughing.
"My glass is empty..." Nell said with a frown. "Let's head back upstairs and make some more. Kensi didn't need to be persuaded. She grabbed their target paintings and quickly followed Nell out of the room. They put away their paintball guns and Kensi returned to quickly clean up the splattered paint while Nell went upstairs to begin making their second round of Mojitos.
Kensi appeared as Nell was pouring their next round, and they again sat back to lounge on the desks.
"Any chance we can get some music in here?" Kensi asked. Nell retrieved her tablet again and played with a few controls, and soon there was techno music playing over speakers that Kensi didn't even know the building had. "This is perfect." She sighed, as she stretched out in her chair. "Too bad we can't do this every day."
"It's almost perfect. But I'm kind of getting hungry." Nell said as she scrunched up her nose. Kensi grinned.
"Well that I can fix." She told her, opening her desk drawer. "Come and take your pick." Nell's jaw dropped when she realized that Kensi's largest desk drawer was full to the brim of all things sweet.
"Holy cow!" Nell exclaimed. "How do you stay so skinny?!"
"Chasing bad guys all day." Kensi retorted as she stuck out her tongue. She grabbed a package of twinkies from the drawer for herself and waited as Nell chose a package of oreos.
"Now, this is perfect." Nell sighed as she began to eat the cookies. "We totally have to do this again."
"Your birthday is coming up soon..." Kensi teased. "Although maybe you'd rather spend it with a tall blond surfer..."
"Like you did?" Nell said pointedly. "At least I'd choose one who's clean shaven." She added, raising her eyebrows. Kensi swatted her.
"So that's how it's going to be?" She said. "I'll kill him if you tell him... but I kind of like him shaggy."
"He wouldn't be Deeks otherwise." Nell agreed. "Just like Eric wouldn't be Eric if he started to wear pants..." And Kensi nodded.
"Maybe we should invite them next time..." Kensi's voice trailed off. "I do feel kind of bad lying to them."
"Eric can't lie to save his life. He'd never be able to keep it a secret." Nell said. "Such a shame. I'm sure he'd have a lot of fun if he joined us." She let her voice trail off. The two friends sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about their partners. Kensi's slurping of her empty glass brought them both back to reality.
"Empty again! We'd better fix that." Nell said. "Can't let your glass run dry!"
"No, we certainly wouldn't want that, Ms. Jones." A voice said from behind her. Both women paled at the sound of their boss's voice.
"Um, Hetty." Nell managed to squeak out. "What are you doing here... so late?" She asked.
"I found something of yours in my car and thought I might return it." Hetty said, containing a smile. "Your phone indicated that you and Ms. Blye were still here."
Nell and Kensi exchanged a look. They knew they were in big trouble.
"I also brought this." Hetty added, as a bottle of rum emerged from behind her back. "If you'll allow me to join the party?" She asked, raising one eyebrow. Nell and Kensi both nodded, unsure what they could possibly say.
"Excellent. Although I'm surprised this is how you're making your mojitos. I have a much better recipe." She continued as she pulled out a bottle of sparkling water, and a small thermos. Kensi and Nell could only watch silently as Hetty expertly sliced and added limes, sugar, mint leaves, rum and sparkling water to the blender. She pressed the button to begin the blending, before retrieving the thermos to pour in a small amount of liquid nitrogen through the small hole in the lid. She brought the jug back to Deeks' desk where she expertly poured the frozen, frothy drinks into the glasses Kensi had been about to prepare.
"To Ladies' Night In" Hetty said, raising her glass. Nell and Kensi burst into grins as they raised their drinks as well.