I hope you guys enjoy the new story line. I do not own Danny Phantom and X men Evolution.

My name is Daniel Fenton, and I'm a mutant. Allow me to explain what I mean. My parents are ghost hunters, and you're probably wondering why this has to do with anything. I was in my parents' lab with my best friends. I decided to show them the Ghost Portal that had failed to work. My best friend Sam convinced me to go inside the machine with my jumpsuit for her to take a picture of me.

The incident with the portal had unlocked the powers hidden in my X gene, but I didn't know it at the time. At the time I really thought I was a ghost, and after a whole month of keeping it secret I decided to tell my parents. This is where everything had started to go downhill in my old life.

Danny Fenton is a fourteen year old wearing a white shirt with red collar and cuffs with a red oval in the center of the t-shirt, light blue jeans, and white and red sneakers. He walks down into his parents' lab and sighs, "Ok, you can do this. I just tell them, and things can go from there." He takes a deep breath then walks over to his parents who both were working on a new ghost device. He puts his right hand on his arm and says, "Hey mom, dad, I have something I need to tell you."

Maddie and Jack Fenton stop their work and turn their attention to Danny who was becoming more nervous by the second. "What is it sweetie?" Maddie asks becoming a bit curious as what her son wants to talk about.

Danny takes a deep breath hoping to calm his nerves but was unsuccessful. He rubs the back of his neck and says, "Well, you remember when the portal finally got to work?"

Jack moves his goggles up to the top of his head from his eyes and smiles, "Yeah I remember. We should go out to celebrate since you got that working for us, Danny-boy."

"Jack honey, I think he wants to tell us more about what happened." Maddie tells her husband as she saw her son wince at the implication which confused her at the time.

Danny sighs and mutters, "I wish this was easy." He removes his hand from his neck and takes a couple steps forward. "Well, when I got the portal to turn on I was looking around and found that dad installed the 'on' button inside the Fenton Portal. I got it to work, but it did this to me." He makes white rings appear around his waist.

Danny's parents watch in surprise and cover their eyes a bit from the blinding light. They watch the rings as they go up and down over Danny's body transforming him into a white haired by wearing a black jumpsuit with a D/P emblem on his chest with white gloves and boots. The Fenton adults widen their eyes when Danny's eyes close then reopen as glowing green eyes instead of their normal baby blue. When the transformation completed Danny looked up at his parents hoping to see a positive emotion.

Danny gasps in surprise as his father pulls out the Fenton bazooka and points it at Danny. "Get out of my son, ghost boy!" Jack Fenton yells narrowing his eyebrows at his transformed son.

"Dad, I'm your son." Danny said taking a few steps back in fear as his father scoffs at the sentence. "I'm not lying to you about this, dad!"

"I don't know what kind of lies you have been feeding my son, ghost boy, but you better let him go and leave the premises before I tear you molecule by molecule." Jack says hardening his glare on his son.

Danny glances over at his mom who was just standing there behind Jack then back at his dad who's finger was about to press the trigger. 'I guess this is goodbye then.' Danny thought sadly before turning invisible and flew off before his dad could fire the weapon. Danny stopped over Fenton Works looking down at the building with sad eyes. He balls his hands up as a tear escapes his right eye. 'I was hoping you would have understood mom, dad. I guess I was wrong.' He thought before taking off into the sky not noticed by anyone.

2 weeks later

Sitting on a park bench you find Danny Fenton watching little kids smiling and laughing while playing games with each other or with their parents. He couldn't help his smile when he saw the closeness between them when a little girl pulls her mom over to the slide on the playground. He sighs before getting up off the park bench and walks away before he could start getting depressed over his family problems.

"How long do you plan on doing that?" Someone asks as Danny walks up to a brown hair teen with red tinted sun glasses who was standing in front of a red and white convertible.

Danny looks over at his friend then back at the family in the park. "Honestly Scott, I don't think I can get over it, but I always need to hope that my parents will grow past what they believe and actually listen to me."

Scott runs his hand through his hair with a sigh. "That's rough man. At least you might have a chance to see your family." Scott admits wishing he could see his parents and brother again but knew they were gone.

