It took around a week for Nico to master control over his fangs and claws. It took another week to convince Percy to let him go back to school. Percy insisted he didn't need it, that he could teach Nico all he would need to know. Percy hadn't appreciated Nico's skepticism but he had grudgingly agreed on the condition that Nico transfer to a different school.

As much as Nico hated it, he knew Percy was right. He had to cut ties from his old life. Nico hadn't asked for this, but this was who he was now. Percy had given him a 20 minute lecture about how he was immortal now, which meant he would stay 16 forever and everyone he once knew would grow old and die around him.

Something told him that was a sensitive subject and Nico hadn't pushed the issue.

It made sense, it really did, it was just hard to imagine never talking to his friends again.

Sometimes when Percy wasn't looking or he was out, Nico would text Piper or Jason. He even texted Leo once in sheer desperation for human contact. His friends missed him and worried about him. Apparently the whole school thought he'd been arrested for drug possession. Nico didn't correct them. It was better for them to believe that then know the reality.

Percy touched him a lot, though he'd been pretty considerate about not pushing Nico past the strongly, non-verbally, set boundaries of clothes stay on. Nico'd done his fair share of fooling around. He'd managed to find out he was very much gay at around 12 and had spent the next 4 years experimenting to find his 'type'. He'd found it. His type just happened to be psychopathic, raving, vampire lunatics. Not that he could really complain. With a type like that, his options were pretty lame. At least he'd found someone who seemed eager.

Percy's fascination with his neck was getting a bit annoying, though-not to mention stereotypical, freaking vampire. Nico would be attempting to do homework and suddenly he would find Percy attempting to either seduce him or eat him; Nico hadn't entirely figured out which yet. Yeah, Percy was hot. Yeah, his mouth felt damn good on Nico's throat. But, damn it, he was studying which required full concentration, thank you very much.

Nico would by lying if he said he wasn't scared Percy was going to lose patience with him sooner or later and take what he wanted. He'd made it pretty clear that Nico belonged to him. If it weren't for the fact that Percy was utterly terrifying, in a hot way, then Nico would have given him the old 'I don't belong to anyone but me' speech and been done with it. Being Percy's roommate, being his 'fledge', being his friend, that was one thing. Nico had definitely not agreed to being anybody's toy. Being Percy's boyfriend… okay, Nico'd played with the idea and it had seemed strikingly appealing-with the way that it made Nico's tummy do odd flips-but he wasn't really sure that was what Percy wanted. Even casual sex would be okay with Nico, really, he just didn't want to feel like he was… owned. Percy'd been good so far, but Nico had been living with him for almost a month.

He could see Percy's resistance crumbling.

"Hey Nico, come here."

Nico sighed softly, his eyes closing for a moment as he tried to gather some patience. This was the third time Percy had interrupted his studying and he was getting a headache.

"What do you want?" he asked, not moving from his seat at the desk.

He heard the floorboards creaking as Percy made his way over, his hands resting on top of Nico's shoulders for a moment before slipping around them in a hug. Percy rested his chin on Nico's shoulder and made a noise that sounded very much like it was accompanying a pout.

"You have been at this for hours. What's so important about that stupid textbook anyways?"

Nico rolled his eyes and put his pencil down, slipping his reading glasses off and placing them on top of the book. He could tell he wasn't going to get any more work done tonight.

"Exams are next week, Percy. I have to study so I don't fail. And I have to study extra hard because someone made it so I was out of school for two weeks and I missed all that material." He gave Percy a pointed look over his shoulder for effect.

Percy shrugged, seemingly undeterred. "Come on, let's go hunting. I haven't seen you hunt since I turned you and you were frenzied then. You only drink what I bring home for you and you make me put it in bottles." He made a face like he was offended by the idea. "You need to learn how to hunt more than you need to learn whatever is in that book."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "It's Latin. And seeing as I want to be a Linguist, I disagree. Besides, I don't want to kill people."

Percy shuddered at the word Latin. He grimaced. "Ugh, Romans," he muttered like he had some personal dislike to the Roman people. And given his age, it didn't seem that unlikely. "You can't become a Linguist, Nico, you're 16 and will remain 16 forever. We've been over this. You've got to learn how to hunt sooner or later."

Nico ignored the seething inside him. He'd had a lot stripped from him when he was turned by this man and he wasn't overly fond of being reminded of it. He slammed his textbook closed and took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Fine," he ground out. "Let me get dressed."

