Journey Through AoS- Fanfic
Skye has been taken by the inhumans, but even if they understand her there, does she want to stay? and will they let her leave? Ward has a personal vendetta, and Coulson just wants to find Skye and get his Shield and really his family back. (Pairings will be with Skye and Lincoln, or Skye and Ward depending on reviews and how the show is going along, with some FitzSimmons and Huttingbird)
Not entirely sure where this is going, my plan is at least 5 chapters, but I don't know, will see what happens, and how people like it. Up for doing like 20 or something, if I'm in the mood, or how I want to end it.
Chapter 1
Skye wobbles back and forth, unsure of what entirely just happened. One minute she was running because May had told her shield was coming after her, and the next Bobbi was there with some guy who shot a bullet at her. She'd only been defending herself; she hadn't meant to level half the forest. But in that moment she'd realized what she could do.
But none of them had seen it; they hadn't seen her in action with the water, with what she could do with it. What Gorden had said, with the vibrations. She had been able to do something cool, not destructive.
But then she unleashed it.
Bobbi could have been hurt, she could have killed some innocent guy.
Who tried to shoot you
Skye takes a deep breath, looking up from where she had landed. She still wasn't entirely sure what had just happened. Gorden had just appeared with her simple words, and he'd taken her in ten seconds flat. His power amazed her. He had power, he was like her?
"Welcome home." Gorden offers as a welcome. Skye steps out; her eyes were amazed by where they'd ended up. It looked like some Asian mansion, like out of an anime. All old fashion, with prickly walls, and beautiful doors.
Skye looks behind her, a sea of forest or closer to jungle feeding out for miles. "Where is this place?" Skye asks, speaking for the first time in this new place.
Gordon smiles. "It's home Skye." He simply says. Skye frowns. "Though geologically it's actually in the southern side of china."
Skye goes wide eye. "But we were just… I mean like how did you..?"
"Because I'm special Skye, just like you." Gorden walks forward, going to open the door inside this mansion. The door handles had lion's as faces, and it made Skye smile out of amazement. "Lincoln." Gorden greets to a blonde hair boy standing inside.
"Hey, what's up?" He says, before looking behind Gorden. His eyes squint for a second as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Oh so you brought her than." His voice was deep, but he sounded surprised.
"Prep Skye." Gorden orders.
"Prep me for what?" Skye's questions. Gorden turns back to look at her.
"We want to see the extent of your transformation; it's a normal procedure with everyone who goes through the mist. We want to see what you've become not only internally but also externally." Skye nods cautiously, not quite sure she understood. "I'll be leaving now Skye, but I will be to telling you more."
The blonde haired guy Lincoln lights a candle in the corner. Using an incent stick; he moves the smoke coming off it towards Skye. "Hey wait; I don't understand any of this…." Lincoln goes to catch Skye's body as she falls.
"Don't worry love, will be taking care of you." Skye's eyes close as the incents from the candle enter her system.
"Be delicate with her." Gorden warns. "She's Jiaying's child."
Lincoln frowns. "I know who she is; I'm just curious why it took so long for you to bring her." Lincoln lifts Skye body up, and goes to put it on a table in the middle of the room.
"These situations require patience Lincoln." Gorden answers. Lincoln begins prepping some acupuncture needles.
"I understand that, it's just considering we've been looking for this girl for 25 years, when we finally found her a few weeks ago, I thought you'd stop at nothing to get to her." Lincoln mutters, as he wipes a needle with disinfectant.
"The importance in Skye coming here is that it was of her own free will. She'd never trust us if I'd just come and kidnapped her out of Shield's hands. We need Skye to choose us." Gorden explains.
Lincoln rolls his eyes, as he looks over Skye's sleeping body. "Well hopefully the wait was worth it, and she really will choose us."
"I hope so to." Gorden says. "I hope so to."
Coulson brings a map off the shelf and towards the counter of the hotel gift shop. "That all sir?" the woman asks.
"Yes." Coulson answers, looking back at Hunter whose flirting with a girl near the back.
"You and your son out traveling, looking to take a road trip?" the lady at the counter asks. Coulson was almost taken aback by the question.
"Uh… yeah, that's the plan." He says, taking the change and walking out of the store. Coulson sees him leave. Hunter whispers something in the girl's ear he was talking to, and follows after Coulson.
"So? Why'd we even come here? If were taking back shield, first things first involve actually taking Shield."
"First things first, we need to go get Skye." Coulson informs, Hunter, as if it were the obvious thing he should have expected.
"Yeah and what if she's not at the safe house anymore, what if she's gone? Or they captured her?" Hunter points out.
"I don't know Hunter, but even if Skye isn't there, there are weapons at that cabin hidden away." Coulson directs.
Hunter backs off.
Coulson wasn't really going there for the weapons. He had drop boxes with weapons all over. What he really needed to make sure on is to see if Skye was safe. He had to go find her, and make sure she was safe. He had dropped her off there; he had let things get out of hand. Maybe if he'd kept her at Shield, he wouldn't have been so worried about what the 'real shield' was going to do if they got their hands on her. But for now, he couldn't be too careful, he had to find Skye.
Ward pulls a shirt over his already wet hair. He smiles seeing Kara working on Bakshi. When she sees him, she comes over. "How it going?" Ward asks.
"Even better than I hoped." She answers. Ward sees her frown though.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"It's just... ah… what are we going to do after we have Bakshi's compliance." Kara asks. "I mean, do we have anything planned?"
Ward pictures Skye. Deep down the only thing her really wanted to do was find her. He wasn't sure what he'd do with her once he'd found her, but he just needed to see her, to confront her. But until then.
"Gravitonium." Ward answers. "It's a rare metal, that I'm thinking will help us get down the right path." Ward drops a magazine from the table on the bed. The title 'Ian Quinn, bettering our future'. Ward bites his lip trying his best to not grab the paper and crumble it up.
He points to Ian Quinn's face. "And we'll be getting it, after we go and kill him."
So first chapter in my new multi-chapter fic, hope you liked it, and reviews would be super appreciated. I'm just super in love with this show, and kind of wanted to start something up again. Lincoln will be appearing in next week's episode, so sort of wanted to try something with him. I also don't think Gorden's intentions with Skye are totally pure, so I want to see how this plays out. Please review.