Ok so this is my first ever disney fanfic, i hope you like it

Everything belongs to disney I own nothing except the plot and characters you don't recognize



I smile as I run through the park, my golden hair shinning in the Colorado sunlight. I blow a piece of hair out of my face and giggle.
"Sierra" my sister pants as she catches up to me "I want to go home" "Hold on Amber" I say turning to the ten year old. "Just till we get to the big oak tree"
"No, I wanna go home Now!" she says I look down at the chestnut haired girl. She wears a pretty new pink loose shirt, jeans and pink strap ons, Her hair is in two braids.
"Ok, fine I have to go check on Ms. Karina, and Pearl anyway" I say taking her hand.
I take out a pink lollypop from my pocket.
"Here" I say as she takes it. I begin to walk through the trees with it's orange and red leaves slowly falling to the ground, and take one more look behind me at the mountains. We pass the playground where all the children are playing, and head home. I look around me at the tall buildings and smile. We reach home and I see Dad waiting on the porch.
"Hi Baby" He smiles, I almost think he's talking to me but I see his green eyes, so identical to my own, starring only at Amber.
"Daddy" she giggles as I let her go and Dad hugs her close. I walk in and see Amber's twin Pearl dressed in red shirt with white poke dots, jean shorts, and little red converse, Her hair is held back by a red headband with a red flower on it with a white center. She, along with our Nanny Ms. Karina, were sick for the past two days so she didn't come with us to the park. "Sierra" she giggles putting down the book she had been reading, and running up to me.
"Hey Pearl" I say taking her hands and twirling her around. Her hands clasped around mine.
"Sierra will you read me a story tonight? And do the funny voices?" Pearl asks me when I stop spinning her.
"Sure Munchkin" I say knowing how much she loves it when I read to her.
"And sing me a lullaby?" Pearl asks looking up at me with hopeful amber eyes.
"Ok but if you want me to sing to you I can only read you one chapter." I say.
"Ok Sierra" She says as She picks up her book. I take off my gray sweater and tie it around my waist.
"Ms. Karina Its me, Sierra," I call taking her pills off the table.
"Come in Sweetie" her warm throaty voice calls. I walk in to see her sitting In bed, a mirror in her hands.
"Time for your vitamins Ms. Karina" I say getting the glass of water from her nightstand and handing it to her, along with two white pills. She takes them and gulps them down.
"Ugh," she says shaking her head "I loathe those awful things" I smile at her in amusement before going over to the window.

The sun is setting and the sky is a brilliant display of oranges, pinks and purples in all hues. In two days Dad will be flying to CA with my sisters.
"Don't worry Darling, I'll talk to your father" Ms. Karina says as if she knows that I yearn to be loved and wanted like them. "You can talk Ms. Karina" I say turning to the dark haired woman. "But I'm not sure that he'd listen. He blames me for Mom's death remember"
"Oh Sierra, He can blame you all he wants but that doesn't make it true" Ms. Karina says putting the glass down "No matter what he says you will always be my Darling Little Petal. I'll see what i can do"
"Thank you" I say running over to hug her.
"Anything for you my precious girl, It's no wonder your Pearl's favorite big sister" She chuckles. "I'm her only big sister" I laugh.
"Are you sure you don't want to sing for you?" I ask climbing on the blue blanketed bed to cuddle her.
"If you insist My beautiful Flower Petal" She smiles as she strokes my hair. I put my hair on her and begin to sing our special song. My golden locks begin glowing and just like that her wrinkles, and fever are gone as if they never happened. We sit like this for a while. Her fingers gently stoking my hair.
"I believe you have to set the table" Ms. Karina says breaking the silence "I love you very much Dear"
"I love you More" I say snuggling her
"I love you most" She says kissing my forehead. I'm slightly shocked usually she kisses the top of my head. I go into the kitchen and set the table.
"Sierra" Dad says coming behind me.
"Yes, Daddy?" I ask turning around.
"Pearl has asked that You go back to school" He says awkwardly. "As you know I can't refuse my Little Angels so you'll start when we get back"
"Really?" I asked my eyes widening "Thank you Daddy. Thank you!" I run over and hug him. To my surprise he hugs me back and then just as I thought he would he let me go.
"Yes, yes whatever" He grumbles. "Go and put these out for her" He hands me a bouquet of pink roses and nods his head towards the backyard.

