Hello again!

Last chapter today! Thank you for every single review, they make me smile:)) A special thanks to those who took the time to tell me about their thoughts after every chapter - trixie111 and the guest reviews Debbie and Sue Dooley. I really enjoyed writing this story, I hope you feel the same while reading this:))

Ziva woke up within an empty bed. Apparently, Tony had already left. With a sigh, Ziva got up and walked to the kitchen. On the table, she found a short letter by Tony.

Good morning beautiful,
you know I need to get to work on time, but when I got up, you still slept and you looked so peaceful I couldn't wake you up. However, have a look in the fridge. There might be a breakfast. You know you're invited to come to NCIS and show yourself to the others – think about it.
See you later

Ziva smiled. How did she deserve him? If he did all this things just for her, she could do something for him too. Ziva knew how Tony hated secrets, especially towards the team. And she decided to go to NCIS, the earlier the better.

Meanwhile at NCIS, Ellie, McGee and Abby stood at McGee's desk eying Tony suspiciously. He was doing paperwork, with a big smile in his face and humming random songs.

"McGee, who is that?" Abby asked in disbelief. McGee just shook his head.

"What happened this weekend?"

Tony was fully aware that he was being observed, but honestly, he couldn't care less. He was sure they would figure it out soon anyway, so he would just leave them wondering for a while.

Suddenly, Abby squealed. Tony didn't have to look up to know who just entered the bullpen. Abby ran towards the elevator, hugging Ziva so tight even watching hurt.

"You're back?" Abby asked joyfully.

Ziva nodded, and Abby hugged her again.

"Oh my god, you're really back, I can't believe it!" she said. "Does Tony… Ah of course he does, that's why he acted so happy this morning! So you two are… oh, finally!"

Ziva laughed and let go of Abby. McGee also had a bright smile in his face, hugging Ziva.

"I'm glad you're here, Ziva" he said to her.

Ellie, who had followed her colleagues, stood a little lost behind McGee. Tony cleared his throat. "Ellie, this is Ziva David, Ziva, our newest teammate, Ellie Bishop" Ellie smiled kindly and they shook hands.

"So, you're the reason Tony's happy again?" Ellie asked.

Ziva laughed and looked asking to Tony. He grinned and took her hand. "She's my girlfriend" he answered for her. Abby squealed again, hugging both.

"I'm so happy for you guys" she stated.

"For who, Abs?" asked a familiar voice behind Abby. She turned and gave Gibbs free sight to Ziva.

For a moment, Gibbs just stood there in disbelief. Then he took a step towards Ziva and took her into his arms. "I'll stay" she told him.

"It's good to have you back, Ziva" Gibbs said.

Regarding Tony, he added, "Good Luck"

Tony grinned and pressed a kiss to Zivas hair. "Let's go see Ducky and Jimmy, huh?" He suggested.

Saying goodbye to the others, the couple walked towards the elevator. As soon as the doors were closed, Tony turned to Ziva and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"I love you", he told her. "See, they were happy to see you. No one blames you, Ziva."

Ziva nodded. "You were right. I'm really glad to have you all"

Later that day the team, including Ellie, went to a bar to celebrate Zivas comeback. She told them about where she had been and who she had met. Gibbs took Tony aside.

"Glad to see you smiling again, Tony. I really hope you won't screw this up. Otherwise you'll have to deal with me too."

Tony grinned happily. "Never, boss. I promise."

Tony looked to Ziva, who chatted with Ellie and Abby. He regarded his friends, his love and he recognized how lucky he was to have them. In this moment, he felt as happy as he hadn't been for a too long time. Deep within his chest, he felt something that he had missed the past two years: hope.

THANK YOU FOR READING!:))) I would love it to get some more favorites for this story and, as always, I LOVE REVIEWS!:D