I've been inspired by watching shows that every time a new episode happened a different situation happened. I thought maybe I could do that since every new scenario always pops in my head and I can't finish it cause I experience writers block.

Episode 1 Pilot

Monday 9:00 PM : Sawyer Residents

"Billy, I thought I told you to get some sleep. We're going to visit your grandmother tomorrow and I can't have you falling asleep." Mrs. Sawyer told her ten year old son Billy. He paused an episode of Soul Eater and turned to his mother.

"But mom! It's spring break and why do we have to spend it at grandmas'? She's creepy." gave her son a stern look, "Please, it's almost over just give me another hour." Billy said while giving his mother a puppy dog look. She sighed and gave in.

"Alright, I'll give you until 9:30 then it's off to bed. Do we understand each other?" Billy nodded and started to watch the show when his mother left his room. As he continued to give his attention he didn't notice the figure approaching him. Billy was brought to reality when he felt a hand grip his shoulder and he slowly turned his head.


ran back into the room when she heard her son scream, "Billy!" The room was empty, but the window was open as if someone came in. "Billy!?"

England's Basement

"I don't get it." England had invited Norway and Romania to help him with his latest spell. "What's missing or what are we getting wrong?"

"England I don't think we should bother with that spell anymore, we've summoned Russia three times already." Norway responded.

"Norway's right England, plus Russia seemed really angry when we summoned him the third time." England and Romania both shivered at the thought of Russia while Norway remained quiet. "Let's try another spell instead."

"Sure! If you want to screw up another way that's fine by me!" England replied sarcastically,"Why should we practice another spell if can't even do one simple summoning right?" Norway began to read another book, Romania continued to watch England to try to see if he can figure out if can get the spell right. As they continued with their daily activities, Romania noticed a strange smell.

"Hey do you guys smell that?"

"Smell what?" England questioned. Norway began to sniff the air.

"He's right, England did you cook something...?" Norway said really drowsy.

"What's that (yawn) got to with anything...?"

"I don't know about you guys but I'm really sle-" Romania couldn't finish his sentence because he fell to the floor in a deep sleep. He was soon followed by Norway and England was trying to stay up. He fell to the floor but as he eyes were beginning to close he could only make out a figure.

3 hours later

England carefully opened his eyes and saw that he was inside a white room. He turned and saw Norway and Romania and they were all seated in chairs. Norway was already awake but Romania was still asleep.

"Norway what's going on?"

"I do not know. I woke up a few seconds before you did." They both turned to Romania and nudged him awake.

"Wha? Who? Huh!?" Romania looked around confused but then saw the other two. "Why are we here?"

"I'll tell you why." The three nations turned and saw a man sitting in front of them. He had slick blonde hair and sunglasses.

"How did you get in here without us noticing?! Who the hell are you anyway!? If this has anything to do with France or America I will-"

"No no. This is only about you three." The nations gawked their heads in 'awe'. "We've been observing you as you can see behind me." Three screens appeared showing England talking to a fairy, Romania reading a spell, and Norway preforming a trick on Denmark. "You three have gifts that are so remarkable and all you need is a little more practice. You'll all be unstoppable."

"Still doesn't explain the introduction just now." England stated with his arms crossed, "Why should we trust you?"

"I'll admit our invitation was a little uncalled for, but I assure you you can trust me." He hands them them three files with their names on it. "Our organization has been watching and studying you three for some time now and decided it was time for us to get acquainted. We call ourselves U.A.S. Undercover Agency of the Supernatural , we solve every supernatural case so it can never be revealed to the world."

England read through his profiles and saw they had everything about him in full detail. He was really creeped out by this information but furrowed his eyes. "If what you say is true, how come we never heard of you?"

"We've been a secret for a very long time. Not even any of your top gov'ts know we even exist. Now may I explained your first case." He hands England another file and opens it. A boy with red hair and freckles is shown. "Ten year old Billy Sawyer ended up missing last night and he's one of five children being missing." The Magic Trio turn a page and seeing a new child's face, Megan Hernandez 8, Lea Phillips 6, Andrew Tyson 4, Mary Lee 2. "They were all abducted in their rooms around 9:00 PM and they all lived around the same neighborhood. If our sources are correct, he'll be after this girl." A huge screen showed a girl with brown hair in a ponytail with a bored expression. "I want you three to guard Hilary Duke, she's only twelve years old and only culprit seems to be kidnapping kids by her age count."

