I'm back, at least some what. I have not edited this yet (i.e space it out) enjoy
Chapter 8
Bioweapon vs. Bioweapon
The morning after the attack, Ash woke up and looked at his clock; it was already getting near noon and the others were already up. He got up and headed downstairs and saw everyone getting ready to sit down for breakfast and he soon joined them. After breakfast, Ash went to Oak's lab to see if he could get in touch with Guy to find out everything about the XDs he knew. Oak met Ash in the lobby and said that tracking Guy down would be difficult since he was a traveling trainer and it would take some time. Ash looked over and saw Gary and Tracey enter the lobby and crash face first right into the sofa that was there.
"What's up Gary?" Ash asked.
"Long day ahead, Ash," replied Gary out of the cushions, "So, what are you up to today?"
"Trying to get in touch with Guy and then I think I'll go for a hike."
"Good luck with finding him."
With that, Gary got up and left Ash and Tracey in the lobby and headed into the back area of the lab. In the back of the lab, Silver was being cared for in a special lab to prevent the others from sensing him; when he heard the door to his room open, he looked up to see Gary coming in and then settled back down to try and get some rest.
"How are we doing today Silver?" asked Gary.
"I feel uneasy," replied Silver, "something's around."
"I know. My Pokemon have been on edge all morning. I don't like this one bit."
In the forest at the edge of Pallet, Frost and another figure were discussing a plan to destroy Ash.
"Ok Q," Frost said, "you take down Ash while I deal with his family and friends to make sure they don't interfere."
The figure looked up at Frost and got up; the figure was a man and he had long brown hair that ran to the base of his neck with some of it getting into his face and over his eyes but his eyes were hidden by large black sunglasses. He wore a dirt brown, sleeveless biker's jacket and long cargo pants that were a darker shade of brown with boots of the same shade as the pants. He had on a double buckle belt and on it were a pair of rust colored boxing gloves.
"Are you sure you can keep them distracted?" Q asked, "From the report you gave us, you were pummeled by a Latios infant."
"That was a fluke!" Frost glared, "I was caught off guard that time, but it won't happen again!"
"Yeah, yeah whatever," Q replied in a flat tone, "how long do you think Jango can keep XD-385 busy? That one is one loose end that I don't want to worry with."
"Thirty minutes at the most. Jazz is there to make sure he doesn't get himself killed."
"Fine. We start as planned in one hour. That should give Jango enough time to get busy."
With that, Frost disappeared in her Shadow Energy to get into position and Q started to walk to his own position.
In the depths of Mt. Silver, a boy in green clothing, with sapphire eyes and ruby hair was training. The Ultimate Bioweapon, Neo, was finishing his training by defeating a large group of Steelix and Golem. It had been quite a few days since he left Pallet to train and it was about time to get back to his master. Just then Neo heard clapping behind him in a dark area of the cavern; he turned around to see a man walking out of the darkness still clapping. The man had long silver hair that flowed everywhere and went down to the back of his knees. His hands were long, almost like claws, and he wore no shirt, but had on dark green cargo pants and black shoes. Hanging around his waist and off his wrists and ankles were broken restraint bands. The man stopped clapping and let his arms fall to his sides as his hair kept his eyes hidden but a smirk on his face was clearly present.
"Well done," the man said.
Neo sensed something odd about the man's aura and immediately became suspicious, "Who are you?"
The man began to smile like a madman who just won the lottery and started to laugh as he lifted his head to reveal glowing yellow eyes. Neo instantly saw the aura of Shadow Energy coming off of the man and got into fighting position.
Neo eyes got wide at that and then they got real narrow as his hair turned from ruby to sapphire, "Tell me who you are, you cackling box!"
The man's smile only got wider and his eyes glowed like headlights as the laughing got louder, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM XD-380, JANGO, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I AM HERE, HAHAHAHAHAHA TO KILL, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU!"
Neo was caught off guard as Jango charged forward at amazing speed like a Ghost type and hit him in the gut. Neo had no chance to block the attack but that is what got to him; what got to him was that the attack actually hurt and he felt every bit of pain. As Neo was throw back from the attack he recovered by using Gust to cushion his fall; Neo had never seen an attack like that and Jango kept coming towards him, still laughing like a maniac.
"What was that?" Neo demanded.
