OMG OMG OMG I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE, A MONTH! I've been really busy because I have all these projects due and on the 18th I start end-of-the-year testing. I will try and update as much as I can before that, but no promises. I will continue this story, for those of you who are wondering. I am going to finish Secrets Of The Past sometime around June (earliest is the 12th). I'm starting middle school on July 22nd (7th grade), and I got into ASB, so I'll be having a lot of meetings during the summer. I also took a Compacted Integrated Math Course Test so in middle school, I'll be put into an advanced math class (7th, 8th, and 9th grade math, if I even get in). Also, credit to a user who would like to remain anonymous for giving me some AMAZEBALL ideas. Enough of my rambling, on with the story!

Phoebe POV

I then head to Hero Hospital. My stomach is sticking out so wide, you would think that I put a watermelon under my shirt. I fill out my forms and begin to hyperventilate. It seems like hours before I am called.

"Phoebe Thunderman?" A nurse asks. I walk over to her and by the time we reach the room, my breathing gets heavier. She rushes to go get a doctor. I'm in a semi-private room, so the only thing separating me and the other woman is a large curtain. I hear the woman and a man talking and realize it's my parents.

Mom: Hank, we can't have this baby without knowing where Phoebe is!

Dad: You can't just hold the baby in. I promise, we'll go look for her AFTER this baby is born.

Mom: We can't! If we have this baby without knowing where she is, it's almost as if we're replacing her...

I can't believe it. They were actually worried about me. They usually neglected me, because I was such a good child that they thought I was fine on my own. I actually got pretty lonely. That's why I always argued with Max, seeming like it was the only way for me to get attention. I never really had friends either. I used to, but I closed everyone out of my personal life after I got raped. I just...changed. My grades dropped, I would usually stay up late, and I didn't care that much for school. But I am still smart. In fact, I'm so smart that I manage to get the office staff to mark me absent for days when I want to miss school. My family never finds out, and I like to keep it that way. I guess I'm a loner...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the pain in my abdomen gets stronger. The doctor goes into my mom's room first and talks to them for a few minutes. Then she comes and checks the machine I'm hooked up too.

"One of your children is facing backwards. We need to perform a C-section immediately!" She exclaims. Nurses come rushing in and wheel my bed out of the room. She says children. I'm having multiple children. But how many? 2? 8?! All of my worrying makes me black out before I even get anesthetics...

I wake with I start. I'm not in a room that's familiar to me. I quickly sit up, but a little too fast. I then remember what happened. My children. I look over at the crib. I see 2 little babies in pink hats. I have 2 baby girls. And now, I have their names...

CLIFFHANGER! I know you guys hate it when I do that, so that's why. So the twins are girls, thanks to the anonymous user (who also gave me a good name). I have a few names in mind including some you guys gave me. So now is the time to vote!

Amberlyn Alice

Piper Grace


Rosalyn (anon gave it to me)




Pick your fave! The middle name could be whatever, but the first name has to be one of these!

Stay Sapphy!