"Shouldn't the police be handling this?" Norway asked.

"This isn't something they can't handle, only you three can do it. The reason why is because there is a spell that requires children 2-12 that will be sacrificed on April 1 and it will be able to bring the dead alive."

"What!? That's not possible!" The man nodded.

"True it never was proven but this requires child sacrifice. That's why I need you three to make sure it's never solved." He slides back a piece of hair back. "You can call me Joe."

Duke Residents

"Alright you two ready?" England asked as they walked to the house and about to knock the door.

"I didn't expect my day to turned out like this. Trying to look for some weirdo England." Complained Romania and Norway just stayed silenced the whole way.

"I didn't ask for this either Romania but we might as well make the best of this." He was about to knock the door but Norway grabbed his wrist. "Norway?"

"Don't forget to use your human name around them." England sighed and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a woman, which they assumed was .

"May I help you?" England pulled out his fake I.D. and badge.

"Hello , we were sent here to provide protection for your daughter." eyed them curiously almost examining them.

"I know, but they sent you three? No offense but you three look like a couple of rookies." 'You have no idea' The three thought simultaneously.' They heard someone coming down the stairs and saw Hilary Duke. She wore her headphone on loud volume, and her eyes were glued on the screen in her phone. walked over and pulled out one of the earphones which shocked Hilary to reality.

"OW! Mom why did you do that!? Are you trying to make me deaf?" England and Norway rolled their eyes, while Romania grin trying to hold back a laugh.

"Sweety, I want you to meet these three detectives. They're the ones here to-"

"Protect me I know." Hilary walked closer to the trio. "You guys Detective Kirkland, Strigoi, and Bondevik? If you are, you guys are nothing like they described you be."

"What do you mean by that?"

"For starters, they said you'd guys been doing stuff like this for a long time but just by looking at you guys, you have no idea what you're doing. How am I supposed to feel safe if you losers are unprepared."

"Hey!" "Why you little" Norway restrained both England and Romania from giving that girl horrible insults she'll ever hear. Norway knelled down to the girls' height and patted her head.

"I know you're scared, but we will protect you. I promise." Hilary and both blushed and England and Romania were staring in shock of the display. Norway never acted that way with anyone, well maybe Iceland, it just wasn't normal. "It's almost 9:00 you should go to bed."

England stood guard in front of the house, Romania in the backyard, and Norway outside Hilary's room.

"Hey England, what do you think of the earpiece!" England cringed by how loud Romania spoke in his earpiece they received by Joe. "Great, if only you didn't speak so loudly!"

"Will you both be quiet my ear is beginning to hurt because your loud voices." Norway said in his monotone voice.

"Sorry Norge." "Yes, sorry old chap." As they continued to be silently be guarding Romania looked his spell he received from Joe.

"Hey guys, do you really trust Joe? Why give us one different spell?"

"I think the question here is, how do we know it works?" England, "He sends us on our first first case with nothing but one spell and expect us to actually solve this case."

"It's nine." Norway said in a whispered tone that caught the other two's attention. England looked at his watch and saw 8:59 turned to 9:00.

"Get ready for anything, Romania keep an eye out for someone passing by, Norway check the girls' room." England commanded.


England heard shuffling sounds and saw a figure leap out and landed next to the window. "Norway I spotted him! He's getting inside the room!" Norway saw the man getting closer to Hilary and ran towards him. The shadowy man grabbed something from his pocket and throw to the floor.

'A smoke bomb!' Hilary woke up when she heard and boom sound and saw her room covered in foggy smoke. She was grabbed by her arm and pulled up bridal-style. It all happened so fast Hilary's mind was still trying to process it. But it soon caught up when she saw the Kidnappers' face.

"No way it's-ah!" The kidnapper jumped out the window with Hilary in his arms. England started chasing after them.

"Romania try to cut him off, I'm right behind him!"

"Rodger that!"

