Chapter 14

Even though he knew he'd be fighting with a sword, Oliver chose to wear his Green Arrow gear. The team arrived to find that Ra's and his men were already there. Oliver felt a certain tension in his body since he hadn't heard from Nyssa. He hoped she succeeded in turning some of the league to her favor. Though, it didn't matter now since he was committed to facing Ra's.

"I see you have come with company," said Ra's.

"The outcome of this effects them, so they are here," said Oliver.

"I should be arresting everyone here," Captain Lance whispered to his daughter, who elbowed him gently in the ribs.

Felicity protectively put her arm around Oliver's left arm. He turned his head to look at her.

"Please, Oliver, kill him. Don't leave me," she said.

He smiled then looked at Ra's.

"I guess this should be the last time we face each other," said Oliver.

"Who knows what fate has in store for us," said Ra's.

Oliver slipped off his quiver and handed his bow to Roy. Next, he unzipped his jacket and took it off and then pulled off his black under shirt and goggles. He then put out his hand to Diggle, who handed him a katana. Over the past few months he had trained with this katana. It was his preferred weapon. Ra's raised his arms and allowed his men to take his coat then his shirt. Finally, Ra's drew his preferred sword from the scabbard at his side.

The two men walked towards each other until they were a few feet away from each other in the middle of the warehouse. Ra's smiled.

"You have many gifts. It is a shame that I have to take your life in order to force you to fulfill your destiny as my heir," he said.

"You aren't going to win," Oliver stated.

"Many men have said the same thing to me, yet I am here. I live and I continue to be the Demon's head," said Ra's.

"All things must pass," grinned Oliver.

Ra's chuckled to himself.

"You are learning wisdom. This is good," said Ra's. "When you are resurrected I shall purge the last of Oliver Queen from you and leave only Al Sahim."

"I don't think so," smiled Oliver.

"I've taught you much, but I haven't taught you everything I know," stated Ra's sounding like a benign parent.

"I may know a few things that surprise you yet," said Oliver.

He took a defensive stance with his katana. This time he was bent on letting Ra's attack him rather than he attack Ra's. Oliver knew that he had to control his anger so that he didn't leave himself open to attack by Ra's.

"Prepare yourself, Al Sahim," said Ra's, "it is time you come home."

The battle began. For the next few minutes they watched as Oliver and Ra's battled with swords. Diggle, Roy, Ray, and Barry were amazed by the smoothness and command of movement that Ra's had. Oliver was in great form, but Ra's was better, as he ran his sword across Oliver's left thigh and then sliced his right upper arm. It was as if Ra's was toying with him, the predator playing with his food before the kill.

Felicity felt Thea stiffen beside her as they watched Oliver be nicked and wounded by Ra's. She could feel her eyes start to burn with tears. Right there in front of her eyes Oliver was losing to Ra's. She was going to lose him. She couldn't lose him.

Oliver expected that Ra's would kick his ass. He had so much more experience than Oliver that he bound to be the superior swordsman, but Oliver still had a plan. He wanted an overconfident Ra's. Oliver wanted a man who didn't fear his prey.

Ra's sword quickly ran across Oliver' abdomen. The blood ran freely from his thigh, his upper arm, and his abdomen. It was almost time to make his move.

"Again, you have lasted longer than any man before you, Al Sahim. You are going to be a worthy successor once you have been resurrected from the Lazarus Pit," Ra's said.

Oliver was breathing heavily. He looked over at his friends, his family. He noticed the concern on Diggle's face, the anger on Roy's face, the shock on Ray's face, and the sadness and fear on Felicity's and Thea's face. Oliver was surprised to see Laurel crying on her father's shoulder and Captain Lance looking at him with deep regret.

"It is time we end this, Al Sahim," said Ra's. "It is time you come home."

Oliver looked over at Felicity. She was being strong but he could see she was almost ready to breakdown. His heart tightened just looking at her. He was causing her pain and he never wanted to cause her pain.

Ra's made his final attack. Oliver blocked his sword once, twice, three times, but then he allowed him to run him through on his left side. As Ra's pulled his sword out in order to deliver a deathblow, Oliver twirled around more gracefully than anyone could think possible after the beaten he had taken. He turned his sword from facing forward to facing backwards and ran Ra's through the center of his body.

Ra's was shocked by this and dropped to his knees. Oliver pulled out his sword and twirled again and faced Ra's.

"Your reign has ended, but I will not be your heir," said Oliver. "Remember this."

Oliver ran him through again and Ra's dropped face first to the ground. He was dead. The assassins started to pull their weapons, as Oliver dropped to his knees from wounds and blood loss. Oliver looked up at them. Suddenly, one of the assassins ripped their veil off. It was Nyssa. She stepped apart from everyone else and went to Oliver's side, though she was beat to that spot by Felicity, Diggle, Roy, and Thea, while Barry prepared to break into super speed to disarm people.

"I am Nyssa Al Ghul. Al Sahim relinquishes his claims to the leadership of the league to me," she announced.

"We follow Ra's and his true successor," called out an assassin.

A battle began between those loyal to Nyssa and those loyal to Ra's. Dozens of assassins appeared to emerge from the shadows. The team merged around Oliver to protect him, while Felicity placed Oliver's head in her lap, Diggle worked on his wounds with the help of Laurel. Barry stopped any assassin who came close the team, while the rest fought.