Danny shakes his head from the depressed thoughts and puts his right hand on Scott's shoulder. "Yeah, you're right. I could probably explain what I am to them, but I doubt the situation would change so suddenly."

Scott nods his head agreeing with Danny. "Yeah, you're probably right about that. Anyway, we better head back to the Institute. Today is your first day of training, and we don't want to keep the others waiting." Scott says hoping the change of subject would get them out of their depressed mood.

Danny removes his hand from Scott's shoulder and jumps into the convertible. "About time, I was starting to get bored the past week." Danny jokes which got Scott to smirk before jumping over the hood of the car and jump into the driver's seat.

"For a week? You've only been with us the past four days." Scott jokes right back which got Danny to lightly elbow Scott's side.

"Whatever you say man, but we better get going before Ororo decides to have Jean use one of us for target practice with Jean's telekinesis."

Scott scoffs as he starts the car. "Yeah, it hasn't happened before, and I doubt it will happen now." Scoot says pushing Danny's joking threat over his shoulder. He puts the car into gear and drives them off towards their home called the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

Jean walks back and forth in front of the front doors with her arms crossed over her chest tapping her right index finger against her arm waiting for Danny and Scott to get back from their little trip. "I can't believe they leave on Danny's first day of training." She mutters disapproving of this sudden behavior.

She hears the garage door start to open and sighs in relief knowing that the two guys got back from their trip. She walks over to the garage door and opens the door just in time to see the convertible pull into the garage. She waits for the engine to cut off before asking, "Where have you guys been? Danny's training was supposed to start ten minutes ago."

Danny jumps out of the car then goes intangible allowing him to go through the floor immediately allowing him to avoid Jean's anger. Scott watches Danny go through the floor and mutters, "Traitor." He gets out of the car and turns to Jean who was shaking her head at Danny's behavior. Scott sighs hating the idea that he had to explain Danny's behavior for wanting to leave. He runs his hand through his hair and walks up to Jean saying, "Danny was in a mood to go sight-seeing."

"Did you guys enjoy yourselves?" Jean asks narrowing her eyebrows at Scott who put his hands up without taking a step back.

"Let me finish before you start getting mad at us for no reason, like you are now." He finished lamely. "He wanted to see the families at the park."

Jean's eyes soften at the statement making her lose all of her aggression immediately. She looks away from Scott and mutters, "Oh…"

"Yeah, we were only there for fifteen minutes, but finding out that you're a mutant after believing you're a ghost and telling your parents that you're a ghost only to find out that you were a mutant instead puts a lot on a person's shoulders." Scott explains with a shrug trying to push it off as it was nothing.

Jean turns around and walks away with a sigh. "Let's just go to the danger room before Danny does anything stupid." Scott nods his head and follows her to the danger room not going to push the situation about Danny's dilemma any further.

1 hour later

Danny walks out of the danger room wearing a worn blue and yellow jumpsuit that had holes almost everywhere from being hit and torn through by the lasers shot at him during training. He removes the undamaged yellow boots before sitting down on the bench in the changing room and sighs in frustration at how bad the training. "That could have gone better." He mutters.

"Yes it could have, but it was a good try for a first time." Someone says getting Danny to look over at a bald man coming into the changing room sitting on a wheelchair.

"Thanks Professor Xavier." Danny says smiling at the man for trying to cheer Danny's sour mood. He looks down at his right hand and makes it become invisible before saying, "I just wish I had better control."

"That comes with time, Daniel." Xavier reminds the boy who sighs at the small explanation. "You'll get better over time, and who knows? You might be able to help teach people the same thing in the coming future."

"I guess." Danny mutters wishing that he could control his powers at the moment.

"I'll go ahead and let you change Daniel. Just keep what I said in mind." Charles says before leaving the changing room leaving Danny to his thoughts.

2 years later

Over the past two years Danny had gotten enrolled to Bayville High School and was actually enjoying his new life. He was able to get himself to control his three powers and keeps on wondering if it was possible to unlock more powers since he's been feeling like something wants to come out of him but couldn't. Of course, the others had doubted that could happen even though the Professor had noticed Danny's hand glowing every now and then.

