Hermione sat on the floor beside Fred, Pansy sitting beside her. It seemed that my time was up. The murderer wasn't my mother. It wasn't anyone I intentionally harmed. Four sets of innocent eyes landed on me, waiting. When she said that I'd lose my family i hadn't minded. I loved my mother, but honestly, she was already dead to me. Never in a million years did I believe that she meant the Weasleys. Once I told them the truth of course I would lose them. They'd turn their back on me, blame me for the untimely death of their father. Everything that I worked to be, all of the progress I made, all of the love I'd finally found...would be gone.

I opened my mouth to speak, clenching my fists as I did, but found that no words would come forth. Every moment that I stayed silent they grew more suspicious.

Hermione placed her hand on my knee, trying to soothe me. Instead, I yanked away. She'd regret it in a moment anyways. It was better to pull away than to be pulled away from. That way I'd at least get out of here with my dignity.

"I...I'm sorry." I managed softly, "I never meant to...I mean of course...it was an accident. I would have never intentionally…" No one understood what I meant. They were all still staring at me, confused and trusting.

"I'm sorry," I reiterated, "He...Voldemort...he made me do it. He put me under the imperio...Hermione…" I forced myself to look her in her eye, "he made me kill you father." The silence was heavy. No one spoke. No one moved and I felt like I couldn't end it there, "and the letters. They're from your mother. She's trying to ruin my life because I killed your father-," my cheek stung as her hand raked acrossed it. She was headed toward the door, refusing to hear another word of it.

"My mother would never-," her cheeks and neck had gone red as she went.

"Your mother has been sending these letters. Your mother Jane Geraldine Granger. Hermione please, I would never lie to you." She looked as if she were holding back something nasty, but instead of speaking on it she slammed the door behind her, leaving me to stare into the incredulous eyes of Fred and George Weasley.

"I'm not lying," I said softly. They nodded, to my shock they seemed to believe me. Regardless they began to leave the room.

"I need to think," they sighed simultaneously, disappearing after Hermione and leaving me with Pansy.

"That went well." I muttered.

******and now the killer has been revealed after 7 years :)heh********