He peeled himself away from Percy and closed the bedroom door behind him, changing quickly into all black. He didn't know how this was done, but he had a feeling that bright colours were a bad idea.

He stepped out of the bedroom and started pulling his hair up into a ponytail, his elastic in between his lips before he grabbed it and fixed the hair in place. He blew the piece if hair that wasn't quite long enough out of his face and stuffed his hands into his leather jacket.

"Let's go. I want to get another hour of studying in before bed."

Percy didn't hide the way he dragged his eyes over Nico's frame before he smirked and started down the stairs to the apartment door. Nico rolled his eyes and stepped into his combat boots, not even bothering to tie them up as he stuffed the laces into the boots and followed his sire.

Percy was being very patient.

He wasn't entirely sure why he was being so patient, but he was. He had made such a fuss that first morning about Nico belonging to him and yet he felt rather whipped by the obnoxious teenager. Percy could very easily take what he wanted. So Percy was rather confused as to why he hadn't yet. He knew Nico was still scared of him. He didn't really want to hurt the boy, so maybe if he created a bit of trust between them…

"You're pathetic," he said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He'd spent the last ten minutes attempting to teach Nico how to hypnotize the girl Percy had procured for him. The flushed face and puffed cheeks showed that Nico was pretty annoyed at himself, which Percy could relate to.

"Look her in the eyes and will her to do as you tell her to. You have to actually try, Nico, this isn't some parlor trick."

"I am trying!" Nico huffed, stomping his foot childishly. Percy rolled his eyes and put his hand on the girl's head, ignoring her whimper of fear around the gag in her mouth. He tilted her head up towards Nico so they could make eye contact.

"Focus, boy," Percy said lowly, letting his eyes flash red in an attempt to scare Nico into doing it right. He'd tried everything else, it was worth a shot.

He saw Nico swallow thickly but otherwise he gave no reaction to Percy's threatening. Percy resisted the urge to smile at the intense look on Nico's face. He stayed that way for almost a full two minutes before he sighed and relaxed. Percy blinked before looking down at the girl. He let the smile slip at the dazed look on the girl's face.

"You did it! Good job. Now, extend your fangs and drink."

The satisfied look on Nico's face faded as soon as Percy gave him his next command. He looked up at Percy with a panicked look on his face. "B-but… I don't want to. I've never… I mean, I don't remember… Percy, I don't want to kill people. I'm not like you."

Percy looked Nico up and down, took in his frightened expression and the way his fingers clenched and unclenched. The fact that Nico's claws and fangs had come out despite his resistance showed how much he wanted it.

"You will be soon enough."

Percy let the claw on his index finger extend, sliding it down the side of the girl's neck. It wasn't enough to break her from the daze, just enough to let the scent of her fresh blood fill the air. He heard a soft choking sound slip from Nico's throat.

Percy watched as the resistance seeped from Nico's features. Percy moved around slowly and stepped up behind Nico, his fingers brushing over Nico's neck and pressing a soft kiss to his skin, whispering against his ear. "You know what to do, beautiful. I know you want to."

He lead Nico forwards, meeting little resistance from the boy. Soon Nico was close enough to bite and the whimper was drawn loudly from his throat.

He managed to hold out for another 10 seconds before he lunged forward, attaching his lips to the girl's neck.

Percy practically moaned at the sight. Yeah, this definitely turned him on. He'd never been turned on by seeing someone feed before, but watching the way Nico's claws dug into the flesh of her arms to hold her still and the way her blood dripped down his chin messily… It was almost too much for Percy to handle.

He moved forwards, his body pressing against Nico's back as he leaned over the boy's shoulder and sunk his fangs into the other side of the girl's neck. He knew Nico couldn't drink it all by himself and he didn't want to let any go to waste.

His fingers slid into Nico's hair, loosening the ponytail and letting the elastic fall to the ground. He tangled his fingers in the locks and tugged gently. The moan that slipped past Nico's lips almost sent Percy over the edge. They drank for another minute or so until Percy was sure the girl was dead. He pulled away and licked his lips, watching Nico as he drank the last of her blood. He tugged at the boy's hair again and smirked as he moaned again. He pulled harder, yanking his head away from the girl and turning it so they were facing each other. He looked into Nico's bright red eyes and leaned forwards, slowly licking the blood off of Nico's chin.

