Thunder boomed in the stormy night sky as the rain lashed at the bare trees. The wind howled, throwing everything out of order. A man stood in a dark room. He could hear the chaos outside, and was secretly grateful that he wasn't out in that weather. Of course, the people in front of him could change his mind about that. Well, he wouldn't exactly call them people, as they were simple holograms. You couldn't see any of the features of the people; you could only tell what gender they were. Three men and a woman.

The man briefly wondered, yet again, whether they were actually real people at all, before getting rid of the thought. It was something that had crossed his mind from time to time, but he had always shrugged it off. Just as he did now. Instead, he focused on what the holographic people were saying. They would have his head if they knew that he was ignoring them. And that would not be good.

"The numbers are too high for this to be considered normal. Get your team on it Director. We want this cleared up quickly, and efficiently. Make sure you don't make a mess," one of the men snapped.

The Director rolled his eyes. As if he needed to be told.

"Understood Councilman. I'll get on it right away," he replied calmly.

"Good luck Fury," the woman stated as the holograms vanished.

Fury sighed and rubbed his bald head with a gloved hand. He didn't like the Council. But they were in charge, and he had no choice but to follow their orders. With a final glance at the now empty room, he marched out, his black coat swishing around his legs.

Percy Jackson was a very happy camper. The war was over. They had won. The Gods had offered him Godhood! Of course he hadn't accepted; there were far more important things he could have used his gift for. And now, because of his wish, the camp was much better. All the Gods had cabins now, and the demigods were claimed by the time they reached thirteen, if not sooner. The Gods now spent more time with the demigods too.

Percy often found himself getting many visits, the most common ones, oddly enough, being the twin archers. He had really bonded with his godly twin cousins in the times thy had visited him. Artemis had even taken it up on herself to teach him how to shoot a bow, while Apollo taught him some healing remedies, and how to play the guitar. He looked forward to those visits. He didn't feel so lonely then.

Sure, he had all his friends, and his demigod cousins, but it just wasn't the same. Annabeth spent most of her time on Olympus, being the official architect of the place and all. Grover was rarely ever at camp, always out doing his Lord of the Wild duties. His cousin Nico spent almost all his time in the Underworld, and Thalia had her responsibilities as Lieutenant of the Hunt. Artemis sometimes brought her over, but she always had to go back quickly, since she spent most of her time worrying about the hunters.

His friends at camp were still around, but they had their own things to do. Everyone went back to their everyday routines, doing what they usually had before the war. The only problem was, Percy didn't have any routine to go back to. He had been in the war from the moment he found out that he was a demigod. Now that there was no danger - at least, no more danger than usual - Percy didn't know what to do. He didn't like to admit it, but he missed the danger. He missed the thrill of fighting, and always looking over your back.

Percy sighed as he thought about all this. His good mood was slowly diminishing. He figured he was probably crazy for missing all that, but he couldn't help it. He had gotten used to the monsters. Now that he didn't have to worry about them, he often found himself bored and ended up lounging at the lake, which was what he was doing now.

It was a sunny day, and he had decided to cool off at the lake. As he relaxed in the cool water, his ADHD mind kept wandering to the topic of his loneliness. Well, he wasn't completely lonely. Percy felt his mouth flicker into a smile as he thought about his new cabin mate. And no, she wasn't his sibling, although he thought of her as a sister. Percy fondly remembered the day she had arrived.

* Percy had been happily eating breakfast when he heard the scream. It had taken him less than a minute to leap out of his seat and start sprinting towards Thalia's tree, which was where the scream had come from. He had skidded to a stop just before the border, whipping out his sword in the process. Below, he could see a figure - a girl - running up the hill, a satyr just behind her, with a pack of hell hounds right on their tail. Percy didn't hesitate as he ran down the hill, automatically slashing at the first hound.

He could see the girl properly now, and had to admit, she was very pretty. She looked about fifteen, and had mid-length black hair that seemed to have hints of blue in it, she had perfectly tanned skin and bright, cerulean blue eyes that looked like the clearest oceans. Her mouth was twisted into a determined scowl as she pulled the seemingly injured satyr behind her.

"Hey watch out!"

Her warning came just in time as Percy snapped out of his state and quickly ducked, the claw of a hell hound just barely missing him. He gave her a nod of appreciation before proceeding to slice and dice the remaining monsters. He capped his sword the second he finished, and spun around to face the girl. He could see that she was sweating, and her clothes were splattered with mud.

"Hey are you okay?" Percy asked her, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. The girl nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But my friend here is hurt," she explained softly.

By now, most of the campers had arrived and some of Apollo's kids came and took the injured satyr away to the infirmary. The rest were looking at the girl with open curiosity.

"I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon," Percy slowly introduced himself.

"My name's Cassandra Leith. I am the daughter of -" the girl was interrupted by a flash as the symbols of a sea serpent, and cab claws appeared above her head.

"Oceanus" *

There had been a dilemma as to where they should put the girl (seeing as they didn't have any cabins for the Titans) until Poseidon, being the best God ever, had offered to let her stay in his cabin, seeing as she was the daughter of a sea deity. Cassandra, or Cassie as she liked to be called, had gladly accepted and became Percy's cabin mate. At first, Percy hadn't really trusted her, since she was the child of a Titan, but she had quickly earned his trust.

Cassie was like a sister to him now. And it annoyed Percy when he saw some of the other campers giving her dirty looks. Sure, he had made the same mistake when he first met her, but at least he had given her a chance, and he was glad he had. He just wished that everyone else would be a little more open-minded.

Before Percy could contemplate any more on the topic, he was interrupted by a soft voice.

"Having fun?"

Percy felt himself grin as he recognised the voice. Of course she could catch him by surprise. She was like a freaking ninja!

"I was until you showed up," he retorted playfully.

A young girl dropped down from the tree above him and sat down next to him.

"Hey Cassie. What's up?" Percy smiled, putting an arm around her.

"I'm bored! No one wants to spar with me! Will you spar with me Perce? Please!" Cassie pouted at him, giving him extremely good baby seal eyes.

Percy clenched his jaw. He knew that it hurt her whenever the campers ignored her, but she still put on a mask, hiding her true feelings. It killed him that he couldn't do anything about it.

He was about to reply, when a bright flash alerted him of the presence of a God. The two demigods leaped up to their feet as Artemis approached them. She had a worried look on her face and was biting her lip nervously. She finally looked up at the two teens before her, her shining silver eyes gleaming with hidden anxiousness.

"I have to take you to Olympus now. Both of you."

My first Avengers crossover fanfic. I have to admit, I don't know everything about the Avengers, so this may have some mistakes. Please give it a chance. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, then please PM me, or ask me in the reviews. Please review. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks so much. Love you all. XOXO