"How gullible do you think I am?"

It had started so simply. Twenty one year old Ludwig Beilschmidt had been sitting in the cafeteria with his friend, Arthur Kirkland, the conversation having, once more, taken an incredibly odd turn.

"I'm telling you the truth! I have a book on it and everything, you can summon a demon by following the steps in it." Arthur huffed out, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why would I lie about something so amazing?" Green eyes locked onto the other blonde, a scowl tugging at his lips. "If you're so bloody sure, why don't you try it yourself?"

And Ludwig had agreed. Purely for science, of course, and to shut the British man up. After all, there was no such things as demons, so how was it possible to summon one? And so, with a roll of his eyes, the blonde had taken the book, muttering about how he'd show Arthur once and for all that there was no such thing as magic.

It had taken a little while to figure it out, to get all the symbols right, but finally it was ready. Only then did Ludwig hesitate, considering what it was he was about to do.

What if it worked?

Shaking the thought from his head, he opened the book, beginning to read the incantation. His eyes widened as the floor began to glow, smoking emerging from the center of the markings until the German man couldn't see, choking for air as the smoke filled his lungs. Rubbing desperately at blue orbs as the smoke finally dissipated,

Ludwig was glad to see the glowing had stopped, and nothing had seemed to have happened. Maybe he had just imagined the glowing marks to start with. The logical part of his brain screamed that he had simply spooked himself, but the more cautious part whispered quietly that maybe he had messed with something he shouldn't mess with.

Ludwig shook that thought off, tidying up the mess and putting the candles back away before sitting back on the couch, pulling out his phone to text Arthur.

[To: Brows] Nothing happened. Well, I think whatever was in something set off a smoke bomb. But apart from that, no sign of demons.

He hit send, sighing as he relaxed back into the couch, eyes drifting shut. That was when he felt it. It started off light, gaining pressure slowly; hands were stroking across the nape of his neck and working out all the knots in the broad shoulders, a groan falling from Ludwig's lips at the magic fingers…

He froze, tensing even more, panic beginning to pulse through his veins. Ludwig was home alone. There was no one else here. Just look behind you, you can do this! If it's some kind of intruder, it's better to know so you can defend yourself! Slowly, Ludwig made himself turn his head, a shriek falling from his lips as he was met with crimson eyes, and a wicked, lopsided grin filled with sharp, pointy teeth.

"Well…" Came a low throaty purr from the creature, one pale hand lifting to rest his chin on his palm, elbow propped up on the back of the couch. "Someone's a screamer. I like that, baby, makes it much more fun." A long, pointed tongue darted out, licking over the creature- it almost looked like a man!- 's lips, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he hopped over the back of the couch, draping himself over Ludwig's lap.

Through their shock, blue eyes slid over the man in his lap. Pale, flawless skin. Those entrancing crimson eyes and teasing lips, covering dangerously sharp teeth. A tail flicked and brushed at Ludwigs lips, black wings protruding from the creatures back. On his head, thick horns peeked out from beneath silver locks. Ludwig's eyes ran down the smooth chest, across a chiselled stomach and- oh. Oh. A deep flush danced on Ludwig's face as he pushed the naked- demon?- off of him.

"Who the hell are you!? Why aren't you wearing any pants? Are those wings real!?" He questioned, voice growing more and more flustered with each word he spoke. "Where did you come from? I… where did you come from?"

The demon rolled his eyes, clucking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, the grin widening. "Now, now, is that anyway to speak to your mate, Hasi? You did read the incantation, did you not? My kind can only be summoned if it's by our destined mate, and since you were able to get me here, that means it's you!" The incubus moved to sit beside the blonde, leaning forward to brush his nose along the porcelain skin of the others throat, drawing a gasp of surprise from Ludwig. "My name is Gilbert." The demon offered offhandedly, continuing to stroke the small patch of skin, his fingers sliding up the others side. "You do know what mating means, right human?" He questioned, even as his eyes roamed shamelessly other the others form, a pout coming to his lips. "You're wearing entirely too many clothes for mating."

"Mating!?" Ludwig scrambled back against the couch, keeping a hand out to keep the other at bay. His neck tingled from the touches, a strange sort of electricity shooting through him. "Of course I know what mating is, but I neither know you, nor am I an animal. Please, I'd really prefer if you put on some clothes."