"Be a good boy," Percy whispered as he licked away the blood that had slid down Nico's neck. "Retract your fangs the way I showed you."

It took a moment of obviously intense concentration on Nico's part before his fangs shrank back to show his human teeth. They were stained red, a shocking contrast from their usual white. Percy hummed softly and leaned in, sliding the tip of his nose over Nico's cheek. He pressed kisses to his skin as he pulled the boy against his chest, fingers sliding over his sides and through his hair. Nico trembled against him, making soft whimpering noises. He didn't seem to be against the affection. Percy licked experimentally at Nico's lips, purring when Nico parted them for him. He cleaned away all the blood before pressing his lips against the boy's in a soft kiss. Nico kept his lips parted and pressed back against the kiss, his eyes fluttering closed and his hands fisting at Percy's shirt. His claws sliced into the material but Percy just found it endearing.

Nico couldn't help the small laugh that bubbled up inside him as Percy practically dragged him up the stairs to his flat, pushing Nico up against the stairs inside his apartment door the second they were inside, kicking the door closed. Nico crawled backwards up the stairs as Percy's lips found his, pushing them open with a slick tongue and a moan. Nico closed his eyes and let Percy explore his mouth while they climbed the stairs on his back and Percy on his knees. They were both covered in blood and Nico's head was spinning from the pure pleasure of having someone else's warm blood sitting heavily in his stomach. Percy was right. This was a hundred times better than drinking it from the bottle.

They collapsed in a heap at the top of the stairs, giggles slipping past their lips as clothes were torn away. Nico had been so scared of getting to this point but now that he was here he realized just how much he wanted this. Fuck did he want this. He wanted Percy.

Percy broke the kiss once they were both naked, standing and yanking Nico to his feet as they stumbled into the bathroom. It was small and they bumped their elbows against the walls and the sink as Percy moved them to turn on the shower. They climbed in, hands barely leaving each other to steady themselves and Percy's mouth never leaving Nico's throat. Nico almost tripped over the edge of the tub but he caught himself against Percy's chest, pressing against him as the water poured down his back. It hadn't had time to heat up yet and Nico shivered, whining softly and making a face at the cold water. Percy laughed against his jugular and nipped gently.

"Don't worry," he purred, his hands sliding down Nico's waist and pulling him close. "I'll warm you up."

Nico rolled his eyes at the line and tugged at Percy's hair, pulling his mouth away from Nico's throat. Percy was almost a full head taller than him and Nico had to push himself onto his tip toes as he leaned up and captured Percy's bottom lip between his teeth and tugged. Percy made a positive noise at the action and gripped Nico's ass, making the younger boy moan.

"Fuck, Percy," Nico gasped as he pressed closer, feeling Percy's hard cock press against his hip bone. He bit his bottom lip and licked at Percy's collar bone since it was easier for him to reach. His hands roamed over Percy's chest and stomach, tracing the muscles.

"What do you want, babe?" Percy whispered against Nico's temple, his fingers sliding through the younger's wet hair as the water began to heat up.

Nico groaned loudly because he wanted a lot of things. He just couldn't figure out which one he wanted first. He dragged his teeth along Percy's shoulder and felt Percy's cock twitch against his hip. Nico swallowed thickly and licked his lips.

"I want to taste you," he breathed against Percy's skin. "And then I want you to fuck me."

The noise Percy made caused Nico's head to go fuzzy as he slowly lowered himself to his knees.

Once he was there he gulped. Percy was bigger than he'd thought now that it was right in front of his face. (Not to mention the fact that Percy was too damn tall. Nico had always been small and Percy's legs were stupidly long. He could barely reach) Nico wrapped his fingers around Percy's shaft and let out a ragged sort of breath. He gave a tentative sort of lick to the head, feeling encouraged by the noise Percy made and his long fingers sliding into Nico's hair. Bracing his free hand on Percy's thigh and stretching himself up he let his tongue slide out of his mouth as he took the head of Percy's cock past his lips. He closed his eyes, sucking gently with a soft sound.

If Nico was being honest with himself, which he usually wasn't, he loved giving head. He loved the weight of someone else's cock on his tongue and the dominated feeling it gave him. Not to mention watching someone's face from this positon when they came was sexy as hell. Nico wasn't trying to make Percy come, though, and as he took the taller man further into his mouth he opened his eyes so he could watch Percy's face through his eyelashes. The look on Percy's face as he looked down at Nico with hooded eyes was almost too much for the teenager. He moaned in the back of his throat and took Percy deeper, feeling the head push against the back of his throat. He forced himself to breath through his nose. He couldn't take all of Percy but he was close. He used his hand to make up the difference.

