Author Note - welcome to something light and fun. I managed to break my leg and I'm finding it difficult to write something serious like Broken, so I'm taking advantage of the painkillers and writing something funny I hope you'll all enjoy. Keep your eyes peeled for contributions from HomeGrownOregano as well. And if anyone else is interested in hopping on board the crossover olympics train, feel free to PM me!
Oh, and sorry if the witing isn't up to par. As I said - painkillers.

Eric's whistle echoed through the bullpen, interrupting everyone's usual banter as they conquered their paperwork.

"Do we have a case?" Callen asked as they made their way to Ops?

"Um... not exactly." Eric said. "Up to Ops. You'll see." He said with an air of mystery.

They arrived to find Hetty standing in front of them.

"Director Vance has proposed that we participate in a competition of sorts." She said. "It will be a series of skills competitions. We are given a description and need to choose which members of our team participate in each competition."

"Grab your gear." Gibbs said as he entered the bullpen. "And your go bags - we'll be gone for a few days."

"What's going on?" Tony asked, voicing the confusion everyone felt.

"We're going to LA!" Abby yelled excitedly as she charged up the stairs. "I'm coming too!"

"Does their office need our assistance?" Ziva asked curiously.

Vance appeared at the top of the stairs.

"I thought it was time for some friendly competition. I'm sending our most senior team to compete against the Office of Special Projects most elite team for a series of skills contests. Now get going. Wheels up in an hour."

The members of the OSP team sat around a list of events that would take place over the course of the next two weeks.

"Who came up with all this?" Deeks asked. "Some of these are awesome!"

"And some are downright ridiculous." Callen added with a growl. "I mean, seriously - undercover cross dressing event? Which one of us is going to do that?"

"Ha, here's one made for Kensi" Deeks added "Defensive driving maneuvers." He snorted. "Oh God, it says she needs a passenger... guys?" He narrowly avoided Kensi's punch.

"Oooo mental math! That's one for Sam." Kensi said "Can I do the knife throwing event?"

"Codebreaking... Hacking... Profiling... looks like we've got some for the wonder twins here." Sam added. "Is that allowed?"

Aboard the plane, members of the DC team reviewed the list of events.

"Obviously the death stare was designed for Gibbs." Tony said. "And lip reading - definitely Abby."

"Oh look, hacking! We get a team of two. You and me, Tim?" Abby asked. He confirmed with a nod.

"I would like to take the knife related events." Ziva said, knowing she would not get any argument. "Gibbs, will you be taking the long range shooting event?" A grunt was her answer, which she assumed was a yes.

"I believe that I would enjoy the profiling event" Ducky said as he surveyed the list. "If that does not pose a problem for anyone?"

"There's one here for an undercover couple... I think that one belongs to Ziva and me." Tony said.

The LA and DC teams met that evening at the bar in the hotel where Gibbs' team was staying. Pleasantries were exchanged and introductions made for those who didn't know all the members of the other team.

Hetty and Gibbs returned from the bar with a round of drinks for everyone. Hetty raised her glass.

"I propose a toast, to the best NCIS teams this country has." She began. "And may all talk of competition wait for tomorrow." She added. "Tonight is about having a good time with friends - new and old." She finished. Everyone raised their glasses in agreement. Tonight was about fun - tomorrow the games would begin.

Kensi and Ziva hit it off right away, discussing how their work experiences compared. Abby, Nell, Eric, and McGee sat back and discussed all things tech and geek. Tony fit in with Callen and Sam right away, and Deeks quickly joined their conversation. Ducky and Hetty quickly fell into a deep discussion as Gibbs sat back and watched. Maybe Vance was right. This would be good for both teams.