It was game night at Bayville High, and Scott and Danny find themselves on the bleachers watching the game with Scott turning his attention to Jean as she was taking pictures every now and then. Danny jabs Scott lightly on the side getting Scott's attention off of Jean and ont his friend. "Why did you do that?" Scott asked curiously.

Danny shakes his head and says, "You were staring at her again."

"Can you blame me though? I'm trying to make sure Duncan doesn't do anything stupid." Scott defends himself.

"More like stare at her with a loving gaze, am I right?" Scott's blond friend asks before high-fiving Danny who chuckles in response.

Scott waves them off. "Keep it up you guys, but Duncan is seriously a bad influence for everyone." Scott reasons but knows that they are correct.

Scott turns his attention back to Jean as she takes a picture of Duncan a few second after he scored the touchdown. "Hey Jean, did you get that for the yearbook?" Duncan asked her.

She lowers her camera and smiles at him. "No this is for my personal collection." She tells him jokingly.

Scott keeps his gaze on the two while moving a quarter between his fingers trying not to show his frustration that Jean was talking with the quarterback. Danny shakes his head at his friend's obviousness and turns his gaze at the game, but he caught something from the corner of his left eye when he saw a hand reaching for a wallet. 'Oh great, Todd is pick-pocketing again.' Danny thought sadly. He gets up from his seat and says, "I'll be right back."

Todd Tolanski, a teen with worn blue jeans and a white long sleeve t-shirt under a brown t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, pulls another wallet out of someone's back pocket and chuckles, "Got another one." He feels a hand grab the back of his shirt and throw him down to the ground making the money he was holding go flying around him.

"Well if it isn't Toady Tolanski picking up a little spare change." Duncan says as he and his two football buddies surround Todd looking down at him in a threatening manner.

Todd looks up at them and grows nervous immediately at the threatening manner they have on him in their football uniforms. "Uh, hi Duncan look I can explain." Todd tries to reason with Duncan.

"Shut up frog face." Duncan grabs Todd immediately and pulls him up off the ground. He slams Todd against the metal post holding the bleachers making Todd become more nervous than he already was.

"Let's crush him Dunc." The brown football player said pounding his fist with his hand as the guys were getting excited to put the teen in his place.

"How about you guys calm down before making a scene?" Danny asks as he walks out into view getting the others to look at him in surprise. "The wallets are still there, and the money is still around for him to return them. Now, we don't need football players suspended for bullying, do we?" Danny threatens which made the three football players angry and frustrated with the situation.

Todd nods his head in agreement hoping the guys would listen to Danny. "Yeah, I agree with Danny-boy here and see here's the money." Todd said holding up the stolen he took from the wallets.

"What do guys care about this scum, Fenton?" Duncan asked glaring at the teen.

Danny crossed his arms and let his eyes have an eerie glow getting Duncan's football buddies to become nervous. "I don't, but three guys against one is majorly unfair and also could go bad if something like this gets out to the public. Plus, would you rather have Jean see you bully someone behind the bleachers?"

Duncan growls angrily at Danny before tossing Todd to the ground. "You better make sure he gives those people back their money Fenton." Duncan tells the teen who just keeps his glare on Duncan with his arms crossed over his chest. "Let's go guys. We got a game to win." Duncan tells his teammates before walking off with his teammates following him.

Danny turns his attention to Todd, who was getting back on his feet, and asks, "How many wallets did you swipe this time Todd?"

Todd looks over at Danny then back at the money on the ground. He leans down and starts picking the money up and says, "Look Danny, I'm glad that you're looking out for me, man, but I could have handled myself." He grabs the last bill and stands back up on his feet.

Danny shakes his head at Todd's pride and asks, "What would you have done when Duncan had you up against the metal beam then?"

Todd looks over at the metal pole he was held up against then turns back to Danny with a sheepish smile. "Ok, I needed the help." He admits. He hands Danny the wallets and the money and walks away with his hands in his pockets with his head down. Danny just stares at Tolanski as the teen came to a stop. "Look man, you're a good friend. We mutants need to stick together, you know. Man, I wish we could go public with these powers though. It would make us so much cooler than we are."

"You know why we stay hidden Todd." Danny says as he puts the money back in the wallets.