Neo was changing his body composition to Normal type to negate any other Ghost moves Jango might have, but Jango was one step ahead and used Taunt and Neo was forced to stop the change and charge Jango physically. Neo came in for a Mega Punch, but the attack never made contact; in fact the attack went straight through Jango and was countered with a Sucker Punch attack. Neo was forced to his knees from the blow, but he was far from done; Jango felt shaking around him and momentarily lost his balance from the now recognizable Magnitude and Neo took advantage of that and changed to a Normal type and used Surf. Jango was thrown back and had little time to recover before Neo was on him with a Psywave but thanks to his Dark type half, the attack had no effect and he just got up and still had that huge grin on his face.
"HAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S NOT GOING TO WORK!" Jango laughed as he did a Faint Attack on Neo and hit instantly. Neo got back up and did an Earthquake, but Jango didn't fall for it and melted into the ground. Neo wasn't going to be able to hit Jango now that he had done that and flew up into what little space there was. Jango had used Nasty Plot to raise his special attack strength and appeared out of the ceiling above Neo and dropped down on him and used Dark Pulse. Neo flinched at the surprise attack and that gave Jango a chance for Night Slash, which scored a direct hit and knocked Neo to the ground and temporarily knocked Neo's composition out of balance so Jango used Destiny Bond on himself and Neo. Neo instantly felt the connection that Jango forged and quickly reset his composition to Normal. Neo had to find a way to negate the connection before he attacked again, but Jango didn't give him the chance and did a Night Slash, which scored a direct hit. Neo was shocked at what Jango was doing; if he was attacking him, then not only is he risking knocking himself out, but he should be feeling the attack as well. Neo put some distance between himself and Jango and saw that Jango still had that wide grin on his face and still chuckled; though dazed, Neo was getting more and more pissed at Jango.
"Surely you must've felt that attack as well," Neo said.
Neo knew at that point that he was dealing with someone far beyond the normal boundaries of insane or even psychotic. If he wanted to have even a small chance of beating Jango, then he'd have to think like Jango and that meant going into his third form, his most psychotic and murderous. Neo looked deep within his mind and released all of the blood and battle lust he usually kept in the back of his mind and let it flow; the result was a huge red and blue energy swirl around Neo as half of his hair turned ruby while the eye on the same side as the hair that changed also turned ruby. When Neo looked at Jango, he had pure bloodlust in his eyes as he smiled and started laughing like the maniac he now was and abandoned his composition strategy.
"Oh yea, I am back in the game!" Neo shouted, "Now then Jango, it's time boy; oh yes, you are gonna die today and when you do, I will make your body look like Swiss cheese and afterwards I just might eat it with some saltines!"
Jango responded by laughing in the same psychotic way, as Neo was, "HEHEHEHEHEHE, NOW THAT'S THE XD-385 I HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT! NOW LET'S SEE WHO IS CRAZIER, YOU OR ME!"
Neo went at Jango like a tank and Jango did the same; Jango did a Shadow Claw, which made contact, but Neo just shrugged it off and used a Bullet Seed and knocked Jango back. Jango recovered fast and Neo was on him just as fast, but Jango used Dark Pulse to push Neo back and succeeded and came in for a Shadow Punch, which also made contact, but that was exactly what Neo wanted and he countered Jango with an Eruption attack. The two bioweapons were thrown to opposite ends of the cavern and knocked out simultaneously because of Destiny Bond. Neo had reverted back to his normal form, but he was able to recover faster due to his DNA with gelatinous properties, but he still ached. When he got up he slowly walked over to Jango, who was laid out eagle style and he saw that he still had that wide grin on his face.
"Well done little dude," said a voice from behind Neo who turned around to see a man walking past him toward Jango. The man had on a bright yellow tuxedo with shoes of the same color and a golf hat of the same color along with a brown tie and white dress shirt. The man also had short brown hair and gentle green eyes that was shining with compassion. It was obvious that being subtle was not something that this guy was familiar with but something about him instilled a state of peace as he kneeled near Jango.
"Hey," Neo demanded, "Who are you?"
The man ignored the question and smiled gently at Neo, "Ya know, it's not everyday that someone goes up against Jango. It's even rarer to see that someone beat him at his own game."
Neo became annoyed at the man and started to power back up, "Answer me! Who are you?"