I go out the door of the huge house and go to Mom's grave. Since Dad's the Governor of our state he had Mom's body be put in the backyard. I found it creepy at first but have now seen the grave so many times it's just another part of my wonderful, cheerful, life.
"Hi Mommy" I say sadly kneeling on the grass. Tears spill out of my eyes as I clear out the weeds. "I'm sorry, I know you don't like it when I cry but with everyday that passes new scars appear on my arms. He loves the twins but hates me. I miss you Mommy" I say placing the roses in the little slot.
I find myself sobbing so hard i can hardly breathe The wind blows making my floor length hair blow with it. For some weird reason my hair grows really long really fast. I stay like this remembering the day Mom found me.

I was just a baby, Somehow I ended up on the front porch. Mom was crying because she didn't have any kids and then she saw me. Since it made his beloved wife so happy Dad adopted me and he was the best dad in the world. I remember being two years old and following him everywhere I thought he was the coolest person in the world. He never glared at me and treated me even better than he treats the twins now.

That was all before Mommy died though. My whole body starts shaking both from the cold and crying so hard. The moon illuminates my pale blue t shirt and jeans. My hair spills down my back, and some falls over my face.
"Sierra you ok?" A voice calls bringing me from my thoughts. I look over the fence to see my best friend Kathleen or Leena fro short, Looking over at me.
"Yeah, I guess" I say running over to give the redhead a hug. For so long she's been like my sister.
"Sierra Get in here" Dad calls angrily. I give Leena a quick hug once more.
"Hey, I'm right here if you need me" She whispers before i run off to the grave once more.
"Coming" I call back fixing my hair and blinking my eyes. "Bye Mommy" I whisper before running back in the house. I see Dad and the twins already eating their dinner. I take whatever Dad burned and sit down.
"Daddy" Amber says fluttering her eyelashes.
"What is it my Precious jewel?" He says gently looking at her.
"Pearl and I want to get our halloween costumes at disneyland" She announces. Halloween? It's only September!
"And so you will my Angels" He says going over to cuddle them.

I mentally gag at the scene. Ever since mom died he won't even look at me except when he's ordering me around. That's why I'm glad he hired Ms. Karina when I was a baby. She's like my other mother. I finish my charcoal and wash the dishes. I walk up the stairs and go into the twins' big room. It has white walls with little pink designs, their beds, a window seat, and a bunch of toys.
"C'mon Sierra" Pearl says. She and Amber are both laying down in their canopy princess beds. Pearl on the left, Amber on the right.
"Ok kiddo hold on" I laugh going to my room and getting my notebook. I open up the last story I read them and start reading doing a different voice for each character.
"Just when the brave little princess was about to give up The dragon came and lifted her high above the clouds, She looked around the clear blue sky and smiled" I read. "That's all for today guys. What song do you wanna hear?"
Pearl turns to me and yawns sleepily.
"The one from Dumbo" She says.
"Yeah that one please" Amber begs. I laugh because Amber never says please unless it involves me and singing. She knows I don't respond to tantrums and Dad can't make me sing because Ms. Karina (who happened to be Mom's best friend) won't let him.
Baby Mine Don't you cry
Baby mine dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
never to part
baby of mine
I sing going to each of their beds and tucking the blankets under their chins I gently stroke their hair and finish the song I close the curtains on their beds, and walk down the hall. I go into my small room and climb into my bed wrapping myself in the warm purple blanket with a drawing of the sun on it. It's the only thing I have of my birth parents. I look at the shadows of my desk and dresser. The cool autumn breeze rushes in from the broken window. Shivering I cocoon myself in the blanket and try to sleep. After Mom died Dad pulled me out of my classes with Ms. Karina (Mom decided to homeschool me just in case because of the magic) and said he would get me another private teacher. He did and I did ok in with her. But then he decided to put all of his money into Amber and Pearl's private school. I missed her. She helped me get through Mom's death and was like my third mother. She didn't care what Dad said and judged me for herself. Slowly I cry out all my problems and fall asleep.