Todd sighs knowing that Danny was right. He removes his right hand and waves 'goodbye' to Danny while walking away from the school. Todd continues walking away then turns back around to see Danny handing back the people their wallets. Todd leaned back against the street pole he was nearby and sighs, "I wish it was easier for me to hang out with people Danny, but not everyone is as lucky as you." He turns around and walks away groaning when a thought suddenly came to mind. "Mystique is so going to hurt me if she finds out I've been hanging out with Danny, and I got a meeting with her tomorrow during school no less. Life is really unfair man." He crouches down on his legs and puts his hands in front of him frustrated with the way his life has turned out. "This is definitely not a good day or week for that matter."

The Next Day

Danny stuffs his books in his backpack and sighs about the situation that happened last night. "Why can't Tolanski get a real job?" He asks not knowing the reason behind Todd's behavior. He shuts his bag and fazes through the floor landing in the study right next to the fire place. "Landed that perfectly." He mutters happily.

"Yes, you did." Charles says.

Danny jumps in surprise and turns around to find Xavier looking at him with an amused expression. "Oh Professor, I wasn't aware that my room was above the study." Danny says feeling a little awkward that he was caught.

Charles chuckles at Danny's awkwardness and says, "You don't have to worry Danny. You're not interrupting anything this time, but you did make it easier for me to talk to you about our ne arrival."

Danny blinks a couple times and looks at the figure in a grey robe standing next to Professor Xavier. "Oh hey, I'm Danny Fenton. What's your name?" Danny asks walking over to the figure with a smile on his face holding his hand out for the figure to shake it.

The figure takes a few steps back in fear which confused Danny, but Charles understood why the figure did that. "It's alright Kurt. Danny is a friend, and there are Jean and Scott coming down the stairs now." Charles says looking out the open door to the study as Jean and Scott were walking down the stairs.

Danny put his hands over his mouth and yells, "Hey guys, the Professor has someone he wants us to meet before we head over to school."

Scott and Jean turn their heads to Danny as he said that then looked at each other. They shrug their shoulders at the unasked question they thought of and walked into the study to see Danny a few feet in front of a figure in a grey robe who was staring at Danny in confusion. "Uh hi." Scott greets the stranger feeling a little awkward at the sudden appearance.

"Hello." Kurt says feeling a bit nervous around them hoping they wouldn't judge him on what he looks like.

"You don't need to feel nervous Kurt. You are with friends." Charles reminds the teen.

Danny holds his hand out and asks, "Come on man. Are you going to shake my hand or not?"

Kurt looks down at Danny's hand then pulls his hand out getting Jean and Scott to widen their eyes in surprise. Kurt shakes Danny's hand feeling a little nervous on Danny's reaction. Danny glances down at Kurt's hand and smiles at seeing the blue furry hand with only two fingers and a thumb. "Oh, a genetic mutation, I got one too." Danny says making white rings appear around his waist.

Kurt watches in fascination as the rings travel over Danny's body transforming him into a white hair teen with a black jumpsuit with white gloves and boots. Kurt removes his hood and says, "Oh man, zat vas so cool! You can transform at vill. I wish I could do zat."

"Who knows?" Danny suggests with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry Daniel, but Kurt was born like this because of the x-gene." Charles tells his student who sighs in defeat along with Kurt.

"Well, what kind of mutant power do you have? Is it some kind of special ability that allowed you to come here like the rest of us?" Jean asks changing the subject to keep Kurt from feeling down about his looks.

Kurt smirks at the question then teleports himself away from Jean and appears in a corner of the room. "Maybe."

The three found themselves gasping in surprise from the sudden movement. "Whoa."

"I'll be helping Kurt settle in. We can talk more tonight."

"I'm driving!" Danny yells as he snatches Scott's keys from his hands and runs off to the garage.

"No one is driving my car except me!" Scott yells at Danny who fazes through the wall into the garage.

"Be glad he won't leave without us." Jean tells Scott before walking off giggling at Scott's misfortune.

"They're going to be death of me." Scott mutters shaking his head about the whole situation. He turns his attention and waves 'goodbye.' "We'll be seeing you later Kurt."