The hand in his hair tightened. He could tell Percy was getting a little closer than Nico wanted him to be. As much as he wanted to feel Percy come down his throat, he wanted Percy to fuck him much, much more.

He hallowed his cheeks to suck as he slid off with a pop, licking his lips and purring low in his throat. Percy's groan of frustrated loss was cut off by a chuckle as he looked down at Nico. Nico blushed a little and swallowed thickly as he tried to catch his breath. Percy hooked a finger, beckoning Nico to stand. The brunette did what he was told, pressing against Percy again once he was standing. He let Percy direct him, pressing his chest against the cold tile wall when Percy moved him. He shivered and bit down on his lower lip, trying to look over his shoulder to see what Percy was doing. He watched Percy slick his fingers with what appeared to be shower gel before gripping Percy's hip with his free hand, pulling them away from the wall so his back was arched downward. Nico spread his legs, not caring how it looked at this point in time.

Percy purred and pushed a finger against Nico, pressing inside and up, catching Nico's prostate with knowledgeable ease. Nico's breath caught, eyes rolling back in his head, and he moaned.

Nico's eyes closed and his hips pushed back against Percy's hand as the older man started to move his finger, twisting and curling against the bundle of nerves that had Nico seeing stars. Nico barely noticed the addition of the second finger until Percy started to move them faster, spreading his fingers and stretching Nico open. Nico whimpered and pushed back against the fingers, wiggling his hips impatiently. Percy laughed softly and licked a line up Nico's spine. "You're a little sex kitten, aren't you? I knew there was something good about you when I found you."

Nico whined when Percy pulled his fingers out, only to gasp a second later when three were pushed back in. "I-is this… all I'm good for?" he purred, voice hitching a little as Percy's fingers moved and teased at his prostate. The burn from the stretch subsided quickly as his sweet spot was tortured, his knees growing weak.

Percy hummed and tilted his head to the side as he bit at Nico's shoulder. "No, but it's definitely a bonus."

Nico whinged and wiggled his hips again. "Fuck, Percy, I'm ready, just fuck me already." His impatience grew as his orgasm brimmed. He didn't want to come before Percy was inside him. He felt Percy's fingers slide out of him and the head of the cock Nico had already become familiar with press against his entrance. A thought occurred to him right before Percy could push inside.

"W-wait…" he gasped, looking over his shoulder. "Don't we need a condom?"

Percy chuckled and kissed along Nico's jaw, rocking his hips so his cock slid along the cleft of Nico's ass, making him tremble. "Vampires can't get STDs, babe. Do you still want me to wear one?"

Nico blinked. "Oh…" Well that was a plus. "Fuck no, I don't."

"That's what I thought." Percy laughed and pushed all the way inside with one thrust. Nico choked on his cry, glad that the wall was there or else he would have likely collapsed. Percy growled behind him and wrapped his arms around Nico's thin waist, rocking his hips minimally until Nico whimpered his go ahead. Percy pulled out almost all the way and pushed back inside with a groan, licking his way up Nico's back.

The blood had all washed from their bodies and now the water was working to get rid of the sweat that seemed to be pouring off them. Nico trembled as Percy fucked him. At this angle and with their size difference, Nico could feel Percy's cock pressing against the inside of his abdomen. It felt strange and incredibly good. He thought this sort of thing was something that only happened in animated porn, but it seemed like he was wrong. It pissed him off that Percy couldn't reach his prostate from this angle though. The pleasure half blinded him but it was just not enough. It was so close to pushing him over the edge that it was maddening. Nico loved prostate orgasms and he almost refused to touch his cock when he was being fucked unless his partner was incompetent. Percy was anything but that.

"P-Perce…" he panted, looking over his shoulder and reaching down to drag his nails across Percy's arm. "Wanna… change…"

Percy seemed to understand his strained words because he pulled out with a grunt. Nico almost collapsed on the floor of the tub when Percy let him go. Percy's big hands gripped his waist and turned him around and Nico was startlingly reminded of just how small he was when Percy pressed him against the wall, hooking his legs up and around his waist. Nico was light but he wasn't that light. Percy seemed to lift him like he weighed little more than a pillow.