"Stop! Put that girl down I say!" England yelled out as he continued to chase the man down. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. "Eh, might as well. 'Fora fora uzi!'" England chanted out and his hand shot a green beam. The kidnapper saw it head straight for him and jumped out from time. "Wow! That's so cool!" The kidnapper was beginning to head for the woods but then Romania jumped in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going?" The kidnapper backed away and saw England and Norway approaching. The Magic Trio slowly began to walk closer, but then the man smirked and whispered, "Cosa..sheru..ba" A bright light flashed blinding the trio. Norway rubbed his eyes and looked back to see.

"They're gone."

"No they're not" Romania pointed at a bright light heading towards the forest.

The Forest

The three followed behind the light in a safe distance. The light soon began to fade and they quickly hid behind the trees to see the kidnapper tying Hilary to tree with other children tied the same way on other trees.

"It's the missing kids." Romania whispered to the others and looked at his watch and saw it was 1:00 PM. "It's already Wednesday."

"April 1st, he's going to sacrifice the kids and bring the dead back to life."

"Not if we don't stop it first, read your spells."


The trio soon went flying into the air.

"I will not be interrupted!" The kidnapper screeched.

"Please stop ! Please!" Hilary cried as she struggled to get out her bond. "This is wrong!"

"I know it's wrong! But it was also wrong for my son to be taken from this world and now I'm bringing him back! No matter what cost!" The kidnapper now as , he began to chant. "Zia zoo ba coza lia tora za Bring me back what I have lost!" The children began to moan in pain as they felt the their life drain and they began to light up in blue. The blue lights were coming out of the children and began to form a small figure in front of . "It's him. It's my boy"

"Fora fora uzi!" A green blast hit from behind knocking him to the ground.

"Hara di!" Romania shot red burning beam at the forming figure and making the blue lights return to the children. recovered but was enraged that his planned has failed. He punched Romania in the face and was going for his second strike but he was attacked by Norway's spell, "Chara su bi!" A blue beam hit his back and was quickly turning into ice. He was getting up again ignoring the ice cold pain and shouted out another spell.

"Zaratai!" Two forms of grey light circles that looked like electricity formed in his hand. "Take this!" The three managed to dodge it in time, but it was only a distraction. Kelp was already behind Norway, "Zaratai!" The electricity ball shocked Norway and he collapsed to ground.

"Norway!" England and Romania yelled. "Hara di!" "Fora fora uzi!" The red and green beam swirled around each other and headed straight for Kelp. Kelp didn't have time to escape as he struck in the chest by the spell and hit a tree. He was knocked out cold.

"You check if Norway's alright, I'll free the kids!" England said as he went to the children who were slowly recovering. When Romania made sure Norway was alright he went to go help help England. As England was finishing untying Hilary she turned him and asked.

"Is he going to be alright?" England saw Norway slowly getting off.

"Yes I'm sure he's going to be alright, no need to worry."

"No I mean " She said pointing to the unconscious man. "I think I know why what he did."

"Why is that?"

"He lost his son four months ago. He was very sick and was already a wreck when his wife died two years ago, so he had no one. He was all alone." England and Hilary both sadly looked at Kelp,wondering what will become him now.

U.A.S. Headquarters

"Congratulations on your first assignment boys." The nations gave Joe a look when he called them 'boys'. "Hehehe...well, since we have in custody we have also have his spell book." Joe showed them a black book with ancient writing that none of them could understand. "This book has been around for centuries and legend says it will make the weakest become a powerful sorcerer."

"That's why it was hard to take him. So what do we do with it now?" Romania said eyeing the book.

"I will have to seal it away so no one else could ever use it for evil again, but the thing that's bothering me is who was the one who sent this book? Why give it to a man like Kelp, who knows nothing of magic at all." The nations only stared at the book in awe wondering who else was behind this scheme, "I feel something coming."

"We won't know until it happens." Norway responded. Joe smirked.

"You three really interested in joining the U.A.S.?" Joe asked, the Magic Trio gave eyed one another and looked back at Joe

"We might as well."

"Training starts tomorrow, be ready because I have more cases for you guys and it's going to get more difficult." England grinned.

"We're ready, magic is what we live for."

Okay end of episode one please tell me what you guys think and if was kind rushed I'm sorry and please Review! I know it's annoying to ask but please I gotta know!