Kurt nods his head and watches Scott run off to his car. 'I might be able to enjoy zis place a lot more zan I originally zought.' Kurt thinks with a smile on his face.

Danny shuts the door to his locker and mutters, "He didn't have to blast me out of the driver's seat." He turns around to see Todd Tolanski leaning against the locker a few feet away. "What do you want Todd?"

Todd glances over at Danny from his right eye and asks, "Do you think I could ever get my own group of guys to hang out with?"

"What's with the sudden random question?" Danny asks raising an eyebrow confused about Todd's sudden question.

"No particular reason…"

Danny stares at Todd for a couple seconds and asks, "Do you not have anyone to hang out at lunch with again Tolanski?"

"Even I know that's a stupid question." Todd mutters turning his attention to the paper flying by the window of the hallway they were in.

"Your boss asked you to do something that you can't tell me." Danny shakes his head as Todd looks away with a grumble. "I don't see why you work for someone like her."

"I prefer being bad, and the job isn't anything bad this time. You don't have to worry about that, but I do have to admit that having people to be with would be nice right about now." Todd admits with a shrug. He sees a fly go by and shoots his tongue catching the fly immediately. He pulls the fly into his mouth and start munching on it in delight. He swallows the fly and mutters, "Anyway, could I come over later and see the place?"

"Why the sudden interest?" Danny asks raising an eyebrow at Todd's question.

Todd feels the sweat going down his neck and smiles nervously, "No reason, I figured it might be nice to know what your place finally looks like since you did invite me before."

Danny shrugs his shoulders, "Ok then, when do you plan on visiting?"

Todd sighs mentally in relief. 'Good, he doesn't suspect anything.' "I don't have a set time, but I'll probably arrive sometime after dinner time."

"Guess I'll see you then." Danny says feeling a little confused with Todd's shifty behavior.

Todd smirks, "Yeah, I'll be seeing you." Todd crouches down and hops onto the window giving Danny a salute 'goodbye' before leaving the building.

Danny shakes his head and mutters, "I better call Xavier to let him know."

Todd Tolanski lands on the pavement in a crouch and looks around carefully. He hears someone's heals click behind him and turns around to find Principle Darkholme walking towards him. Todd puts his pinkie in his right ear and pulls out a little wax flicking it away immediately as the principle stopped a few feet away from him. "Would you mind telling me you are all the way out here Mr. Tolanski?" She asks him.

Todd winces at the authority in her voice and says, "Relax, no one is nearby, and Danny is expecting me at that school for our kind after dinner tonight."

"Good, I caution a warning Mr. Tolanski. If you fail to get any kind of information about the school's schematics, there will be punishment for your failure." She threatens before walking away with a neutral look on her face.

Todd watches her leave with a bored look on his face and mutters, "Great, now I'm in a lose-lose situation. I barely have any chance at winning this, and knowing my record I'm definitely going to lose somehow."

Todd Tolanski puts on his mutant uniform and hops his way over to the institute with one mission on his mind. When Todd arrives at the institute he looks at the fence and chuckles at how easy it looked to get over. "Piece of cake." He jumps over the fence and hops towards the institute. Suddenly he notices a shadow fly over him and looks up to see the shadow fly by and the clouds start coming together. "Oh great, I hope Danny didn't have something planned for my arrival." He mutters as the clouds came together and let loose the water inside of them to form rain. A lightning bolt hits the ground near him. He screams in surprise and starts hopping towards the institute avoiding the lightning bolts being shot at him.

Kurt was looking around near the front entrance of the institute. He hears the front door open and looks behind him just in time to have Todd come through the doors and crash into him. Danny stands on top of the stairs in his black jumpsuit with a white belt, gloves, and boots. On the jumpsuit was a green x that went over his chest and back as straps, and two white shoulder patches with a green x in the center of them. Danny watches the two argue and leave down the hall with Todd chasing Kurt in anger. "This is definitely entertaining to watch." Danny mutters before turning his attention to his white hair teacher who floats down on the floor into the front lobby. "Thanks for the entertainment, Ororo."

Ororo looks up at Danny and asks, "Aren't you supposed to be doing homework, Danny?"

Danny waves it off and mutters, "You sure know how to ruin a guy's fun." Ororo crosses her arms over her chest making Danny groan and walk away grumbling under his breath.

