A/N: Hello everyone! I am The Fandom Vortex! Now this is my first non-reader insert so if the story line is at all crappy please let me know in a way that does not completely crush my hopes of writing good fan fiction.
Anyway I'm really excited to hear your reactions and please Review! This will be in Normal PoV. Also, this is only the first chapter. There will be 3 more, and only three. The first one will be Italy, then Russia, then England, and lastly, America. This was inspired by the picture, Truth by Liettore on DA.
Warning: I do not own Hetalia
The Truth
Chapter I: The Saddest People Smile the Brightest
Italy opened his honey colored eyes finding himself in his bed. His auburn hair was sprawled out on the pillow below his head, cushioning it. The one stubborn curl that lay beside him was disguised behind the other strands of hair. Italy's mind traveled back to last night. His dreams were riddled with the scenes of war and blood. That was the price he payed for such a long life.
Italy didn't want to get up today. It was like this every day. The struggle to get out of bed was worse today because not only did he have to fake his attitude around Doitsu, now he had to fake it to the world.
Then, he remembered why he did this.
If he wasn't the one wearing the brightest smiles, then who would? Sure he looked like he had no idea what the world held and he was a mindless child, but who else would be the one to cheer everyone up?
One thing no one has ever stopped to think about is his age. He was older than Germany and Japan, yet their attitude seemed to be the polar opposite of theirs. No one asked him, why? Why did he act this way? Why does it seem that he knew nothing about the world when he had seen more than he let's on?
He did this because, no one should have to feel sad. No one should be depressed. No one should have to feel the pain he felt. Italy knew regardless that they had all experienced this, but not like he did.
Every day they come back from war, he will be there with a bright smile, welcoming them home with a hug and praises.
Italy never had this luxury.
When he came home from war, there were no happiness. There were no warm arms. There were no comforting words. He was lost in pain and suffering that he and his country endured. Only to have to shove it deep down in his heart and brighten his mood, to welcome the rest that will walk through the door, while the pain embedded in his soul grows larger and larger. It leaves scars and makes it harder to keep up the act, but he does.
Italy never had, and probably never will have a shoulder to cry on after war. Someone to sooth him and... and thank him. Thank him for being who he was around everyone else. Thank him for the smiles, the jokes, the laughs, the comfort. Italy was never meant to have this. He was meant to give. And give is what he did. And take is what everyone else was meant to do. And take is what they did.
Finally, Italy got out of the messy sheets. He wobbled to his mirror and stared at the lifeless, honey eyes that greeted him.
Italy did a scan over of his body. A thin, lithe body. Not too fat, not too thin. Lightly tanned skin. Not one imperfection scared it. Soft, gleaming, auburn hair. No gray hairs or frizz invaded the straight, cascading strands. His eyes. His eyes that were supposedly the windows to the soul. The light honey shade was darkened, awaiting him to put the playful gleam in them. He took a deep sigh, closing his eyes.
When he let the breath out, his eyes did not open again. His weary frown turned into a bright, life-filled smile. His curl bounced with happiness. Now he was ready.
~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~
The World Conference was being held in Germany today. Italy climbed out of his rental car and closed the door. He gazed up at the rustic looking building. Few cars were parked outside. The meeting wasn't supposed to start in another 30 minutes, but Germany would get mad if he was late again.
Italy walked up to large, looming, double doors. He let his smile falter for a split second. He scolded himself. Idiota. What if someone saw? What if someone was standing there staring at you!? Never again! Smile! Italy's body obeyed the order his mind gave it and smiled brightly.
As he pushed the doors open, he saw the front lobby. It was elegant. Paintings of great military leaders lined the walls. The furniture was hand crafted. Each detail expertly done with patience and persistence. Italy let the welcoming feel seep in. He was not the least bit surprised. Germany would want no less for his guests.
Italy walked down the red rug. The edges were embedded with fancy gold threaded designs. He walked down the hall until he was faced with two more doors. Italy took a deep breath, smiled and walked in.
The people already present were Germany, of coarse, Japan, England, America, and France. Everyone turned to look at the arriving guest. Germany gave a slight smile and nod of approval. Japan simply stared and bowed polity. England looked in shock along with America and France. Italy decided to break the silence.
"Ciao everyone!"Italy spoke in his high-pitched, bubbly voice.
"Guten tag Italien," Germany replied, sounding pleased. "Jou have certainly surprised everyone here vith your earliness."
"Si, I guess I have! Ve~," Italy replied, taking his seat next to Germany and Japan.
Everyone has arrived. America was shouting about how he's the hero. England was trying to fight off France while trying to shut up America. France was bugging England. Canada sat beside America's seat, forgotten, hugging his bear tightly. Russia was casting out a dark aura across the room with an innocent smile plastered on his face. China was complaining about how "Western nations are so immature." Greece slept, covered in cats. Turkey was trying to pick a fight with Greece. Switzerland was polishing his gun. Liechtenstein was sitting next to Switzerland. Austria was enjoying a cup of tea. Hungary was beating Prussia over the head with a frying pan. Prussia was trying to invade Hungary's vital regions. Germany was getting annoyed by the loud noises. Japan sat quietly, reading the atmosphere. And Italy sat in the middle of the monthly chaos that rattled in the building, a soft smile on his face. He glanced over at Germany and his smile tuned into a scared frown. Italy knew that face Germany was making. Germany was pissed and was about to shout for order. Hastily, Italy covered his ears. Germany was really loud if you were sitting next to him. Last time Italy had forgotten to cover his ears, he went def for two months.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!"The entire conference room quietened at the rattling sound of Germany booming voice. All eyes rested on The blond German man. His blue eyes shone with annoyance and rage. Once again, everyone took their place at the table and Germany continued.
"Now then, ve shall go on vith zis meeting vithout any further outbursts of violence," Germany declared.
~~~~~~~~~~Later again~~~~~~~~~~
Italy followed Germany out of the building, his bright smile still shining.
"I can't believe I let it get out of control today," Germany muttered, running his hands through his slicked back, blond hair.
Italy let his eyes open for the first time today. "How could you say that Doitsu!? You were an excellent host and you got everyone back on track again!" he cooed, smiling again, letting his eyes close again. "Not only did you handle today's conference, but you also take charge of all of the other World Meetings! You should be proud of yourself!"
"Ja, I guess jou are right." The stoic German let a small smile crease his lips and look down and the auburn haired Italian with grateful eyes. "Danke, Italien."
"Anytime Doitsu!"Italy replied stopping. He watched as the German walked away to his car. A smile of satisfaction slipped onto his face. His eyes opened, looking at Germany and repeated the word, "anytime."