The man continued to ignore the question as he looked at Neo, "Whoa there little dude. You've got waaaaaay too much stress built up. You need to take some Tai-Chi breathing lessons, take a nap, or follow the brick road or something like that; anyway it'll do wonders for your health." The man then looked down at Jango and lifted his head off of the ground and shook it, "Oh Jango. Ooooohhhhh Jaaaaaaannnnnngo. Wakey wakey eggs and bacony. Eh, screw it. Guess I'll have to carry ya. That's a downer."
Neo had had enough of the man and charged him with a Thunderpunch; the man didn't even move, he just caught the attack in his hand and absorbed every bit of voltage Neo gave and returned the attack with a thump on the head. That small thump sent Neo flying back a few yards before land on his face, fully paralyzed. Neo recognized the effects as being a part of Thunder Wave, but he'd never seen it that powerful. Neo looked up to the man who had picked up Jango and put one of Jango's arms around the back of his neck and smiled at Neo.
"Ya know little dude," the man said, "I'm not a dude you should worry about. I'd go and scoot on to ya digs or something; catch ya laaaater."
The man turned around and began to disappear in a bright light and he then turned he head back toward Neo, "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm XD-383, but just call me Jazz. Later little dude."
With that, the man was gone and so was Jango. Neo used the ability of Natural Cure to get rid of the paralysis and got up. Neo thought for a moment about what the man said before he left; then it hit him, something was happening back at Pallet Town and his master was in danger. Neo instantly used Teleport to get outside of Mt. Sliver and got airborne. After orienteering himself to the direction of Pallet Town, he took off.
At the edge of Pallet Town, Ash was walking through the forest to sort out what Guy said. Oak had tracked Guy down in Fortree City and they talked about the XDs. Guy said that the early experiments from 001 to around 260 were done on Pokemon who were injected with Shadow Energy for their experiment basis. The process was painful and many Pokemon died from too much. From 260 to 385 the scientists started using Pokemon DNA to give the experiment high amounts of power and they made sure to give them Ditto DNA and programmed a human form into the DNA for stealth purposes. Ash followed the trail to a wide-open clearing, which he always went to when he needed to think. It was at this time that Q chose to strike and he appeared in front of Ash. Ash was surprised, but he got into a fighting position.
"Who are you?" Ash demanded, "an XD?"
The man nodded and replied in a tone that was void of any emotions, "Yeah. I am XD-384, Q. I'll make it quick." Q took the gloves the he had with him and put them on; he then got into a boxer's stance. Ash wasn't impressed and went into his silver haired ascension form and charged Q with a roundhouse kick. Q countered by ducking under the kick and grabbing Ash's leg and throwing him across the clearing; Ash flew and hit a tree with a tremendous force, but he got up anyway and tried again by charging with an uppercut. Q parried the attack and used the momentum of the attack and tossed Ash over behind his shoulder; Ash recovered and landed on his feet and went at Q with a different strategy and just before he got to Q, he used his speed to disappear and get on Q's left side and punched, but Q grabbed Ash's arm and elbowed him in the gut which made him gasp for air. Q threw Ash over his shoulder martial arts style and sent him flying.
"Still a novice with those powers," Q said quietly as he used Agility and disappeared.
Ash landed on his feet, but just he landed, Q was in front of him and tripped him with Low Kick; as he fell off balance Q's fist glowed white as it was powered for Mega Punch and it was aimed right at Ash and the hit exploded on impact causing a massive shockwave.
"It's over," Q stated.
At Pallet, everyone rushed outside to see what was a massive explosion they heard.
"What was that?" Latios shouted.
"I don't know," Mewtwo replied, but he noticed something, "Hey, where's Ash?"
The group looked around, but Ash was nowhere to be found. The group then came to the horrific realization; Ash was probably in that explosion. As the group ran toward where the blast originated from, a Shadow Ball exploded in front of them and made them stop. From the blast smoke, a female Sneasel stepped out and got into a battle stance.
"I'm afraid none of you are going anywhere," she stated.
"I know you," Gary said, "you're that XD experiment that attacked Ash last night; you're Frost!"
"That'd be me."