Ororo chuckles under her breath. 'Danny still has a lot to learn.' She thinks as she turns her attention to Professor Xavier.

Danny fazes through the ground into the locker room to find Scott putting on his X-men uniform and Jean standing there already in costume. "Well, this is definitely not something I was expecting to walk into." Danny says getting both teens to turn their attention to Danny.

"Don't you have homework to finish Danny?" Jean asks raising an eyebrow.

"Why does everyone think I'm not done with my homework?" Danny asks feeling offended that his friends didn't trust him to finish his homework.

"It might be because you failed the last homework assignment you said you finished but didn't touch." Scott answers as he starts putting on his left boot.

"Yeah, yeah, you forget one assignment…"

"Scott, Danny, Jean, Tolanski and Nightcrawler are in the danger room." Charles tells them telepathically.

"Ah man, the Danger Room has automated defenses." Scott says then looked at Jean.

"We don't have much time to get in there and help them out then." Danny says before running off with Jean while Scott was getting his other boot on.

"Get in there now!" They heard the professor say.

Toad and Kurt back up near the wall as the Danger Room's defenses were about to fire at them. Kurt and Toad jump away in different directions from the shot fired at them and avoid any tentacle, claw, or laser shot from the guns. They kept avoiding the defenses just as Danny, Jean and Scott came running into the Danger Room. "Danny, you take care of the control room. Jean will handle the tentacles while I take care of the guns." Scott tells them.

Danny gives a mock salute saying, "You got it." He flies up to the control room fazing through everything that tried to grab him during his flight.

Kurt feels some kind of force pull him off the wall and turns around to see what it was. He looks at Jean and says, "You are an angle."

"On occasion, how about you? Are you a demon?" She asks him in a teasing manner.

Danny enters the control room and starts typing on the keyboard when a couple ray guns come out and point straight at his back. Danny feels two stings on his back and turns around to see the two small guns. "I don't have time for this." Danny mutters pointing his hands up at the guns and firing two green shots of energy out of his hands destroying the two small guns. He blinks in surprise at the sudden attack he just did and mutters, "What did I just do?"

"Tolanski, over here!" Scott yells for his schoolmate.

Danny shakes himself out of his stupor and starts typing on the keyboard once again. "Ok, I have to type in this command then this command and finish with this command." He mutters as he types in the commands. He finishes typing in the commands and looks down in the Danger Room to see the machine either pull themselves back or go back into the walls. He sighs in relief then sees Kurt's reaction on figuring out what the room was. "Oh Kurt, don't do anything stupid."

"Oh good, you were able to shut it off in time." Charles says as he and Ororo enter the control room.

"You just pull the plug and…Ah!" Kurt yells catching everyone's attention to see the machine he was on go out of the control.

Danny flies out of the control room and fires the energy out of his hands destroying the machine and surprising his friends who weren't hit with the backlash of an explosion done by the machine Kurt accidentally sabotaged. Danny wipes his hands of imaginary dust and turns around to see Ororo and Jean flying above with surprised looks on their faces. "Uh, I just discovered a new mutant ghost power?" Danny tries to say but ends in a question.

"Forget this man. I've seen enough. I am out of here." Toad says as he gets up from getting hit by the blast radius of a shot from the machine.

"Tolanski!" Scott yells hoping to stop the mutant from leaving but was too late. "Sorry professor I wasn't able to stop him."

"It's alright Cyclops. He wasn't ready to be one of us." Xavier says understanding that not everyone is ready to do the right thing.

Kurt sighs, "I blew it too professor. I'm sorry. You've been wonderful, but I guess...I just don't belong here."

"Nightcrawler wait!" Kurt teleports out of the room leaving the five mutants alone in the Danger Room.

"No sweat professor I'll take care of it." Scott runs out of the room while the professor leaves the control room to track Todd's movements before he was outside.

Jean looks at Danny and asks, "So you got a new power huh? I guess this means you have to go through some more training again."

Danny looks at her and groans at the mention of training, "Oh man, I hate training, but when you're right, you're right." Danny rubs the back of his neck and shrugs his shoulders, "Oh well, I hope the training doesn't take too long then."

