After the last few months of nothing else but an actual ongoing zombie apocalypse in the southern United States, the small band of humans led by Rick Grimes who were trying to find a safe place to survive among the end of their world could be forgiven for thinking that at least things couldn't possibly get any stranger.


That morning, Rick, Glenn, and Daryl had gone scavenging together in a small Georgia town off Interstate 85 while the others in their convoy forted up at a rest stop and waited for them to come back with some needed supplies. Sneaking through an alley on the outskirts of this town, weapons ready to instantly kill any walkers they were sure to come across, the trio simultaneously halted in the middle of the passageway. Glancing at each other in wary surprise, the men silently confirmed that they were all hearing the same very odd sounds drifting their way from the alley's end further on at where Rick, Glenn, and Daryl had just stopped.

These continuous noises consisted of a loud Splat! followed by softer pattering sounds, and then it started all over again, without giving any indication of ending soon. Trying to think of what might be causing that, Rick finally shrugged in bafflement and met the others' uncomprehending gazes. Judging by these, they also didn't seem to know what was going on out there either.

Making a quick decision to take a peek for himself, Rick jerked his head towards the alley mouth. Glenn wasn't obviously all that happy over what Rick was suggesting, due to the prompt sour expression which developed upon the younger man's face. After a couple more moments, though, Glenn did a reluctant nod, along with a sudden glower sent right back at Rick that he was surely going to blame the former sheriff's deputy if this went wrong. Satisfied, Rick shot another look at where Daryl was standing sideways in the alley to keep watch both up and down this narrow lane at the same time. That meant only the left side of Daryl's head could be seen by Rick, who nonetheless received an accepting grimace from the part of this Dixon brother's face presented to their leader.

Moving as quietly as possible while the bizarre noises continued, the trio advanced towards the end of the alley with Glenn and Rick side-by-side and Daryl sidling along after at their backs. When they reached this while still hidden from sight from the street, the men all stopped again. Rick was closest to the brick building corner, so he carefully edged his head past this, keeping the rest of his body inside the alley. Peeking out, Rick saw about a hundred feet ahead some sort of village green there, a small park set in between the divided roadway running through the town.

Right now, that park was entirely filled by a mob of walkers. At least fifty or so, in Rick's appalled opinion-


Dammit, there it went again! Only, this time, Rick was certain it was coming from the other side of the undead crowd. He kept on staring at where he'd heard this inexplicable sound, ignoring how Glenn was crowding up against him and trying to look over Rick's shoulder. A flicker of motion caught then Rick's eye.

Above the head level of the shuffling bunch of corpses bumping and jostling each other, a metal bar abruptly shot up into view. With a matching blur of speed, what Rick barely had enough time to recognize as a crowbar came down, producing another Splat!

With exquisite timing, the walkers occupying the park shifted apart then at the exact moment to allow Rick to see how that crowbar smashing directly onto the top of a skull had just turned the whole rotting head into a disgusting spray of blood, bone, and liquefied brains sent everywhere, including all over the other walkers and upwards into the sky. Gravity next caused every bit of this biological refuse to fall to the ground, explaining the previous splashing noises. This realization next caused Rick to retch and cringe back into the alley. He banged up against Glenn, who hadn't been able to see anything yet.

Unthinkingly, an irritated Glenn yelped, "Hey, what're you doing-!"

Daryl's vicious warning snarl under his breath sent towards Glenn instantly shut up that other man. When the undead could zero onto their prey by sound alone, you didn't ever open your mouth around them without good cause. Complaining about getting unexpectedly elbowed in no way counted as a good cause. Glenn knew Daryl already disliked him, so that tough guy wouldn't feel the slightest compunction about leaving behind some loudmouth asshole to the tender mercies of the nearest walkers.

Taking a nervous step away from a glaring Daryl, Glenn found himself past Rick leaning against the alley wall. Gratefully seizing the opportunity to both avoid further pissing off Daryl and having a look at what'd just made Rick almost toss his cookies, Glenn did his own peek past the building corner. Two seconds later, there came another Splat! sound.

Daryl observed with genuine bogglement how that little turd suddenly reeled backwards, turned to the other men in the alley with a pale face almost white as milk, and managed, "Eyeballs can really bounce, you know that?" before bending over to puke on the alley floor.

At this point, Daryl just had to see this for himself. Making one last quick check around the alley for any potential walkers dropping by and not finding any, Daryl strode past Rick straightening up and a still-heaving Glenn to stand just barely outside the alley on the street sidewalk. Doing another swift security inspection of his immediate surroundings from hard-earned experience, Daryl recognized that all the real action was going on in that park, carried out by…

"Who the fuck is that?"

Daryl's astonished tone of voice brought Rick and a mostly-recovered Glenn outside on the sidewalk with him. They all stared at whom they could now see moving around on the right side of the undead crowd while whittling down their decaying numbers one by one, Splat! after Splat!

This person taking only a single blow with their crowbar to shatter the heads of walkers was entirely clad from head to toe in a thick blanket or sheet that was now covered with dripping red/grey slime while the ends of this dragged along the ground. Two hands also covered and reaching out from under this protective wrapping kept the crowbar in a firm grasp throughout all of its deadly work. Other than this, nothing could be seen of some killer who moved as gracefully as a ballet dancer.

Fortunately, there weren't any other walkers in the town except at the park, or a mutually gaping Rick, Glenn, and Daryl might've been taken unawares from behind. Instead, they continued to watch with absolute disbelief during the eradication of the undead throng.

Once the very last Splat! was done, followed by the collapse of a headless corpse onto the park grass now soaked with blood, the figure in their blanket stood frozen, holding onto the crowbar as if they thought the walkers would get up again and need another good wallop. Shaking themselves out of a shared daze over what they'd just witnessed, the three men glanced at each other as if wondering who'd be the first to call out to this person with their back turned to them.

After a quiet staredown among the trio which resulted in Rick glumly accepting the responsibility for this, he turned his attention back to-

Where a short individual was now standing right in front of them all. They hadn't even heard that mysterious executioner move!

Simultaneously flinching away, Rick, Glenn, and Daryl at least managed to not scream like little kids. They instead watched with disbelief while the blanketed person dropped with a clatter the crowbar onto the street. Next came the blanket being lifted and thrown back to reveal…

A very hot young woman, maybe college age, dressed in spotless Valley Girl style, who now brashly declared to all of her gawking company, "That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo!"

As one, Rick, Glenn, and Daryl's jaws dropped even further. This wasn't helped by that woman then glancing around in evident confusion while further chattering to nobody in particular, "This isn't Sunnydale, but I killed lots of demons anyway and stayed nice and clean! How do I find Dawn and Willow and Xander? Why am I here? Did Spike build me again?"

Beginning to nonchalantly step back away in unison from that loony young lady, the men halted in their tracks at how she impatiently shook her head and stared directly at Daryl. Who, in turn, eyed her with dubious wariness which turned into full-grown panic at next hearing from Miss Insane Blonde a contemplative announcement:

"I wanna hurt you, but I can't resist the sinister attraction of your cold and muscular body!"