The last days of Tuckers heat passed without bigger issues. Except of the fact that he tried to jump on Washs bones whenever he wasn't watching out. Which lead to Wash going to sleep at his home, alone, until Tucker had a clear head again. He would just drop by whenever he could to play with Junior that he wouldn't feel so lonely.
The bond had an immediate effect on Tuckers heat, making the fever go back a little bit. If it's true what the people say, the more years they stayed together, the lesser would be the effects of the heat on the Omega.
Some months after getting together, Wash and Tucker decided to move together. Finding an apartment, which actually allowed pets was quiet tricky, but they eventually managed it. Junior was happy because he now lived closer to his friends, being able to walk over and play with them whenever he liked to. Even Delta and Theta loved the new place. Only Epsilon wasn't so happy about the whole meeting up with old friends. After again attacking the two other cats (Especially after a close call where Wash had to drive to the emergency with a heavily bleeding Theta) Tucker and Wash had to give Epsilon away. Junior was sad about it, but he understood that it wouldn't work out.
Again, luck was on Epsilons side, as Carolina agreed on taking him. Within a year, the cat learned to accept other animals around him, loosing much of his hostility. Although he still could be a bitch if he wanted to. And he still hated Washs guts for some unknown reason.
Simmons actually managed it to coax Kai into finishing High school at least. She dropped out with an average mark, deciding to stay as employee at Omegan. North actually picked up Simmons idea and expanded the Omegans to a restau-bar. During the day, it was a restaurant, becoming a bar during the night. Thanks to this idea, the revenue increased significantly, also the number of employees due to the different shifts. Everyone was now able to decided when they liked to work, also being able to make a good income from working there.
Kai some when found a much older guy than herself to stay with. He wanted her for sex (Which she liked) and she wanted him for his money (Which she liked too). Grif had been furious when he found out, but eventually, he accepted it. More or less due to the fact that Kai cancelled the contact they had until he was behaving normal again. As Kai was the only relative left for Grif, he soon had to accept this fact and their contact got better.
Carolina dropped out of the Freelancer some years later, deciding it was about time to reorganize her live. She was living together with York, Delta and Epsilon. On her search for a new work, North offered her to get his partner at Omegans. He needed someone to be around all the time the Omegan was open. Even North had to accept that he couldn't be around the whole day and night. Which led him to the idea of asking Carolina.
Working there, the redhead noticed soon that she didn't had to be so uptight about her cycle, being able to take a leave without any problems. Slowly, she began to get calmer, not having such a short fuse she often liked to have during Freelancer.
After years of being together with York, the tan clothed man finally manned up and popped the question during a party they had with all their friends.
Carolina accepted, soon getting married to York. Not even a year after their marriage, Carolina informed North as one of the first that she was expecting a baby and would drop out soon. However, she would like to stay partner of him and return after the baby break.
Palomo soon after moved out of the apartment to live with Harke. Bitters moved in. It was his first apartment at all and his first together with his boyfriend. Even He wouldn't show it, but he couldn't wait for the day to come when Bitters would be finally able to move to Matthews. And Matthews couldn't wait for Bitters to move in. Unfortunately, his heat kicked in just the day Bitters moved in, so he wasn't much of a help. The fever still was high, but not as high as the last time.
Bitters kept up his job as driver, whilst Matthews studied hard and worked at the Omegans. He passed the exams with one of the best marks of the entire school, soon having a very good paid job at a local software developing company. This company was famous all over the world, Matthews travelling all around the globe. But he would never forget where his home was, coming back home just to be with Bitters. Whenever he had the chance, he would come home earlier. He just loved the spark of happiness in Bitters eyes and how his face would brighten up when he would come into the apartment and notice that he was already home.
Simmons kept on studying hard. After Kai dropped out of high school, she decided to move out. Which led to Grif asking him to move in with him. The apartment would be too big for him alone. Sure thing would Simmons accept, happy to be out of the old apartment.
He would take with him what he could, and sell his stuff to the next inhabitant or other people needing some furniture or stuff.
The living room got back is initial purpose, setting up Grifs TV and Simmons couch (Which was in better shape than the old rug standing there previously).
Kais old room became Simmons study. Finally he had enough space to spread out his documents and enough quiet to really learn something.
Grif often would gripe at him that this stuff was boring and that he should take it easy, but in the end, he would respect it when Simmons said he would go study. He would even try to keep the noises on a minimum to not disturb his Omega.
The result of this hard work was a summa cum laude for Simmons and a job at the local Texan observatory. Sure, he would often travel to the Atacama to study the cosmos there, but most of the time he was at the Texan observatory, being able to go home when he was done with his work.
After some years, he managed an exploit, writing an essay about some difficult stuff Grif didn't want or could understand, but from this day on, his love was something like a local famous in the astrologists lobbies.
Which opened up a lot of ways for him. In the end, Simmons remained at the Texan observatory, although he cut back on work to deepen the subject of his exploit-essay.
When they found out that Carolina was pregnant, Simmons got somewhat strange for several days, locking himself up in his study and working like a madman. Grif practically had to pry him off his work, turn him upside down, and shake him to get out of him what was up.
The Omega had seen this longing glance of Grif when they came to talk to family, which somehow frightened and upset the redhead.
It took Grif almost the whole night to get into Simmons head that he, yes, would love to have his own kids, but that, no, he wouldn't stress Simmons about that. If he didn't want kids (his own or adopted) it was fine for Grif too. He really wouldn't put pressure on him about this issue.
After some days more, Simmons seemed to have gotten to terms with this whole thing, jumping back to his old self.
Only after one or two years later, this subject would come up again. Kai had her own kids, Grif often having them over to look after them. Which helped Simmons a lot to get used to them.
Some evening, just after Kai came over to get the kids, Simmons and Grif were sitting on the couch and cuddling, when the Omega brought the subject up. Asked Grif if he still wanted his own kids.
Grif would answer of course, but he still wouldn't stress Simmons about that, he would be happy too without them.
Simmons smiling and only remarking that his heat would kick in tomorrow. It took the Alpha some minutes to understand and about ten times the question if he was really, really, really sure about that. Simmons would only smile and nod every time, confirming that yes, he was really, really, really sure about this.
A week after Simmons heat was over; he would jump out of the bed early in the morning, running of for the toiled and retching out his guts. After the initial panic Grif and Simmons soon clicked what was up, both calling the day in to lay in their bed to cuddle and kiss the whole day to celebrate.