
Chrome is visiting Namimori for the fourth time this year, and while her usual trips were for business of her own, Tsuna has asked her to go.

"Can you please go help settle the children in? These ones have never had fathers, and I don't want them scared by our brutish men."

Warmth had bloomed in Chrome's chest when Tsuna had asked for her help. It always did. She was so trusted with these children and wards of Namimori. Chrome adored bringing babes home, especially when she knew they were safer. She felt for the children ripped from their parents by the Mafia's bloodlust, but in the end they were still safer, and that soothed Chrome's worry.

It took her only ten minutes to arrive at the custom-lounge that Takeshi and Kyouya had designed in the local airport for their wards to arrive in. It had a cool, mature area for those retired bosses and the older children (children grown up too fast who would soon unlearn that forced maturity) and another section of bright colours, fluffy beanbags and a plethora of games. It was to help them adjust. Some of these children had travelled for twenty four hours, some of these men and women were recovering from near-fatal wounds (both emotional and physical).

There are twelve children this time, and as it usually does, Chrome's flame burn with maternal fury. She so hates the mafia when she has to go around Namimori and drop the newest children (and sometimes their guardians) off at various homes. Sometimes she can tell when a child will remain a civilian, and sometimes she can never know. She hates that these children have been chased out of their homes, she hates that they may never return, or else will be forced home by the same stead-fast faith in their families as Tsuna had for his.

Chrome has been there when children have betrayed her own, grown up resenting Tsuna for 'taking them away' they never knew his love like the others did. Tsuna and Chrome alike felt ashamed for those children, because they had obviously grown up without enough love, and the pair of guardians tried their best to give all the children a family to belong in.

So started the long trip to drop these children off at their foster homes. First were a pair of rambunctious boys whose families had begged they remain together –since they had grown up literally with the same Nanny Kyouya and Mukuro had agreed.

"Bai, Miss Chrome!" They had chimed together before absolutely flying off to explore their new home. Their new guardian had chuckled and given Chrome an updated contact list, and Chrome had given the man and his wife a list of the boy's allergies.

Children three through nine had been girls, and they'd all gone into their own homes. However, all had echoed the same thoughts.

"We're scared, Miss Chrome." They'd whispered with pools of tears in their eyes. "I want to go back to my nannies."

"You don't need to be afraid." And she knew it wouldn't work for all of them, this was a terrifying thing to face, especially alone. "You are safe here, and you know that myself and the guardians will come and help you if you call."

Most were happy with that answer, confident in their cell phones, and their own strength. If something went wrong they'd punch first and ask questions later, was what one boy (boy eleven, Kansas was a rather spunky little six year old) told Chrome when she asked if he was worried and ready to go to his new home.

"Just make sure you do in fact ask questions." Chrome ruffled his hair and he kissed his cheek (he felt more comfortable doing that, it was routine and Chrome made sure to try and keep their comforts in place until the end.

"Of course I will, thank you for walking me home, Miss Chrome!" and with that he dragged his little bag to the lovely lady who already looked after two other Mafia-children. One of which was a Trovatello.

The rest of the walk was pretty quiet. Maria was gentle and sweet, having arrived from her home in Ireland not two weeks ago she was the most skittish. Most children got to spend some time getting to know their keepers (the guardians) before moving on. Unfortunately, circumstances kept Maria from doing this. She was understandably clinging to the only guardians she'd gotten to know.

"Are you ready, Maria?" Chrome asked as she and the young girl continued to the centre of Namimori orphan district. While they didn't do this on purpose, they'd found that having an even mix, and making sure like-minded children lived together they were able to find solace in each other.

"I can't go." The girl shook her head viciously, "I am afraid, I can't go. I can't make Tsuna proud."

Chrome soothes the girl's hair. She sees a little bit too much of herself in the child, who is all giant blue eyes and frail shoulders at fourteen.

Tsuna had saved this one, and kept her close for a while with the other children. She was one of the few who hadn't minded a man's presence and even looked to miss Tsuna's company by her side. Much like Tsuna's little Penny like that.

"Love, you don't need to be fear-less to be fearless."

When the girl looked at Chrome, horrified, the female mist continued. "Having fear is natural, it is our body's way of keeping us alive, and saving us from danger –perhaps even remember a past death." She begins, leading the girl towards her new home.

Maria is the last to be dropped off, and as usual is the most nervous. She is still clinging to Chrome's skirts, and watches with rapt attention.

"Being fearless though, that is difficult. Being fearless means putting aside your fears sometimes, holding your breathe and jumping. Fearlessness is trusting once, and twice, and being betrayed thrice. Fearlessness is holding out a hand, and is in telling the truth. Being fearless, little love, is being strong enough to ask for help when the fear is too much."

The girl is silent, but she takes a deep, steadying breathe and her eyes grow determined.

"Miss Chrome?"


"Can I ask you for help, anytime?"

And Chrome smiles, soothing her hair again and nodding. "Absolutely anytime. Whether I am here or not. Tsuna wants you to ask for help if you need it."

Maria, all ginger hair and blue eyes grins then, shaking in her boots and holding Chrome's hands like lifelines. "Alright, we can go now, Miss Chrome. I want to be fearless today."

So Trovatello will be explained, do not worry. I'm thinking that the next chapter I will introduce the Trovatello children and what exactly it means to be in Namimori and have that last name.

Thank you for reading, please review

~~Bleach-ed-Na-tsu :3