Finally, Chapter 1, the chapter where Yuzu is introduced to the best of my ability, where I may have a few "friends" come in, and young Sawatari shows up again~! I'm quite nervous about the way I portray Yuzu, because people may not like it. Anyways, I really love the support I've gotten on this story~!
Review replies:


He might, but his with his personality, it's uncertain to say.

Sara lovelymusic:

Thank you, and that will be revealed in due time.

I forgot about this; Remember in the first prologue when I mentioned the code on Yuya's wrist? Well, I forgot that I had some for Yuuri, Yuugo, and Yuuto.
Yuuto's code is 0701XYZ0101
Yuugo's code is 0727SY0101
and Yuuri's code is 0743F0101

Remember those, because they'll become important soon.

Also important, chapter 1 takes place a year after the prologues (So they are 12 owo)


I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V, or any of the characters used, except my OC's. Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V belongs to Katsumi Ono. Yu-Gi-Oh in general belong Takahashi Kazuki.

A boy with red and green hair, accompanied by a girl with dark and light pink hair, were walking to a shop with the boy's mother. The previous year's troubles were forgotten, but they were still there. A smile was on the smaller child's face as he glanced over at his friend, who in return sent him a smile. The two went up to the boy's mother and asked if they could go to a park[1], which his mother agreed. The duo raced towards the park, just in time to hear a chant from a young boy with dark teal and light green hair.

"Obscured falcon! Raise your sharpened talons in front of adversity, spread your wings of rebellion! Xyz Summon!"
"Rank Four! Raid Raptor - Rise Falcon!"

The words echoed and bounced around as the two got closer. They learned from the crowd that the boy's name was Kurosaki Shun, and by the end of the duel, the two found that his smile was infectious. Just like Yuuya's father, Yuusho, who brought smiles and laughter of joy with his dueling. It appeared that he was looking for someone when he came up to Yuuya and Yuzu, a worried expression painted on his face.

"You two had me worried sick! Yuuto, where did you guys run off to?" The elder boy spoke, looking at Yuuya when he spoke the last part. The name he said, Yuuto, was it that? When Shun had mentioned it, Yuuya had felt like he had known the person he was talking about. While Yuzu was trying to explain that they weren't 'Ruri and Yuuto', a burning and nauseating feeling had hit the younger boy. To the other two, Yuuya looked like he was about to burst into a panic attack. And in truth, he felt like it was as well. Images flashed through the younger duelist's mind at top speed. Only one of them he could catch in time to see.

Most of the scene was blurry and silhouetted, but he could make out some of it. Voices outside forced him to get up and go over to the door, discovering that it was unlocked. A pull to the door from the outside made the boy fall, and right in front of him were 3 boy-like silhouettes and 4 girl-like silhouettes.

"Yo, baby bro!" One of the silhouetted boys came over and extended his arm out for Yuuya, pulling him up. The two other boy-like silhouettes looked as if they were annoyed by the other's presence. One of the girl silhouettes reminded Yuuya of Yuzu, and that's saying something. What shocked him was that each of them were looking at a different person, minus one of the boy-like silhouettes[2] just creepily staring at him.

"Yuzu?" Yuuya looked over at what he presumed was Yuzu's silhouette, and to his surprise, she didn't answer him. The one silhouette staring at him shook his head.

"Yuzu? What kind of name is that? Isn't that a fruit?" The silhouette next to her retorted.

He was getting tired of this. "That's her name!"

The same girl silhouette spoke again. "Afraid that's not her name, S."

"S?" It made sense, as his last name was Sakaki, despite them not knowing his last name.

"Hey hey now." The final boy, the one farthest from Yuuya spoke. The other six turned to him, as he left his position to walk over to Yuuya. "I'm glad you were finally awakened."

Awakened? Has he been asleep for awhile? That doesn't make sense at all, at least to him anyways.

He was rushed back to the present where Kurosaki and Yuzu were looking at said boy with concern. He must of been in a trance for them to have looks of concern towards him.

"As I said, we can help find them." Yuzu nodded, promptly elbowing Yuuya to do the same. She sighed a bit, a girl that looked like her and a boy that looked like Yuuya; they shouldn't be too hard to find, right?

Shun nodded as he followed the two out of the park they were in at the moment. Finding Yuuto and Ruri may not be easy, as the two really liked to hide from him when they left their home. He described the two to Yuzu, and they were on their way. On their way, they ran into a young boy with brown hair and dirty blonde bangs. Kurosaki had made a mental check that he wasn't going to like that kid at all.

As expected, the two younger ones had indeed run off, and did they remember this city very well? Nope, not at all. All they remembered was the park they had arrived in with Shun, a few shops, and a few duel schools.

It was hopeless, they really didn't mean to run off too far from the elder Kurosaki. Seems like they just lost track of where they were going. Yuuto, goggles covering his eyes, walked with the panicking younger Kurosaki. Seems she wanted to find a way back to find her brother, which was Yuuto's same mission.

It wasn't until a little after they decided to try and find Shun did they find a nice lady, who might of called Ruri "Yuzu". She commented that Yuuto reminded her of her son with the goggles over his eyes. With asking where said park was, she gave them directions. With a call of thanks, the two set off.

Well, it did take a good bit of time before the duo was able to reunite with the elder Kurosaki, with Shun scolding them for running off. What caught Yuuto's eye was the girl that resembled Ruri, and the boy that might of resembled himself.

Haha, I feel dumb ;w;

It took me 8 months, 8 months. I guess my motivation was low for writing and very high for roleplaying. I'm very sorry for taking very long to update this :V