Gilbert pretended he didn't hear the whining, sitting back on his knees. "Silly Hasi. Mating is where I lay you down on something nice and soft, and I take you, and then you carry my child. It's really quite simple. Besides, you're pretty lucky. I'm the most sought after of my kind. Can you blame anyone for wanting me though, I'm gorgeous." The demon snickered proudly, showing off his body shamelessly.

"I know what it is!" Ludwig protested, blue eyes wide. "And what do you mean, carry your child? I'm a male. I have a dick, I'll show you it, I have one! Besides, I've never even kissed someone, there is no way that… that… monster!..." The blonde waved his hand in a vague motion towards the others crotch, refusing to look. His curiosity was gnawing at him once more, but Ludwig ignored it. "... is going anywhere near my butt, do you understand me!? You're a stranger, a naked stranger with wings, in my house, talking about getting me pregnant when that is logically and physically impossible, and you really need to put something on right now, dear GOD, I'm going to kill Arthur." The more he spoke, the more frantic and rambled his words came out, until they hardly made sense, the German just muttering under his breath about clothes. How did this even happen? Arthur was not supposed to be right. It was just supposed to be for science.

"Are you quite done?" Gilbert questioned, his face amused. "You still haven't even told me your name, Hasi, nor have you actually given me the clothes you keep pleading for me to wear. Personally, I think you're just enjoying looking at me too much, and are just too shy to say it. Aww, and you've never been kissed? I never would have expected my destined mate to be a virgin, but it's no matter. I, of course, have enough experience for the both of us." He mused, crimson catching cerulean. "I won't force you though, Hasi. But do understand you are my mate. Can I at least fix the problem of that pesky first kiss? I promise I'll put on clothes if you're kind enough to lend them. But be damned if my mate hasn't even been kissed. That's just sad." The incubus scolded.

Ludwig paused a moment, trying to think and not focus on the very naked body so dangerously near him. "Ludwig." He finally murmured, his voice almost hoarse. "My name is Ludwig. And it's not sad! I just haven't found someone I wanted to kiss yet. Besides, my school work was more important. But… "Chewing his lip slightly, Ludwig made a decision. It was for the greater good in this situation, he supposed. "If you promise to put on some clothes, I'll let you kiss me. I can't see what harm there is in that, after all."

"Good!" The demon grinned wider, almost predatorily as he moved closer to the blonde, and as Ludwig was tugged onto his lap, he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps agreeing to this was a bad idea. Especially considering what he could feel poking at his thigh. However, it would get this… man?... to put on clothes, so he could handle one solitary kiss.

"Don't forget to breathe, through your nose." Gilbert warned, arms wrapping around the other, claws idly brushing over Ludwig's back as he coaxed him down, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. The demon was completely control, and all Ludwig could do was melt, not expecting the heat that began to form in his stomach. Without even really realizing, his own arms lifted, wrapping around the demon's neck as the other claimed his lips so thoroughly, pointed tongue brushing over his lips and asking for entrance.

To Ludwig's surprise, he found himself giving it, parting his lips curiously to see what the demon would do, even as his fingers continued to brush through silver locks. He could have sworn the other snickered, but that thought was instantly forgotten as Gilbert's tongue pressed into his mouth, slowly exploring every nook and crevice, the heat only growing in Ludwig's stomach.

He would more than readily admit how nice this actually was. He hadn't been expecting to enjoy it. But then, he also hadn't expected the clawed fingers to tug him closer, for one to lift and cradle his face, the other continuing to hold him so tenderly to Gilbert's chest that he almost thought the other thought he'd break. He had had no idea a demon would even be capable of being so gentle and sweet, and he had to confess, he found himself wanting more. His own body pressed back against the pale chest, his tongue trying to mimic the others much more experienced one.

Gilbert couldn't help but chuckle as he brought his mate closer, before finally pulling away for air, resting their foreheads together and trying to catch his breath as he continued to cradle the blonde's face in his hands. He was quite often rough- but then, this was the one he'd been waiting a long time to finally summon him How could he be anything other than tender with him, especially when this man was so shy and innocent?

"So Hasi…" He breathed out quietly, a grin on his lips as he pecked Ludwig's lips once more. "How about those clothes?"