"It matters how fast you are to control it." Jean remarks with a small grin.

"Don't push it Jean." Danny shakes his head and walks away leaving the two women before they could tease him any longer.

"Well, let's hope training goes smoother than it has been." Storm says which gets Jean to giggle at Danny's past experience with training.

"I remember that time he lost his pants."

Storm giggles at the memory and turns around to leave the Danger Room. "Well, no one is perfect Jean. You have just as many embarrassing stories as he does."

Jean sighs at the notion and crosses her arms over her chest as she follows Ororo out of the Danger Room. "Fine, you got me there. Do you think Scott will get Kurt to stay?"

"I wouldn't doubt it."

Toad jumps out the window and hits the ground in a tumble. He looks up to see a man with a cowboy hat looking down at him popping his three metal claws out of his hands. "Going somewhere bub?" The man asks as he raises his hat up a bit with his claw while sniffing the air around them.

"No Logan let him go." Xavier says from the small balcony before Logan could do anything.

Logan looks down at Toad then puts his claws away sighing in defeat as Toad watches in fright. He moves a bit to the side and motions for Toad to leave who hops away in fright mumbling how stupid the place was. "I came back here because I smelt trouble brewing." He sniffs the area again and points back at Toad. "Of course maybe it was just stink boy there."

"I wish it was. Welcome home old friend; we missed you." They smile at each other happy to see each other after a year.

Kurt teleports into the hanger and looks around before stopping his eyes on the jet in front of him. He steps back in awe and asks, "Vat is dis?"

Scott enters the room hearing the question asked and says, "The SR 77 Black Bird, twice as fast as the SR 71 and with three times the range and fire power. Nice heh?"

Kurt nods his head at Scott and asks, "Sier good. Is it yours? Please tell me dat you get to fly it?"

"It's ours, and if you stay around for a while, I'll show you how to pilot this bad boy. Well once I'm done teaching Danny which shouldn't be too long. So what do you say? Do you want to be a part of our team?" Scott asks with his hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Me? I almost got you killed a few minutes ago." Kurt shuts his eyes and lowers his head in guilt from the earlier event in the Danger Room.

"Yeah, don't do that again, but look we all mess up sometimes. I know I do that's why we are all here. So we can learn not to make mistakes like that. That's why we like you to stay."

"You don't mind de way I look?"

Scott crossed his arms. "Dude, don't hassle me about my shades, and we'll call it even."

"Ve have a deal den." Kurt smiled.

Scott put an arm around his shoulder. "Welcome to the team, come on I'll show you where they hide the sodas."

The Next Day

Danny shuts his locker and sees Todd leaning against the lockers a few feet away. "Feel like tricking me again and not hang out like I thought we would, or are you going to chase Kurt around and call each other names again?" Danny asks rhetorically.

"I deserve that." Todd mutters with disappointment in his voice.

"You guys could have gotten someone hurt over nothing Todd." Danny points out which got Todd to wince.

"Yeah, well I wasn't the one who teleported us into that stupid room anyway!" Todd immediately defends himself. "And why did that woman suddenly attack me before I even got here?"

"Because you decided to sneak into our place instead of knocking like a normal person does." Danny counters, leaving out the test that he knew was coming. Todd smiles guiltily which got Danny to his rub his forehead at Todd's bad behavior. "Sometimes I wonder why I defend you Todd. You almost got everyone to hate you since you destroyed most of the house just by hopping around."

Todd shrugs in response. "So he called me names, and I called him back. It wasn't my fault he decided to run away from me hitting him."

Danny shakes his head and turns around in defeat. "Whatever Todd, all I'm going to say is that if you ever come near our place again you better not be alone."

Todd shivers at the sudden threat and watches Danny walk away. "I hope Mystique builds our team up soon, or I'm going to be stuck hanging out with the geek squad. Danny, I can handle since he gets me, but the others…" Todd turns around and walks the opposite way. "The others better watch out for the Brotherhood of Evil will be taking care of them."

Oh yeah, a much better revised chapter of the story. If you don't know, this is the second time I rewrote this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and this chapter better be up to better standings for you guys.

I got nothing else to say other than R&R.