"I once knew a boy who like to drew beautiful pictures that nobody saw."

Some called them atrocious. Most claimed he needed help, but I found them, the drawings, magnificent. I just couldn't grasp why people act like they do. They poke and they push and they do not stop until finally they force someone into the deep end. Then pretend it wasn't their fault and then continue to make fun of that person for what they cause.

"He drew them by himself, alone at night, locked in his bedroom. Out of sight."

They called him weird because he liked to be by himself. Deemed his drawings grotesque. Deemed him a freak because he was always by himself. People refused to realize that they are the reason why he is always by himself, why he draws….. Just open your damn eyes for once and see the pain you cause…..

"The pictures were strange, they came with a twist."

Some of the pictures were new and bright. Others were dull in comparison with the furious pictures. They all looked painful, no matter the color. No matter how new. No matter how many times he said it didn't hurt… I never believed him…..

"His pen was a razor; his canvas, a wrist."

The twist was greater than anyone realized. For his paint was the warm substance of blood. His easel was the stretch of skin between the palm of his hand and the curve of his forearm. His paintings were always there. Yelling at him. Constantly reminding him of darker times, where people called him names, and threw hate at him.

"We lay out at night, watching the stars,

When he lifted his sleeve and showed me his scars."

It was such a beautiful night Not a cloud to be seen. The moon was big and bright and the stars- oh my the stars were gleaming! And I was nervous. We had been friends for so long. I knew his secret, but he didn't know mine. I was about to tell him that I knew, and to show him mine, but before I could, he showed me his wrist.

"I wasn't shocked.

I knew what to do.

So I rolled up my sleeve and said,

'I draw too.'"

Forever since that day, we've been best friends. Always helping each other, through thick and thin. Through sickness and health. Forever since that day, we've been in love. A year after that say, we were no longer friends, but husbands.


Hey guys! School has been hectic lately and I've been stressing about tests... Sorry for not uploading anything! I wrote this for a friend a couple of weeks ago and decided to share it! I hope you enjoyed!