Author: LexysCPD
Chapter (1/45)
Words: 1,122
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Author's Note: Just like Naked (if you read that one) this story will be updated every other day. This story was requested by Crazyboi23.
Updated: April 03, 2015
AJ LEE kept the belt near. She had a title match with the now twenty-two year old Diva. Paige was started into annoy her. The girl was taking everything from her. Before Paige even set foot on the Main Roster, AJ was the anti-diva. She was dominant diva. She was the best champion.
But then Paige debuted, and everything went to hell. Paige was the anti-diva. She was the one to beat AJ. And she took her championship. It made AJ angry. And for the last two months, AJ had to spend so much time with Paige.
AJ could see her. The Brit was talking to the only female Australian on the roster. She had a smile on her face and it made AJ roll her eyes. She grabbed her belt and walked away.
AJ went to the Divas' locker room and got dressed. Once she looked ready, she went back out to the halls. She went to the catering room and watched the monitor as the show began.
She could hear the first song of the actual even.
AJ rolled her eyes with a smile. Mike was one of the nicest guys she knew, but The Miz was an annoying asshole. He could act his character.
I'm here to show the world!
Dolph Ziggler. She couldn't help but smile. They became good friends when they were "dating." The match was for the Intercontinental Championship, and she was hoping for Dolph to win.
"Hey AJ!" someone said from behind. She turned and grinned when she saw her friends, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. They were going to wrestle later in the day.
"Hey Dean, Seth," she said, grinning at them.
"So your match is next right?" Dean asked, grinning.
AJ nodded. "Against Paige."
Seth grinned, causing AJ to glare at him. Seth was best friends with Paige. Sometimes he would feel uncomfortable because he was good friends with AJ and sometimes he felt like he had to pick a side.
"I hope you win," Dean said, earning a punch from his best friend.
Seth laughed and shook his head.
"You should start heading out. The match looks like it's almost over," the dual haired man said, smiling.
AJ nodded. "I get to now, kick your pumpkin's butt."
Seth rolled his eyes and hugged her. "Good luck."
"You got this," Dean said, hugging her.
"I hope you kick Seth's butt," AJ told the Lunatic Fringe.
Seth glared at her playfully. "I hope Paige kicks your butt."
AJ shrugged and skipped away.
Paige was already there. She was fixing her jacket. She saw AJ and smiled.
There was a screech. Paige gave AJ one last smile and skipped out. AJ rolled her eyes while she watched the English girl steal her character.
Tear the stars out from the sky
Darkness falls I come alive
"The following contest is for one fall. It is for the Divas Championship," Lilian started from the ring. "Introducing first, the challenger. From Norwich, England, Paige!"
I've always been this way
I'll fly before I change
Tear the stars out from the sky
While Paige got ready in the ring, the audience got to see a video package of AJ and Paige on the day after Wrestlemania 30.
AJ clenched her fist as she saw the day Paige ruined. She could see the video come to an end. She got ready.
Tear the stars out from the sky
Paige's song came to an end, and AJ's began.
Light Up Let's light it up, light it up, light it up
light up tonight, let's light it up
"Her opponent, from Union City, New Jersey, she is the Divas Champion, AJ Lee!"
Like shooting stars are burning, light up the sky
Let's light it up, light it up, light it up
light up tonight, let's light it up
The audience got to see another video package, of when AJ took the belt from Paige. It made AJ happy and smile while she watched it.
She looked at Paige, who didn't seem bothered by it. She just smiled at AJ. It burned AJ, because she was the one who was suppose to be the Queen of Mind Games, but this nice Paige was messing with her.
The bell rang, and Paige extended her hand, wanting to shake hands. AJ smiled sweetly, took it, and bit it. She felt joy as Paige screamed in pain. Let the games begin.
The match was mostly back and forth.
Paige tried to do her knee kicks, but AJ grabbed her leg and pushed her off the mat. She kicked her. She jumped off the mat and landed on Paige's shoulders. Paige threw her on the barrier.
Paige picked AJ up and threw her into the ring. AJ was on the mat. Paige had the advantage. Paige started to sexually crawl up her body. She grabbed her head by the hair and started to head-butt her.
Later in the match, Paige was getting on the turnbuckles. She was pulling AJ by the hair. AJ fought back. Paige was losing her balance, and falling off. She was grabbing on tightly.
"No, no, no, no."
AJ hit one of the hands, and smiled when she heard Paige scream.
Paige was begging her not to do anything. AJ just blew her a kiss, and then pushed her. She watched as Paige fell to the ground. AJ got to the top of the turnbuckle, and when she saw Paige stand up, jumped off it and landed on Paige.
AJ picked Paige up and threw her into the ring. AJ used the ropes to knee Paige on the face. She went for the pin. Paige kicked out at two. AJ had had enough of Paige. She wanted to put her down. She got up and picked Paige up from the hair.
Paige pushed her away and kicked her. She picked up the shorter girl and set her up for the Paige-Turner. The move quickly turned into the Black Widow. It made AJ happy that she got it locked.
AJ won the match. She had it. All she had to do was wait for Paige to tap out. She had to. Everyone had tapped out. She wasn't able to lock it the first time and Paige had lucked in.
AJ could feel Paige's hand going around her head. She was reversing it!
Paige had AJ up, and DDT'd her.
She went for the cover.
One! Two! Three!
"Here is your winner! And the new Divas Champion, Paige!"
When AJ came to, Paige was out the ring.
AJ was pissed. She had lost. Paige took another thing from her. AJ glared at her. She couldn't believe it. She had lost her belt again.
Next Chapter On:
April 05, 2015
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