Night at the Museum

Chapter 10

A/N: Hey guys! I know it's taken a while for this chapter to come out and I know it might not be worth waiting for, I am very sorry. Hope you like it and please read the authors note at the bottom!

It was a stupid decision really, definitely not one the real Theodore Roosevelt would make. Then again he wasn't the real Theodore Roosevelt. I guess I should start from the beginning. The reason Teddy did what he did is quite funny actually, well it wasn't funny at the time but retelling the story always makes me chuckle at the stupidity of his logic at the time.

It all started with a simple ride, Teddy wanted to go for a small ride on Texas throughout the museum. It was mostly a normal, calm ride through the museum until he came to the entrance. Texas was spooked by something Teddy didn't see, the former president was thrown off his horse. He landed painfully on his hand, well not painfully as being cut in half was only a mere inconvenience but it looked incredibly painful to those watching.

Teddy knew something was very wrong when he tried picking himself up off the ground, only to find that his left hand wasn't responding. He frowned and attempted to move it but found that it refused to respond.

Larry ran up and offered a hand. "Are you okay?" Teddy took the offered hand with his good one.

"Yes, Lawerence. I am just fine, thank you." Larry nodded and once he was sure Teddy was fine, ran off to go deal with Dexter as he was up to something as usual.

Teddy snuck off to the bathroom to check on his injured hand. He took off his to find that three of his fingers were missing, having snapped off when he fell.

He knew he should probably get Sacagawea or at least tell someone of his predicament, but she has been extremely busy lately and he didn't want to bother her. So, he decided to just tough it out and wait until she had time to help him. He replaced his glove on his hand and left the bathroom going back to business as usual.

He managed most of the night without raising too much suspicion. However, his luck ended when Larry asked for help carrying a few items the capuchins stole from the various exhibits. He only carried the items with his good hand and Larry immediately noticed. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked worried.

"Of course Lawrence. Why wouldn't I be?" Teddy stubbornly replied.

"Because you're not using your left hand at all." Larry placed his things down. "Let me see."

"No, it's fine. I think I would know the state of my own hand Lawerence." He tried, but Larry had already taken off his glove.

His eyes widened at the damage. "Teddy. This is not in any way fine. Why didn't you get Sac to fix you?"

Teddy looked ashamed. "She's been so busy. I didn't want to bother her. I would have told her once she had time."

"Come on." Larry took the ashamed Teddy to Sacagawea. "Sac can you please take a look at your idiotic boyfriend for me.*"

Sacagawea turned from what she was doing to look at them, gasping when she saw the sorry state of her boyfriend's hand. "What happened?" She asked Larry, taking the glove.

"Ask him." Larry stated pointing at Teddy. "I have to go deal with the civil war dudes again." He sighed leaving.

Sacagawea looked at Teddy expectantly. "I fell off my horse. It's nothing dear."

"This isn't nothing, you are missing three fingers. I heard about the accident, it was hours ago. I was going to check on you once I was done here, but I guess I should have earlier. Why didn't you get me when it happened?" She asked, looking both worried and annoyed.

"You've been so busy. I didn't want to bother you. Besides, I don't even really feel it."

"I don't care it you can feel it or not. What worries me is that you didn't come to me immediately. What if it was worse?"

Teddy sighed. "I'm sorry my dear. I promise not to delay telling you when I am injured in the future."

Sacagawea smiled. "Good. Now let's go get you fixed up."

*Larry may seem a bit rude here, but remeber he is a sarcastic little bugger and I think he would have been annoyed that Teddy of all people lied to him about his condition.

IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE: Okay guys. I know you were excited for this chapter and I understand I took quite a while to get it to you. I'm sorry for that, but please understand I am a busy person and I don't always have the time to sit and type things out. I always write in my notebook then type it out on my laptop, so it's like writing a chapter twice. Plus I like to give you guys content you will love not just go 'Meh. Could have been better.'. Both of these factors take time.

Some of the reviews I got were a little on the rude side and though you may have been trying to be funny they were still rude. I also got a couple of reviews from what seems to be the same person asking me to update mulitple times in a day for the first few days. They actually kind of put me off typing this out of sheer annoyance, though at first it was flattering and I was happy you were so excited, it quickly became kind of annoying and the reviwes got ruder. I almost didn't type it tonight, even my friend who proofreads some of my other stories said I probably shouldn't after seeing some of the reviews, but I needed to write this while I had it in my mind.

It's okay to ask for updates and to get excited over an upcoming chapter but please remember to have paitence and be kind. Trust me, us authors try our hardest to get you your chapters, especially the requested ones, but sometimes things get in the way. Like I said I had this written in my notebook when I came home from vacation and had almost all of it typed out but it glitched and deleted everything. Plus, I got a kitten and went to a Chritian camp for a week and am now doing a play on top of School work, which is hectic this year, and piano lessons so I don't have a lot of time. I do try my hardest to get you guys new content but I can't always promise exactly how consistent it will be.

I will be continuing to write for this story so you can post any requests in the comments. However, I am currently out of the fandom for now. I will most likely be back in soon as I consistently flip-flop fandoms but I don't know when that will be. Anyway just leave your requests in the comments and I will make them top priority for future chapter of this story!

FOR THE REVIWER FURY AND IMPATIENCE: I just wanted to tell you that I do not write the story parenthood, the author to that story is HotChilePepper.