Thank Goodness for Denton

by SnarkyBubble

Part 1: One or the Other

The guys had been ragging on Davey for weeks now. Little comments, not entirely guilty-sounding if you didn't know what they were referring to.

"Hey, it's David. As in David and Goliath," Race would say with a wink and a nudge to whoever was near him when Davey would enter the room. And Davey would blush, thinking of that introduction with Brian Denton, back when the strike was still getting started. He would blush, knowing that Race was referring to the Reporter.

Or, "How's our man, Denton?" Kid Blink would ask David with a straight face. And Mush, right next to him, would repeat, "Right. Our man, Denton. How is he?" Insinuating that David would know how the reporter was. As if David was off with Denton whenever he wasn't with the newsies. As if it wasn't Mush and Blink who were the ones who were always off somewhere sneaky.

Yes, the guys were convinced there was something going on between David and Denton. Which was ridiculous. Denton had no time of day for David. David hadn't even seen Denton since the strike ended.

The only one who hadn't done any teasing at all was Jack, but that would have been because she was always with Sarah. But the more the other guys would bring up Denton, the more David would blush and stammer and try to change the subject. The worst part was the way David's heart would race at their mention of Denton. And it was starting to get worse, day by day and week by week.

Before David had met Denton, he hadn't had many romantic thoughts. He figured he was just too busy with school to think about girls, or too young to worry about girls. Or maybe he was just too serious to enjoy thinking about girls that way. But now he was starting to wonder… Maybe the reason he hadn't had romantic thoughts was because he hadn't considered other possibilities. Other possibilities like… Denton. He blushed again at the thought. But at the same time, he felt slightly relieved to have formulated these thoughts. Maybe he was on his way to solving this dilemma of uncomfortable emotions.

That night, after Les had gone to bed, and his mother and father were reading the day's paper, David pulled Sarah aside.

"You aren't with Jack tonight."

"No. Not tonight. Is everything okay, David?" she asked with a furrowed brow when David had stammered a bit but hadn't been able to get right out and say what was on his mind.

He took a deep breath, then without looking at her, said, "How do you know when you like someone?"

Sarah's face seemed to soften. She sat down onto her bed, and he sat next to her. "Well, you feel a bit fluttery and excited when you think about them. And you want the best for them, even if it's not the best for you."

David looked a bit puzzled. "You mean like Jack's plan to go to Santa Fe?"

It was Sarah's turn to look away. "Maybe." Her tone was pensive, distracted. David decided to blunder ahead.

"I think I like someone. But it seems sort of crazy."

"It always feels crazy to like someone, Davey. But it's perfectly natural." She put a hand on his shoulder. "Have you tried talking to her?"

Still looking away from her face, but leaning into her hand slightly, David whispered, "It's Denton."

She pulled her hand back in surprise. "Brian Denton? But he's…"

"A man. I know." David stood up and rubbed his face with his hands. With his hands in his face he didn't see her come up to him and wrap her arms around his waist. "I told you it was crazy." He shook his head, but let his hand rest on hers, accepting her comfort. "I just… I can't get him out of my head. And when I think about all that time I spent with him during the strike, printing the paper, and his smile… I don't know what's wrong with me, really. This is the first time I've ever been excited about anyone like this. But he's a man."

Sarah was quiet for a moment, resting her face on his shoulder. "I was going to say, but he's too old for you. I wasn't going to say anything about his being a man."

David turned to look at her, his eyes inquisitive. "Should I talk to him?"

With a slow breath out, she replied, "I think you should talk to Jack."

David shook his head quickly. "No way. He's the only one NOT teasing me about Denton."

"And why do you think that is?" she asked pointedly.

David shrugged. "I don't know. He's too busy with you?" He backed toward the window, feeling let-down by her advice. "He's the last one I need to involve in this, Sarah. He's my last ally."

"Well, suit yourself. But I think he'd have better advice than me." She turned away from him, reaching for her basket of lacework, letting him leave out the window without any more words.

David found himself out in the muggy evening air, and let himself wander for a bit. He found himself on a crossroad. Turn one way and he'd find himself at Denton's apartment, where he could tell him how he felt and let nature take its course. Or turn the other way and he would find himself at the Duane Street Lodging House, to get whatever advice Jack could give. He stood there, debating for half a minute, until a figure clasped him on the shoulder and caused him to jump.

"A bit jumpy there, Mouth," Jack said, offering David the cigarette he had been holding in his other hand.

David started to decline, then changed his mind and took the cigarette, taking a deep, cough-inducing drag.

"You okay?" Jack asked. "You seem a bit…well, stressed."

David blundered ahead, deciding to follow Sarah's advice. "If you liked someone, would you wait for them to make a move, or would you do something about it."

Jack narrowed his eyes slightly. "Who put you up to this?"

"Sarah said I should ask you," David said, a bit taken aback by Jack's suspicious response.

"What did she tell you?" His voice was harsher than David expected.

David took a step back, puzzled. "Nothing. She just thought you'd have good advice for me."

Jack's face softened. "Oh. Okay. Well… Why me?" He seemed instantly calmer.

"I don't know. It's not like you and I have spent much time together lately," David accused, sounding more upset than he had realized he was. "It's like you only have eyes for Sarah."

Jack looked at David seriously for a moment. "Who do YOU have eyes for?"

David, took a deep breath, then without losing Jack's gaze, he said, "Denton."

Jack took a step back, a flash of some unreadable emotion flashing across his face. David instantly regretted saying anything, silently cursing his need to talk without thinking this through better.

"Well, good luck with that," was all Jack had to say, and he turned to stalk off, heading in the direction of the Lodging House.

David watched him go, feeling panicked. He hadn't meant to… to what? To upset Jack? Offend him? Disgust him?

He angrily kicked at a rock on the ground. This is what he got for listening to Sarah's advice. What a joke.

He was left with two options now. Approach Denton, open his heart, and see what would come of that. Or pretend he was not feeling any of these feelings and just go on with his life, living a lie.

That second option sounded like torture. He didn't think he could handle one more ribbing from the guys. He probably would snap the next time one of them decided to tease him.

But the thought of going to talk to Denton… Well, that was just the most heart-thumping, gut-wrenching plan he had ever had.

He watched Jack, far down the street, then turned to the other direction, heading for Denton's apartment. Here goes nothing.

To be continued.