Hey people, here's a new chapter, hope you like it. I have a 2 weeks exams and I don't know when I'll post next so, enjoy :)

They walked into the tent. Robin took of his jacket and boots, Regina just stood there looking at him. "Well milady, you should get comfortable. I'll take one side of the mattress and you can have the other, if that's ok with you?"

Regina kept staring, she opened her mouth to talk but didn't know what to say. She was going to share a mattress with a man? Ok ok she can do this!

"Yes" she finally said "sure ok." She turned her back to him and she started undoing her jacket. Once she did, she took off her boots too. Took a deep breath and turned around to face him.

Robin was already laying on his side of the mattress with his eyes closed. Really? She was right there in frond of him, taking of her cloths, well not all of them but still, and he fell asleep? She was angry and hurt and didn't really know why. She through the boots on the side, making some noise to wake him up. He let a smile appear when he felt her frustration.

"Are you going to lay down princess?" He smirked at her opening her eyes to look at her.

"You are not sleeping?" She asked kind of shocked.

"I was just giving you some privacy." Robin explained.

"Oh ok." Regina said and walked closer to the mattress.

She sat on it and with a big breath she lay down. She just stared at the roof of the tent. With the corner of her eye he saw Robin moving. Her stomach tightened, was he going to touch her? Kiss her? Oh please kiss me, please kiss me? She wished. He covered her up with a blanket and got back to his side. What? Just that? Regina snapped her head and looked at him. Robin was looking at her too.

"So you won't get cold through the night." He said with a smile.

"Sure…yeah…thanks." She tuned her back to him, angry and pissed.

Yes she only know him a few hours, yes he was a stranger but he saved her, he flirted with her and he was on the same mattress as her, so why was he making any move towards her? She needed to feel something , she needed to feel cared for, wanted and even loved by this stranger who was the only person who cared for her in a long time and yes he was handsome and these blue eyes were to die for! She will talk to him then!

"Don't you like me?" She snapped at him, turning to face him.

"Excuse me?" Robin asked looking at her.

"Don't you think I'm attractive?" She asked looking him straight in the eye

"Regina where is this coming for?" Robin asked confused

"Maybe from the fact that you saved me and flirted with me but didn't make any move towards me…." She stared but then stopped " God I'm so pathetic" she said with tears in her eyes "I'm just laying here asking you why you don't like me. I'm so sorry Robin, I don't know what I was think. Just please forget about it!" She said again and turned her back to him.

Robin was shocked. He did feel all those things she mentioned but he thought he was giving her the time she needed to get through everything that happened that night. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel rejected.

"Regina I…" He started not knowing what to say. He wasn't really good with woman. "Regina I think you are the most attractive woman I've ever laid eyes on." Regina turned her head and looked into his eyes.

"Really?" He smiled at her and her innocence, she was so adorable at that moment.

"Yes Regina, you are! I just thought that you might need some time after all that happened tonight."

Then she realised that he was right she needed time but at the same times she needed to feel wanted and cherished

"Robin you're right, I do need time but all I wanted from you tonight was to make me feel something…something other then dirty and ugly and unworthy." Tears formed in her eyes. "That's all."

She whispered and when to turn away. Robin reached up and cupped her cheek. They just stared at each other. None of them spoke. He just lent down and pressed his lips gently against hers.

Thanks for reading, please review :)