The rest of the group didn't say anything; they just charged Frost at full force leaving Onyx and Amber with May and the others. Frost just smirked and used Icy Wind to take down Latios and Latias and then used Dark Pulse to throw back Mewtwo. Bayleef kept coming and used Vine Whip on Frost, but she jumped into the air and came down with a Flying type's precision and used Aerial Ace; the attack hit dead center and Bayleef was knocked out. Latias, Latios, and Mewtwo got back up, but didn't just charge Frost; they had to think about their next move.
"You go and take care of Bayleef," Gary said walking up past them, "I'll take care of this."
"That's fine," Frost replied, "I've got a bone to pick with you anyway."
Gary smirked, held out a Pokeball and threw it, "Rhyperior, I need your help!"
The Sinnoh Drill Pokemon appeared and got in battle stance instantly.
"Top of the day, I feel good today," Rhyperior said, "So where's my opponent? Surely not this little girly Sneasel boss."
"Don't underestimate her," Gary replied.
Frost wasn't about to be insulted again and charged Rhyperior.
Back in the forest clearing, Q was quite disappointed about his attack, "So it seems that Jango couldn't keep you busy long enough."
At the receiving end of Q's fist, which was meant for Ash, was diverted to the ground and in front of Ash stood Neo in his sapphire haired fighting form.
"So, you sent Jango after me?" Neo asked, already getting more pissed, "To keep me busy so that you could get to my master?"
"I see no need to have to answer to you, traitor."
With that Q turned his back to the two and started to walk away.
"Where do you think you're going?" Neo shouted with his voice pressed and brimming with anger.
"I have no interest in tag team battles," replied Q in a flat tone as he continued walking.
Neo wasn't going for it and charged Q with blinding speed and went for a Leaf Blade; Q however countered Neo's rash action with a Mach Punch combined with an Ice Punch in one fist, which struck Neo first because of its speed and froze him. Ash ran to his guardian to break him out of the ice.
"Ash, the Chosen One. You are just a novice with your powers, so neither you nor your guardian will be able to defeat me until you gain some skill," Q said as he used Agility to exit the battle site.
Rhyperior was becoming a major pain to Frost. No matter what attack she did, Rhyperior just took the attack and countered it; it was like his entire body was an armored tank. She wouldn't stand for that insult and charged at with the full intent of breaking that Pokemon down with an Avalanche attack, but she didn't get the chance because she was grabbed by the back of her neck and lifted right off of the ground. Frost turned her head and glared at Q, who had gotten her.
"We're leaving," Q simply said.
Frost knew better than to resist Q unless she felt like being killed, so she resigned herself and in an instant, the two were gone. Gary recalled Rhyperior and went to check if everyone was okay. Gary used a Max Revive on Bayleef and she was back on her feet while everyone was fine except for the sharp blow they suffered to their pride, especially Mewtwo. It was at this time that Ash and Neo emerged from the forest area and they were immediately swarmed by the others. Gary stayed back to assess the area for more enemies before Ash approached him.
"You doing ok Gary?" Ash asked.
"Yeah, and you?" Gary replied.
"Good, but I think I got my butt handed to me on a silver platter."
"WHAT?!" shouted a voice from behind Ash.
Gary and Ash look in the direction the voice came from and saw Neo shaking uncontrollably with rage.
"Hey Ash," Gary asked, "Who's your friend?"
Suddenly Neo was swirling with energy and he pointed right at Gary, "You!"
Gary had no time to say anything before Neo came at him like a torpedo; Gary rolled out of the way and got out a Pokeball, "Hey, what'd I do to you?"
Neo didn't answer, but just charged straight for Gary with a Leaf Blade and everyone jumped out of the way. Gary then took out another Pokeball and threw the two he now had out, "Electivire, Garchomp, I need your help!"
The two Sinnoh Pokemon appeared and got into fighting positions and Neo stopped to look at his opponents. He had never seen those Pokemon before and he certainly didn't have them in his DNA.
"What kind of Pokemon are those?" Neo shouted.
"Sinnoh region Pokemon," Gary replied, "Ash told me about you. You have the DNA of 385 species of Pokemon, but you don't have the DNA of the Sinnoh region Pokemon, which gives me the element of surprise."
"They still won't stand a chance," smirked Neo as he got in a fighting stance and turned his hair sapphire, "After I knock them out, I'll kill you!"
Gary's Pokemon didn't respond well to that and gave off power sparks from their bodies, as they stood ready for Neo and to defend their trainer.
To Be Continued…