Girl's night.

The girls waved goodbye to the boys before excitedly running over to the TV area where Raven already sat. Kory jumped down on a pile of pillows, overly animated for the night ahead as Karen and Jinx joined her.

"What are we ganna do first?" Ask Karen.

"Well for starters, we need music." Jinx said as she strolled over to the stereo system. She turned it on and played a loud pop song and started to dance to the beat as Kory and Karen got up to join her.

"Raven come on." Kory encouraged, swinging her hips to the beat.

"Yeah, dance with us." Karen joined in.

"No thank you." Raven said with her nose in her book.

"Raven you promised." Kory almost whined.

"I said I would be present in girls night, I never said I would participate." Raven told her, still reading her book. Jinx then took it upon herself to sneak up on her and yanked her novel out of her hands! Raven wasn't amused. "Jinx, give me back my book." She demanded.

Jinx ignored her as she held it up with a smirk, "I don't think I will."

Raven stood up and almost looked somewhat intimidating to the former villain. But Jinx stood her ground. "Give me back my book, Jinx." She said again.

Jinx continued to stand her ground, the book still up in her hand and Raven was about to pounce for it when Kory intervened. "Raven please, I really want you to be a part of girl's night with us." She said getting in-between the two.

Raven glared at her but Kory's eyes were just so big that even the devil himself couldn't refuse. "Fine." She sighed and the girls cheered before running up and hugging her. "But no touching!" Raven barked and they all slowly retreated.

They went back to the couch with Raven and Karen sitting on the sofa and Jinx and Kory on the floor, hugging pillows. They ate salty and sugary foods and played a harmless game of would you rather while painting each other's nails.

After the three had a good laugh, Kory got up and put in a romance movie. The movie was predictable, in Raven's opinion. Quirky girl meats hot guy, who shockingly doesn't talk to other girls and yet talks to her. They fall in love during silly, impractical situations, until they make unrealistic love. Then things go downhill and they have a fight in the rain. Some sort of confession is made which the other proves wrong and they kiss and make up and supposedly live happily ever after.

It definitely wasn't Raven's type of movie.

The others screamed and giggled as the credits filled the screen, and thankfully no one asked Ravens opinion on the movie for she would have killed the mood with her judgment.

While the others continued to giggle and swoon over the hot actor from the movie Raven glanced at the clock and sighed, it had been a little over two hours since the boys had left and she wondered how late they would stay out. She hated to admit it but she was starting to miss one teammate in particular.

"So Star, what's going on with you and Bird Boy?" Karen smirked, before eating a hand full of popcorn.

Kory blushed and hid a small smile, "Whatever do you mean?"

"Girl, don't act so innocent." Karen confronted, "We all saw the lingering goodbye kiss you gave him."

"Yeah, we all know that you two are super serious." Jinx joined in.

"Yeah, well, what about you Jinx, I see you and Wally are back together." Kory shot back.

"Yeah?" Karen said, turning to her, "I thought you two were over?"

Jinx rolled her eyes, "Yeah well, sometimes things just happen." She trailed off.

"Things like?..." Kory urged.

"He makes it hard to stay mad at him, okay." Jinx said in an undertone.

For once Raven actually paid attention in what the others were talking about, and kind of understood and related to what Jinx was saying.

"And what about you Karen?" Jinx suddenly threw back.

"What?" She asked.

"I want to hear about you and Vic." Jinx smirked.

She smiled, "There's nothing to talk about, we're just friends."

"Really?" Jinx responded.

"Just friends." She said again.

"Friends who flirt." Kory pointed out.

"Yeah, so we flirt, but that's it, it never goes anywhere." She trailed off before turning to Raven, "What about you?"

"Excuse me?" Raven questioned.

"Are you seeing anyone?" Karen asked with a smirk. Raven raised an eyebrow but didn't answer the question.

"I think she is." Kory added and they all turned to her.

"Really?" Raven smirked, "What makes you think that?"

"I don't know, It's just as of late, I've notice you've been... different; you act different…"

"I act different?"

"Yeah, I mean you use to have this gloomy lonely vibe to you, and now it's gone."

Raven blinked, "Really?"

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Karen smirked.

"Yeah, who swept you off your feet?" Jinx grinned.

"No one!" Raven shot back and they all looked at her.

"Come on Raven." Karen urged.

"Yeah, just tell us." Jinx pushed. Raven was cornered and was quite aggravated by it.

"Raven just tell us." Kory pleaded.

"Who's the guy?" Karen pressed.

With a bang the door suddenly barged open, startling the girls as a panicked, out of breath Garfield ran in! "Raven I can explain!" He yelled but was quickly cut off as Richard and Roy tackled him to the ground.

The girls rose with surprised faces and looked at Garfield in concern. "Richard, what are you doing!?" Kory asked approaching them.

"Raven I!-" Garfield tried but Roy covered his mouth.

"What's going on?" Karen asked as Victor ran into the room.

"What's going on is Green Bean here says he and Raven are dating." Raven kept her face expressionless as Victor smugly confronted her. And Garfield squirmed on the floor but couldn't get free as he tried to speak through Roy's hand. "So Rave, is it true?" Victor smirked.

Instead of an answer Raven casually walked up to the boys and pointed her finger to one side, signaling for them to get up off Garfield.

They quickly obeyed.

Garfield got up and with a worried expression, he tried to explain but Raven silently shushed him, and without a sound she walked him towards the door and out of the room. The others watched in shock as they left, and even though they didn't get an answer the reaction they all received proved what they thought.

Jinx then got side tracked and looked around, "Wait, where's Wally?"

"He's passed out in the back seat." Victor told her pointing a thumb towards the open door.

"Of course he is." She sighed and trotted towards the door.

Raven walked Garfield into her room and shut the door behind them. "Raven I…" He tried again, but she shushed him in response. She sat down on her bed and he confusedly did the same. "Rae?" He whispered.

He stared at her as she slowly leaned in and gently kissed him. And her hand slowly caressed his face as he kissed back on instinct. She then lightly pulled away and hugged him tightly. "I missed you." She said softly.

His confused expression faded as a smile crept on his face and he hugged her back. "I… I missed you too."