"Dig, how is he?" Felicity asked.

"He's had a lot of blood loss, but I have no idea about internal damage. We need to get him to a hospital," Diggle said.

"I should call in some SWAT teams," growled Lance.

"You'll only get them killed," Roy stated.

Suddenly, several of the assassins threw down smoke bombs clouding the area. Once the smoked cleared there many dead on the ground, but Ra's' body was missing. Nyssa came over to the team.

"We must now pursue those who have Ra's body. They will attempt to take him to a Lazarus Pit. We must stop that. If we don't stop it then their will be a civil war in the league," she explained.

"I don't really care, just as long as Oliver is done with the league," said Felicity fighting back tears.

"He is done with the league, though he shall be honored," she said then turned to Laurel. "I hope to see you again, Laurel. I believe you are my friend and I have few of them."

"Anytime you need me, Nyssa, call for me," said Laurel.

Nyssa and her people cleared out leaving the team behind.

"Let's get Oliver to a hospital," demanded Diggle.

"I'll call ahead and have the best doctors waiting for him and a private room waiting," said Ray.

Lance looked at the dead assassins then said, "I stay here and call this in."

He looked at his daughter then at Felicity, who was still cradling Oliver's head, and said, "Then I'll be at the hospital to check on him."

"Do you intend on arresting him, Captain?" asked Felicity with some bitterness.

"No, I don't intend on arresting him. I have a feeling he just saved this city from a massacre," said Lance.

"Let's get this show on the road," Diggle stated.

Barry bent down and struggled to bring Oliver into his arms then he looked at Felicity and said with a smile, "I'll have him to a hospital in a flash."

He then disappeared with Oliver.


Dressed in civilian clothes Barry arrived at the hospital with Cisco and Caitlyn in tow. He saw the waiting area was crowded with people waiting to hear about Oliver, including Captain Lance. Barry went over to Felicity, who sat in between Thea and Diggle.

"How is he?" he asked.

"We don't know yet," she answered. "He is being operated on for internal damage."

She looked pale and worn out. Barry could see that her heart was being operated on along with Oliver.

"He's going to be fine," said Barry. "He has to be; he the hero who inspired me."

Diggle nodded his agreement. A doctor in operating togs came don the hallway. He looked tired as he approached them.

"Are you all here for Oliver Queen?" he asked.

"Yes," Diggle spoke up for the group. "How is he?"

"Alive. I don't know how he's alive, but he is. The man has a capacity to take damage that is almost inhuman," said the doctor. "I repaired the internal damage that was done and he is currently in a medical coma to allow his body to repair, but I'd say Mr. Queen is going to pull through this and recover fully. It might take months, but he'll recover."

Felicity broke down and started to cry. Thea hugged her, while everyone else seemed to exhale with relief. Oliver had survived again.


"I've bought Star Labs, so I'm moving to Central City," Ray announced as he entered the hospital room.

Oliver was seated in the hospital bed looking bored and anxious from lacking of exercise. Felicity sat on the edge of the bed trying to force him to eat his lunch.

"That's great, Ray," said Felicity.

"Congratulations, Ray," said Oliver.

"I've talked to Walter Steele and your Queen stock holdings have been finally converted to Palmer Technologies stock. You and Thea almost own as much of the company as me," he smiled. "You're a billionaire again."

"What?" said Oliver looking at Ray confused.

"Well, I thought that once you are healthy and ready, we cold discuss a divesting of Palmer Technologies splitting part of the company back into Queen Industries. I'll own a good portion of Queen Industries stock and you'll own a nice piece of Palmer Technologies stock, we'll be sort of like partners," explained Ray.

"Why would you do this, Ray?" asked Oliver.

"Because, Oliver Queen, you're a hero and I believe that I can learn from you and we can work together in the future. I'd like to bring together a group of heroes who come together in emergencies to support each other, a sort of Justice Society, and this group needs the Green Arrow," smiled Ray.

Felicity broke into a huge smile. She got up and kissed Ray on the cheek then returned to Oliver's side.

"As I said once you are healthy enough, we have a lot to talk about," grinned Ray.

"Ray," Oliver said softly and extended his right hand. They shook hands then he said, "Thank you."

"Oliver, Felicity, I have to get to work. There's a lot to be done," said Ray then he looked at Felicity. "And you, my favorite VP, you are on vacation until he is out of the hospital and set up in your condo resting up."

"Thank you, Ray," said Felicity.

"You know she'll end up being a VP in Queen Industries, Ray," said Oliver.

"I didn't expect it any other way," he said then left.

Felicity leaned in and kissed Oliver. He placed his right hand behind her head and deepened the kiss. She finally pulled back for air.

"You need to get healthy, Oliver Queen," she said. "It's looks like we are back in business."

"I never thought I'd get Queen Industries back," he said sounding shocked.

"You going to have to learn how to be Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow," said Felicity.

"I think I can do it this time and do it right," said Oliver.

"I know you can," she gave him a light kiss.

"I'm going to need a EA," he said.

"Oh, don't worry, Oliver, I'll pick your executive Assistant for you," smiled Felicity.

"I refuse to have Roy as my EA," he growled.

"We'll see about that," she grinned then rested her head on his shoulder. "You know for the first time in a long time I feel like this is going to work out."

"Me, too," smiled Oliver. "Me, too."