Butterflies. "And the flowers and the trees," someone sang. I groaned and rolled over onto my side. An evil laugh out of nowhere, blood, confusion, cries, and curious large yet kind looking eyes appeared in the darkness only to fade away. I crunched into a fetal position as my stomach started to burn as if acid from the inside was burning it's way out. Beads of sweat beaded down my face in streams.

"And the moon up above..."I suddenly heard a groan and a voice whinnying, "Cole, shut up!" I pulled my pillow over my head.

"No! And a thing calle-ahhh!"

There was a swoosh and a sudden thud, as something hit the ground.

"Kai, avenge me!"

There was another swoosh.

Giving up on my hopes of sleep, I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Laying in the center of the room we all shared, was Cole, with a pillow halfway across his face. Looking over at the others, I noticed Kai had gone back to sleep without a pillow. Kai must've thrown it. Looking around, I also noticed Jay was missing.

Cole raised his right arm and shook it. "Zane, avenge me!"

After smiling and rolling my eyes playfully, I decided to help Cole up.

"What's got you in such a good mode?" I asked as Cole started to dust himself off. He looked at me shocked.

"It's the Ninja festival, remember?"

Oh, right. The Ninja festival. The festival that was supposed to celebrate Chen's and the Anochond's defeat. It had been a whole month now since the battle. It had been a hard battle, and a hard month had followed. A lot had been destroyed in the battle. But a lot had been repaired. Sklyer, who had been caught as the spy and Chen's daughter, had came to her senses and joined us. She was also now Kai's girlfriend. Cole and Jay had forgiven each other for their past fights and now Nya was Jay's girlfriend. Meanwhile, though, mine had been killed. P.I.X.E.L had been destroyed and killed in battle. It had been extremely hard, but I dare not let it show. Now was a time for repairing now reflecting on the past. Still, it felt like she was the only person to have ever truly understand me. True, I had a whole group of friends, but I just never felt understood around them. Or that I was around anyone like me.

"Oh, right," I said, smiling back. Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and in walked Jay humming. He wore no more than a towel. By now Kai and Lloyd were up as well. We all stared at him. He stopped in mid hum.


It had turned out a beautiful and wonderful day for the Ninja festival. The sun was out, and the wind was blowing, making it neither too hot nor too cold. Right now, all of us, Dareth, Kai, Lloyd, Wu, Misako, Cole, Nya, Jay, Skylor, Garmadon, and I were all eating breakfast in the main dining room in the new Destiny Bounty.

"And then he said,' Pass me the noddles!" Jay said, finishing up his joke, barely able to stop his own self from laughing. Dareth, Kai, Lloyd, Misako, Cole, Nya, and I all laughed as Garmadon and Wu just groaned. Skylor smiled.

"Is it always like this?" Skylor asked.

Kai nodded, smiling. "Pretty much."

Garmadon got up to start pouring out more tea. He was smiling. "And I'm pretty glad they are. More tea Misako?"

Misako beamed up at her husband as he poured her more tea. Though Garmadon had revealed that Wu had sent that love letter, Misako wasn't that angry to find out, for that love letter wasn't what made her choose Garmadon. (Much to Garmadon's and Wu's surprise.)

As another joke unfolded it's way around the table, Skylor turned to Kai and whispered so quietly that if I hadn't been sitting right next to her, I'd wouldn't have had heard her.


"Yeah Skylor?"

"Can we speak together, alone, in private for a minute?"

Kai nodded and as everyone else was caught unknowingly laughing, they sneaked off. I watched them off. I was curious. What was Skylor so interested in saying that she could only tell Kai? Knowing, I wasn't probably supposed to know, I shrugged it off and started my way to the kitchen, to make myself another batch of Hangzhou breakfast noodles.

As I got the noddles out of the refrigerator and into the microwave, I started to hum.

"Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones;

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones;

The right arm bone is connected to the spine bone;

The spine bone is connected to the foot bone."

"Kai?" a voice said suddenly, making me jump. It was coming from the pantry.

"Yeah Skylor?"

Skylor sighed.

"I just really wanted to apologize for what happened earlier, on the island. I feel so bad for it. I can't believe you'll forgive me that easily. "

"It's alright, really."

"No, it's not."

I thought back to what Kai had told me what had happened on the island. Chen, still having the Master of Elements thinking that what he was doing was a tournament, had placed all the left over masters on the island in hopes of catching Nya. But what Chen really wanted was to take all of the remaining master's powers, one by one. And Skylor had helped.

"Skylor, really it's okay. You later on helped us defeat him."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure."

There was a moment of silence. In which I was so distracted in wondering what was happening, that I'd failed to noticed that Dareth had manged to sneak his way up to the pantry. After a moment of quick silence, he tore open the door to find Skylor and Kai about to kiss, their lips almost touching. Their eyes widened in surprise. Skylor looked away. "Ahhhhhhhh...," Kai started, his eyes looking everywhere but at Skylor. "It's not what it seems."

I jumped. Dareth, though, didn't seem to noticed. He hopped up and down lightly like a begging child. "Please, oh please Skylor you can't stop makeing the Puffy Potstickers!" Kai and Skylor sighed in annoyance. I pointed to Dareth, to make notice that it was all his fault. The microwave beeped.