Her heels clicked as she confidently trotted through the crowds, her skirt swayed with each step as the young woman made her way to the baggage claim. She kept her carry on in the crook of her arm as the sunlight reflected off her designer sunglasses, and the Hermes scarf that she wore on her head kept her from being noticed. The tall blond man walking with her was caring a violin case, and kept the fedora he was wearing covered his eyes.

"Do you know if the driver is at the gate?" She asked without looking at the man. He looked at his phone and nodded.

"Yes, and our luggage has arrived at the main house." She groaned at the thought, and took a deep breath. It was inevitable if she wanted and kind of privacy she would have to stay at the main house.

"Will mom and dad be there?" she asked

"I don't know" She stopped in her tracks

"You don't think they'll come to the airport?" He turned around and the young man gave her a quizzical look "Well you remember what happened in Milan. We were almost trampled because someone leaked to the media when we were arriving." She worries just like her mother, the young man thought.

"es wird alles gut (Every thing will be okay)" He said as he put his hand on her back and moved her forward. "Now we really need to go." As he spoke she noticed whispers from people in the crowed and looked behind her and realized that her scarf had fallen off reviling her orange hair. She turned around and grabbed the scarf and pulled the man with her.

"Come on Momiji we have to go now." She said as she dragged him through the terminal. As she did cameras began to flash and people started calling to her.

"It's Kyoko." "Hey Kyoko" "Kyoko Sohma, a picture please?" as they reached the end of the terminal reporters surrounded the Car that was there to pick them up. They both took a deep breath as they stepped out in to the flair of cameras.

"Now in Local News" The reporter spoke as images of Kyoko and Momiji pushing their way through reporters and in to a car began to roll on the right side of the screen as the reporter continued to speak. "Lead Soprano for the world Opera troop, seventeen year old Kyoko Sohma, has returned home today. Officially the Prima Donna is taking some time to be with her family after finishing a successful run at La Scala, but other sources have indicated that this break is due to the split between the young Soprano and former boyfriend American Singer/Song writer Adam Blake. The Break-up, once thought to be amicable now is rumored to be rather messy with Blake's new single, if you never had left, shedding some possible light on the subject. Miss. Sohma will be returning to the stage as she opens the Tokyo Opera House for its season in six months after New Year's."

Kyo frowned at the small TV that Shigure had turned on when he walked in to the living room. The older man had come over earlier in the day to drop off something that Thoru needed for the party but had since failed to leave, even after Kyo's wife went off to the store.

"Ohh, So Kyoko is back today?" the former dog asked as Kyo turned the machine off and lightly tapped the top of it with his fist.

"Yeah" he said shaking his head "I don't get why that is breaking news."

"Kyo, your daughter is a star, and any young star to grace this city with her presences must be properly acknowledged" Shigure said in the same flamboyant tone that he used to use when talking about Thoru or any young girl for that matter.

"I would have hoped that as you got older you would have become less of a perv." the former cat said irritably.

"Well I would have hoped that parenthood would have cooled your temper. Ohh well, at least you don't snap at your children." Shigure said as he followed Kyo's eye line to the adjacent room. The door had been left open as well as the window. A broom was left in the corner and the mattress was up against the wall.

"She won't be coming home. I don't know how to tell Thoru," Kyo walked in the room that smelled of dust and disuse and picked up the picture on the bedside table "I don't think she will ever come back here to stay." The older man noticed the slight sadness that had crept in to the younger's voice, and simply nodded his head.

"You knew that was a risk in letting her go. So why did you?" The elder asked in a reverent tone that reminded anyone that though he joked around Shigure was wiser than he usually acted.

"She is far too talented to stay here like her mother and I did. I was held back by the curse; on the day she was born I promised her I would help her fly as far as she wanted to go." Kyo stared down at the two faces that occupied the picture one was his and the other of his daughter at the age of four both sitting at the piano laughing. "I just wish it wasn't so far away" they both sat in silence for a while and then Shigure stood.

"Well I have to go, Akito will have so much to do with all the fuss going on at the main house, she asked me to watch our son till the party tomorrow. Make sure to tell Thoru and Neko I said hello." The old dog said before he stepped out leaving Kyo alone with his thoughts.