Hi! This is a modern day HTTYD and RoTG AU! crossover, so that means Jack is human and mortal, and so is everyone else for that matter. Pairing is Jack and Hiccup. This is my very first story on here. I have been toying with the idea to start something on here for a few months and I finally decided to kick start things after an inspirational chat with 1stPrelude, whose story When Three Wrongs Make a Right really made me love the pairing of Jack and Hiccup. I hope you enjoy the first chapter and the many chapters to come.

Chapter 1 – The Gary/Larry kid.

"A long time ago, in a Galaxy-" Logan sighed, knowing his father was not going to take this seriously if he was starting the story with the opening titles to Star Wars. "Dad, that's from Star Wars. If you're going to be silly about it then I'm off to the skate park." Logan was about to get up when Lilly pushed him back down into the chair and put her index finger to her lips, motioning for him to be quiet so their father could continue with the story. "Thank you Lilly. May I carry on? Or do you plan on interrupting me again? No? Good. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. It actually was a long time ago, before any of you were born..."

-21 years ago-

Jack was walking down one of the school corridors, not paying much attention to his surroundings. He didn't need to, he'd been through these corridors countless of times for the last 3 years and if he didn't know them by now, he'd never know.

As he was making his way to the Science department for his 3rd class of the day, he saw the unmistakeable scene of some poor kid being bullied by some of his fellow year 10 students. Jack sighed heavily, wondering who the poor soul who had fallen victim to the bullies was this time, hoping that it wasn't the usual kid from year 8*. He'd truly lost count how many times that kid had been caught by the usual gang of bullies since he'd started at this school a year ago. Jack had gone as far as wondering whether this poor kid was some sort of bully magnet and no matter how much Jack intervened, it was inevitable that Sam and his gang of air heads were just going to carry on bullying the kid until they were either expelled or somehow managed to make it through their final 2 years of school. Jack prayed for the former of the two outcomes for the poor kids sake.

Jack was pulled out of his train of thought by the all too familiar laughs and taunts of Sam Davies. As Jack got closer to the scene, he could just make out the small frame of Sam's victim and as suspected, it was indeed the kid from year 8. What was his name again? Gary? Larry? Jack was awful with names.

Jack had decided enough was enough and grabbed Sam by his backpack and dragged him away from the Gary/Larry kid. Sam was just about to demand who would be so idiotic to touch him when he saw that it was Jack and thought twice about offending him. Jack was one of the most popular and well loved students in the school, by the students and staff, and it would be unwise of him to challenge Jack. Sam looked over to his gang of air heads and motioned for them to leave and to do so quickly.

"Sam, how many times do I have to drag you off people before the message gets through to stop bullying the younger kids?" Jack asked, while still holding a firm grip on Sam's backpack. "He totally asked for it, I swear" Sam said, while putting his hands up to plead surrender. Jack didn't even want to dignify that lie with a reply, so he just released him and watched him all but walk away.

Jack turned to the Gary/Larry kid to see if there was any visible damage caused, but saw nothing obvious. "Are you okay kid?" Gary/Larry didn't look at Jack directly but nodded. "Well, if you were badly hurt, you'd know it. If you're okay you'd better get going to class before they lock the doors" The kid nodded once again and turned around to walk away but stopped. "Thank you, Jack" he said. This shocked Jack as the kid had never talked to him before, let alone thanked him for stopping Sam, he usually just nodded when asked if he was okay and ran away. "You're welcome... Uh, what's your name kid?" The kid smiled at him and replied "Harry" then turned around and walked out of sight.

I know that was a little short, but I swear the other chapters will be longer. I just wanted to get their meeting out of the way so I could then concentrate with more in-depth chapters.

Just in case you didn't know, the school this is set in is a UK one. So, some of you may not be used to the school terms used in the chapters. I'll put a little * by each term and explain them at the end of the chapter :)

*The school years in the UK -
Years 7 through to Years 11 are the school years in Secondary School (High School). Year 7 - 11 tp 12 year olds, Year 8 - 12 to 13 year olds, Year 9 - 13 to 14 year olds, Year 10 - 14 to 15 year olds and Year 11 - 15 to 16 year olds. So, in this chapter, Jack is 14 and Harry is 12. They're both at the start of their school years.

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter :) If you have feel free to leave a review, it would make me beyond happy if this got some reviews :)

So, until next time :)