Nico's arms wrapped around Percy's neck, fingers tangling into his head. His head fell back with a loud whack against the tile wall of the shower when Percy pushed back inside. Angles meant everything, it seemed, as the beautiful curve of Percy's cock meant that Percy slid hard over Nico's prostate with each thrust. It was a very good thing Percy was holding him up because Nico went limp within seconds, his arms still loosely around Percy's neck. His eyes rolled back in his head as a moaned clawed it's way up his throat. He could hear himself echoing around the bathroom walls and it was filthy-and it turned him on more than he cared to admit.

"Ah, Percy!" he gasped, his stomach giving an odd sort of jolt of pleasure, warning him of his impending orgasm. Percy just growled, his thrusts becoming rougher and more sporadic. Nico could tell he was close as well. Nico yanked Percy's mouth away from his throat with a tug on his hair. Nico bit his way into Percy's mouth, tugging at his lips with his teeth until Percy parted them for him. It was a very violent kind of kiss and it was sexy as hell. Everything about their relationship seemed to be at least a little violent.

Percy's fingers had bloomed pretty purple bruises on Nico's hips and waist and thighs, his claws occasionally digging into his flesh when he lost control momentarily. The little sparks of pain mingled with the pleasure sent Nico's head reeling.

Nico's stomach coiled as his orgasm threatened and he barely had time to whimper against Percy's lips before his body shuddered and he was moaning Percy's name, head cracking back against the wall and his insides tightening around Percy's cock.

The soft, choked noise Percy made right before he came normally would have made Nico laugh at how cute it was but he couldn't seem to manage it seeing as he felt strangely like every bone in his body had turned to mush.

Percy rode out his orgasm against Nico's prostate as the younger trembled against his chest, the overstimulation sending Nico's world into darkness.

Nico moaned softly and rolled over. His hips ached and his back ached and he was sweating something fierce. He wiggled around in an attempt to free himself from the jumble of blankets, blinking blurry-eyed around the brightly lit room. He groaned and pulled the blankets over his head.

"Percy… 's too bright."

Nico heard a chuckle from somewhere off to his right and a soft click, meaning the light had been shut off. Nico experimentally pulled the covers down and looked around. He was laying in their bed (it almost made Nico choked when he realized he was referring to it as 'theirs') and Percy was leaning against the bedroom door frame with two steaming cups of coffee in his hands.

Nico practically moaned at the sight. (Though, at Percy-dressed in only a pair of black jeans and a tight fitting tank top-or at the coffee, Nico wasn't entirely sure.) He sat up with a lot of effort and a groan and reached out for the mug Percy offered him, scooting over on the bed to let Percy sit beside him as he sipped tentatively at the liquid. He felt Percy brush his bangs from his eyes and flicked his eyes up at him.

Percy smiled and chuckled softly. "You're too cute for your own good, you know that?"

Nico swallowed a gulp of coffee and shrugged, looking down at the contents of the mug. "I guess. You tell me I'm cute enough for me to believe it."

Percy hummed and drank his own coffee.

"Your body okay?" Percy asked, tilting his head to the side. Nico nodded and chewed at his lip. He could tell Percy could hear him thinking. Percy sighed and ran a hand through his hair, making it stand up in a stupidly sexy way. "You regretting it?"

Nico shook his head, maybe a little too fast because a little coffee sloshed over the edge of his mug and onto his fingers. He licked them clean. "Just don't particularly want to be anyone's sex toy, is all."

Percy raises an eyebrow and made a noise like he could hardly believe what he was hearing. "Who said anything about you being a sex toy?"

Nico blinked up at him in surprise. "You said… that I belonged to you."

Percy rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. "Well yeah. You're mine, but that doesn't mean that if you are really unhappy here you can't leave. I'm not going to force you to stay here."

Nico raised an eyebrow at him. "That is a very contradictory statement," he pointed out with a flat tone. Percy glared weakly and smacked the back of his head lightly.

"Smartass," Percy muttered, standing up and taking another gulp of coffee. "Come on, I'm about to start a game of COD, wanna join?"

Nico smirked and nodded, tentatively slipping out of bed as to not irritate his aching muscles. He tugged the blanket with him, as he waddled out after Percy, ignoring the way he laughed. "Shut up," he muttered. "It's your fault I'm walking like this."

Percy hummed and planted a kiss on the top of Nico's head. "I think it's cute. Little ducky~"

He avoided Nico's swinging arm by plopping down on the couch.